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nosy nellie

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Everything posted by nosy nellie

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u2_IP9p5yq8. A proper uplifting song.
  2. I agree I could not believe what they said about Granny Janie,I was cringing listening to her tonight it is cruel for an old lady to be put through that I know it was her choice to enter but lets face what was she going to do at her age and she was terrible.
  3. R.I.P.The Miller.My condolences to Thursday and the family.
  4. I will be going to the Big Charity Day at The Rivelin,if it is any where near last years it will be fantastic.Hog Roast.Auction, Raffles, Karaoke.All the fun of the fair in a fabulous setting overlooking Rivelin Valley hope it is going to be a fine day for eveyone.
  5. That is something I have learned Hillsbro I never knew the alley was called Bradfield Place Thanks again Hillsbro I am still finding out things even at my age.
  6. Starting at Hillsborough corner it was Burtons the Tailors,then came The Shakespeare at the side of the Shakespeare was a small bank which later became Dempseys shoe shop and next to that was The Church and then there was a small fruit and veg shop at the side of The Blue Ball.not positive about the Bank but someone no doubt will put me right.
  8. What a shame,What an interesting place with all the characters that live in that area,Watery Lane, Meadow Street,St Philips Road,Hammond Street,Upperthorpe,Wentworth Street,Burlington Street, The Tip,Bellfield Street,Fawsett Street.What a great childhood we had growing up in that area no money but we still enjoyed ourselves more than the kids these days could ever imagine.
  9. The Rivelin do beautiful home made steak pie or meat and potato give them a ring 01142333247.
  10. Well done Jackie,all the years of hard work have finally paid off. GO GIRL.:clap::banana:
  11. If anyone discouraged me from voting Labour it is these three.Mandy,Blair and Brown,How did Mandy manage to get to be a Lord with a reputation that he has got.very suspect. None of them command respect.
  12. There was also The Snake Inn on that road I think.
  13. If we have all these talented would be Prime Ministers here on Sheffield Forum that know exactly what should be done why are we paying Brown Clegg and Cameron for doing what they want to do and not what the voters want them to do.? It's not rocket science.
  14. Uk dobby for prime minister this is what we need someone who will not pussy foot around someone who will get tough and really get things moving.
  15. And I would round up all the fathers of the kids of so called one parent families and have them castrated and then give them something to do to pay for their kids.How many billions would this save.
  16. I can highly reccomend the food at The Rivelin. Fresh vegetables,proper Yorkshire puddings,great friendly atmosphere and if the weather is fine sitting outside the view is to die for,but I would advise you to ring up and book.
  17. I worked at Middlewood for thirty years until it closed and never saw a padded cell.
  18. It was a supermarket and before that it was a garage or a car sales I cannot quite remember,Hillsbro may be able to tell you more. I don't remember a swing anywhere I don't think there would be a swing in the Tarzan field only perhaps a bit of old rope slung over a tree.
  19. On this photo Hillsbro you can see the trees of the Tarzan Fields it much have been a name that the kids down Rudyard gave it.
  20. No it was where Dunelm Mill is now,there was a doctors house opposite The Blue Ball and a gate at the side where us kids used to go down into the field,and in the summer when the river was low we could walk under the bridge through to the other side. Kids from down Rudyard Road used to climb down the Dyke (we used to call it The Dyke). wall from the houses down Rudyard and play in the river down there.
  21. I worked as a saturday girl at Burton`s, I used to work from around 8.30am to 5.00pm for around £1.00 !!! I bet you enjoyed spending that pound and got more fun than than the kids these days. Those were the days. I will ask a question which I asked quite a while ago and no one knew what I was talking about.Does anyone remember the Tarzan Field on Bradfield road?
  22. Snap so did I my school satchel was bought at Burgins.
  23. If I remember right we used to drink what they called a special in Jacks it was sasparella and Blood tonic anyone remember?
  24. Look at the name Jongo thats why I know everything.
  25. Lets do it right Jongo. Easter Monday. The Rivelin Tofts Lane. Fun day for all the family. Sogs Hog Roast. Karaoke disco. An Easter Egg for every child with an Easter Bonnett 2 P.M ONWARDS.
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