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  1. There is also another issue that has not been discussed here (unless I have missed it) The light from these energy saving bulbs is very bad for people with poor sight/partially sighted. I sit in my corner at home trying to read my large print library book. I said to hubby this is ridiculous I can hardly see with this daft light he told me to have 2 lamps I replied well that defeats the object of having energy saving bulbs, burning 2 to get the effect of one. omg some men lol
  2. I have lived on the Arbourthorn all my life (68) years until just before Christmas when I moved into a bungalow further South near Crystal Peaks. I bought up 2 children on my own and never had any trouble. But things started to get worse in the last 5 years and indeed back in 2001 I was burglared. They had been watching as my hubby and me used to leave the house at the same time every morning and by the time my friend took her dog for a walk and she noticed door opened and other signs of forced entry the place was ransacked ., We also had 3 cars pinched and set on fire. I had some lovely neighbours and loved the house Finnegan built we were in phase 3 for demolition. It is like any other council estate . as has been already stated some good and some bad you will get that all over the world.
  3. Well thanks to this forum and cphilster solving my problems for me. I rang endlessly today to the street force number baout gritting or ploughing my road so that I wouldnt have to cancel flitting yet again. They were not answeering period: I saw the aboves post and rung and he trekked right down our hill to get to me with 2 large bags of rock salt. I am disabled so couldnt help him. It will enable me now to clear my front for the removal men on thursday. Thanks cphilster. you saved my bacon
  4. Born Netheredge Hospital Lived on Arbourthorne all my life so a real Tyke thrugh and through
  5. Hi I have already done a posting about this horrible place. I went in the 1948 to 1952. I was 7 and it was like a horrid prison. Pm me for more lurid details. I went initially as I was under weight because I was ill with bronchial asthma and they thought it would be a good idea for me to have a lot of fresh air and build me up WRONG !!!! I gained 3lbs in 2 and a half years and was very ill practically the whole time I was there gasping for breath etc., I have later in life found out that mostly the cause of the asthma attacks could have been allergy based. ie pollen So where did they put me in the middle of a big area covered in trees and fields. But we progreess in our diagnosis as the years go by
  6. Hi only just caught hold of this thread. I was at Fairthorn at Dore in the mid 1950's for about a month. I suffered badly with asthma and was very underweight. I was always gasping for breath and DianeN I remember Mr and Mrs Chumbley very well . We used to play ping pong table tennis) in the main room which was also used for the dining/come play room. I had previously been to Bents Green Open Air School for Delicate Children and that was a nightmare. But Fairthorn was lovely only a great pity that I was to ill to appreciate it at the time.
  7. When I went to School in the mid 50's Arbourthorne (aka Norfolk Secondary School)we had houses I was in Talbot (red) Howard (blue)Granville (green)Fitzwilliam (yellow) I think I am correct in saying they were all important landowners at the time
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