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Everything posted by lowby

  1. Were in and we got a camera too.
  2. Dont let them bother you. It seems to me that some people obviously have nothing better to do with their time. In the short time we have known you both we think your both brilliant people and are terrific with animals. By the way Tinys doing great and fed again yesterday.
  3. Me and my husband are really wanting to move to fife in scotland and was wondering how to do this? We have applied to the housing and are starting to look at private rented. Any help or ideas would be greatly welcomed.
  4. Was Mr smalley the caretaker of Shirebrook school?
  5. I put a few drops in my dogs water and it has cleared up their tear stains.
  6. True and in this case it is a shame.
  7. yeah by my brother and the rest of my so called family.
  8. Morrisons sell it as i buy it for my bulldogs.
  9. try amazon. We bought one for my brother for £17.99 and it arrived the next day
  10. Chapeltown for a pint of 6. Oh well ill have to put up with my crate of carlsburg and marvin gaye. lol.
  11. Not sure if this is in the right place. My friend has just bought a settee and needs it picking up asap. The only thing is its in Gloucester.
  12. I get home feed and walk the dogs, have a bath with a bottle of beer then either tv, internet or visit friends.
  13. Ive lived on here for the past 11 years and love it.
  14. Its either Hartley brook road or Sicey avenue. I live there.
  15. What do u expect from some people? Its always the same on here, idiot drivers.
  16. Did you manage to get a heater? We have a spare one. (i think its a 300 watt) We can fetch it up tomorrow with the bulb for the outside light.
  17. 4 dogs 2 cats 1 parrot 1 babeeeee snake and a partridge in a pear tree lol. I used to have 1 iguana, 1 bosc monitor, 2 hermann tortoise, 2 bearded dragons, 1 corn snake and a scorpion.
  18. I have Sprouts, Toms, Melon, Courgette, Radish, Lettuce, Bell Peppers, chicory and quite a few flower seeds that have germinated.
  19. You can count us 2 in again. We should be at yours for around 1pm and were looking forward to it. We had such a great time on monday.
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