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Everything posted by Minimo

  1. Well I have signed, as I do think he should be buried in York Minster. It was his 'home turf' so to speak, and where he himself wanted to be buried.
  2. I think they are the larger size ones. The flats are very mixed, with one two and three beds, and various combinations of residents, including two familes with children. We have a pretty settled group of residents. The last change of tenant was over two years ago.
  3. BT have apparently brought out a new phone which will stop all these calls, including international ones. No idea if it's any good. I get a lot of the Windows ones, where they try to tell you your pc is at risk. I have fun with them by pretending I don't know what they mean. Do they mean the computer in the microwave, oven, washer and so on? As I'm an old woman I can play them along for quite a while. Such fun, if I can be bothered otherwise I ask them if their mother is proud of them for trying to scam people. They don't seem to like that much.
  4. Sadly, bad practice is nothing new. Twenty years ago I had major abdominal surgery. My 'named' nurse told me off when I wasn't able to walk down the corridor to the kitchen to replenish my water jug. Other patients had to help me out. When it came time to remove the stitches, it was discovered that I had been bleeding internally for ten days, and the blood came pouring out. I had to have a second emergency op to repair the damage. Once that was sorted I was very quickly back on my feet, proving that I was not the sort to lie back to be waited on. So I had an incompetent surgeon, a nurse lacking in any compassion, and generally poor care that nobody had realised something was wrong. I have developed two hernias as a direct result of the botched surgery. This was the Northern General 1993
  5. We are all entitled to our own opinion. We each have our own favourite artistes, which is fine. That's what makes music so good, the sheer variety of styles. Enjoy your particular favourites, and allow others to have theirs.
  6. We have four black bins for 9 flats, plus one blue bin each for paper and glass/cans. The one that's always full is the paper bin. The black bins are more than enough for nine households, even with fortnightly collections. So your ratio of bins to flats is better than mine. Do one (or more) tenants have an unusually large amount of waste, perhaps due to their disability?
  7. I have read somewhere that a few nurses and doctors are being investigated by their respective professional bodies in the wake of this scandal. Very good, but clearly as usual, the foot soldiers will carry the can and the appalling management are home free with no repercussions. There are a number of other NHS trusts now under intense investigation for similar failings (though not apparently involving deaths on the Staffs scale)
  8. I was there later than you Babs, but you have reminded me of the day one of the girls (I seem to recall she was quite tall with blonde hair) belting out the Shadows 'Apache' on the piano. We occasionally had times when we could bring our records, including 'pop', but I can't remember if it was still Miss Rogers by then.
  9. When I clicked on the link to see the sign, I got a message saying 'Phishing alert' and warning me off. Did anyone else get this, or know why it happened to me?
  10. The point about Buddy Holly was his very short recording career, as compared to the likes of Elvis and the others mentioned. He did have a great influence out of all proportion to the length of time he was making his music. I still love just about everything he ever recorded.
  11. I do so agree. A handwritten letter would mean so much more to me. In fact, it is such a good idea that I will do some myself for my loved ones, and hope they will be pleased to get them.
  12. This is fascinating news for me as one of my ancestors fought with Richard at Bosworth. My ancestor's lands were confiscated but restored later when he wormed his way into Henry Tudor's favour. I am disappointed that the law is that a body must be reburied as close as possible to the place it was found. I would have chosen York Minster. Richard himself wanted to be buried at York. Shouldn't his wish carry any weight?
  13. Jessity, very likely. I am afraid my memory keeps letting me down.
  14. A taxi driver was telling me it will be the biggest mosque in Sheffield. I mentioned there might be difficulties with parking and he said it will have an underground carpark. No idea it any of that is true, just what I was told.
  15. I remember Miss Fyfe had fabulous red hair, always immaculate. I always felt sorry for Miss Smith (English lit?) She was very old fashioned in her dress. I think her father married one of the other teachers. My favourite subject was French.
  16. I took the proper official test way back when I was in my twenties. My score was 185 and I was invited to join Mensa. However, the benefits they offered for the cost of membership didn't interest me (discounts on air travel, wine etc) so I didn't bother. Now I think such tests really are no real measure of intelligence and certainly not of good old fashioned common sense. I took the one mentioned in this thread for curiosity, to see what the difference might be. It's perhaps as well I couldn't get the result.
  17. Well I have done it, then I find out you can only get the result via SMS. Guess that's a fail then.
  18. Blazing saddles. I just didn't get it.
  19. Yes I think it must be Vernon. In the photo she is dark haired, very pleasant looking woman. Do you remember Sheila Oates. We palled up when I came back and were a right couple of tearaways. We never did games, but left the school at lunchtime, changed into 'civvies' in outdoor toilets way out at the end of the fields, then slipped out through a little gate in the wall. We then spent the afternoon in a little cafe on Abbeydale Rd playing the jukebox and smoking. We never got caught, and nobody ever missed us.
  20. Hi Normie I recognise several of those names. I have the class photo taken in the first few months after starting at GG in 1958. I am struggling to remember the teacher's name, I do recall she was very nice. Could it have been Mrs Morgan? I am instantly recognisable because I am the only one not in uniform, as the family was moving to Bakewell. We came back to Sheffield in 1962 and I returned to GG, this time in uniform. Edited to add the teacher might have been Mrs Vernon?
  21. One thing you could try which might be helpful, is to google 'Sheffield properties to rent' or similar wording. There are many such sites which give a good idea of what is available and likely rents, often with photographs to help you make a choice.
  22. That is a horrible suggestion, even if you weren't serious (at least I hope you weren't) It is quite possible the old man has alzheimers. Even if not, someone has to take this seriously and get this old chap some help (and by the same token provide neighbours with some relief) It beggars belief that no help is forthcoming from police, doctor, mp. But no real surprise these days, more and more it seems they just can't be bothered to deal with the more complex problems that arise.
  23. Did anyone else see the programme on BBC4 tonight, 8.30? There was a great segment on Sheffield Rag, including the boat race on the Don. If you are interested try and get to see it, it was a real gem, unfortunately I don't think it said what year it was (I may have missed it)
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