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Everything posted by Minimo

  1. I wonder if anyone recalls a tailor called Isadore Duncan (I think that's how it was spelled) The shop was set back from the Moor with a few other shops behind an area that had been bombed (possibly Atkinsons)
  2. It puzzles me why folk don't take a bag with them when they are going shopping, whether plastic carrier or something more substantial.
  3. We lived on Lansdowne Rd in the fifties. Bathtime was the tin bath in front of the fire. It was a three storey house and it was decided to make one of the attic rooms a bathroom. It got as far as having 'bathroom' painted on the door, and no further. Our next house in a Derbyshire village had the bath in the kitchen, covered with a wooden lid when not in use. The toilet was outside down some steps and was horrible. It was the height of luxury when we finally got a house with a proper bathroom and indoor toilet.
  4. It seems like everyone is out to grab our money. We are bombarded with advertising on tv/radio, internet, paper media, hoardings. Then there are those infuriating phone calls, emails and junk mail. If that is not enough, charities are getting increasingly 'in your face' and greedy for more and more. All this on top of ever increasing demands from national and local government through taxes and fines, not to mention the utility companies. I am sick to the back teeth of all the greed, and can't help thinking there has to be a saturation point. Have we reached the point where more advertising does not equal higher returns?
  5. I've had to wait a long time to get to the happiest time of my life. A bad childhood led to an unhappy, depressed adulthood. Now in my later years I am loving the times when I see my great nephew, who is the light of my life. I am also content with life in general.
  6. Blue bins around here are for bottles and cans only - no plastic. However, these are small blocks of flats and I have seen many blue bins overflowing with ordinary waste. Whether the reason is tenants with perhaps a poor grasp of English or just people who don't give a damn I can't say, but it does make the whole system worthless. It makes me wonder why I bother to follow the rules (but I do)
  7. Fear not, folks. It is just Alcoblog test flying his latest invention
  8. You need to be a little more forthcoming about yourself and the kinds of people you would like to meet. What age are you, male or female, what interests do you have? If you have a particular hobby/interest have you checked if there are any clubs or societies for it. It is not nice to be short of friends to go places with, I wish you luck.
  9. I like the idea of a competition to design a celebratory banner. Perhaps the prize could be to be a mod for a week.
  10. I'm a bit confused about my alarms. Being deaf (totally deaf without hearing aids) SYFA fitted mine, including an under-the pillow-vibrating alarm. I am immensely grateful for this service and can now sleep without worrying. I understood my alarms did not have replaceable batteries, so when one beeped I was unsure what it meant. I have just tested them and both seem to be working ok. Can you explain please?
  11. Well I'm a pensioner and in all my years of voting (missed only once when on holiday) I don't know why I bothered. My vote has never been of any use to me. Will there ever come a day when labour get a drubbing? I doubt it.
  12. With so few (allegedly) votes to count, why haven't we got the results yet?
  13. Oh you guys do make me laugh. You brighten my day (spot the flannel?)
  14. Alcoblog, what a lovely kind offer. But will your chopper be able to accommodate the panto horse?
  15. Thank you all. Hope I find just what I'm after for a cowboy/western themed party.
  16. Thank you all. May I ask is there a landmark or something so I know when to get off? Thanks for your patience.
  17. I want to go to Crookes (Mr Bens fancy dress shop) Can anyone help with details of which bus route I need please?
  18. I do so agree with you. He was a legend, along with various others of that time. I believe they've all migrated to Facebook now. A sad loss to the Forum, though Alcoblog is doing his best to fill the vacuum.
  19. Just googled Mature Times and it has an online version of its magazine. Looks to be well worth giving it a try, there is a wide variety of articles etc.
  20. I used to get a free oldie newsmag in the Central Lending Library foyer. I think it was called Mature Times or similar. It's quite some time since I was there so I can't say if it still exists.
  21. I used to be a fairly regular poster. I never posted offensive remarks, indeed I went out of my way to be helpful to folk. There used to be many really good posters, often very funny, but they have all gone now. (with one notable exception who makes me laugh) Then things seemed to change and a lot of posts became really nasty, especially when someone posted about what was to them a distressing or unpleasant event. There were too many posters who delighted in being unpleasantly argumentative, picking holes in the person's post just for the sake it. It is not dissimilar to what I hear about all the nastiness on Facebook et al. So now I only post very occasionally.
  22. That sounds brilliant. I will do just that. I know she was going to get a Kindle but was persuaded that an ipad was better as it can do more (more what?) I don't know.
  23. Thank you for a marvellously quick response, and recommendation. Perhaps I should think about getting myself one.
  24. Apologies if this is a daft question but I know nothing about ipads. I am looking for a birthday present for someone who has an ipad and I was wondering if I could buy vouchers or something so that she can add titles when she wants. Is something like that possible? And if so where could I buy the vouchers?
  25. I live in a block of nine flats. We have 3 communal bins which we share. What I fail to understand is why someone continues to cram their rubbish in the first (nearest) bin, leaving the lid gaping open, when the next bin in the row is empty or only part filled. Is it that they are too lazy to take one more step or what? I have not seen the culprit in action so haven't been able to ask why they don't use the next bin. It is surely an open invitation to all the neighbourhood vermin. Why can't folk use a bit of common sense?
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