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Everything posted by andyloxley

  1. http://www.hoax-slayer.com/simon25-hacker-hoax.shtml Sounds like a load of balls.
  2. Since the pal response to General Sharon walking peacefully around the holiest site of judaism was to go on a murderous rampage...yeah, that swung Israeli opinion towards him and he got elected and implemented his policies. If the arabs hadn't responded with random deadly violence then Barak would probably not have lost the election. Arab muslims and their violent response to a perfectly legitimate bit of political campaigning won he election for Sharon - they made his policies a reality. I think their are faults on both sides of the israeli/pal conflict but pal muslims need to realise their salvation is in their own hands and they will never achieve statehood through violence.
  3. General Sharon was at the time cleary a hardline politician, contrary to his later positions as a peacemaker. The visit to the Temple Mount was a political action, designed to highlight his parties position vis-a-vis Israeli sovereignty over the holiest site of judaism versus that of the government. Of course the government don't generally support what the opposition do in any nation, but unless you accept the proposition that the muslim arab is going to resond to any visit to a jewish holy site by a jewish politician with years of random murder then you can't see the government position as anything other than standard partisan politics. The fact that it turned out to be accurate says a lot about the muslim arabs, but little of either the Israeli government or the opposition of the time.
  4. Why would a jew, visting the holiest place in judaism, possibly put peace back ten years? Unless the other guys were borderline mental it would not be an issue, it's not like he went and held a ****-up in Mecca. The blame for the 2nd stupifada is with those who started and conducted it, witless murderous islamist terrorists. It's they that set pal statehood back 10 years, not General Sharon.
  5. Great ruse by the columbian military! http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2008/jul/03/colombia.usa Colombian forces trick Farc rebels into freeing hostage Betancourt French-Colombian hostage Ingrid Betancourt prepares to get down from the plane upon her arrival at the Catam air base in Bogota French-Colombian hostage Ingrid Betancourt prepares to get down from the plane upon her arrival at the Catam air base in Bogota. Rodrigo Arangua/AFP/Getty Images Ingrid Betancourt was savouring freedom last night after Colombia's security forces rescued her and 14 other hostages from a guerrilla camp deep in the jungle. The French-Colombian politician's six-year ordeal as a bargaining chip ended in a military operation yesterday which dealt a devastating blow to the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (Farc). Military spies tricked the Marxist rebels into handing over their most valuable captives to disguised military helicopters without a shot being fired, said the government. Betancourt, called her rescue "absolutely impeccable" and said she and 14 other hostages had no idea they were being rescued until they were airborne. "They got us out grandly," she told Colombian army radio. Her voice trembled with emotion last night as she related to Colombian radio her last moments of captivity. She said the hostages who were being marched toward the helicopter thought they were part of an international hostage deal but when they saw the pilots dressed like guerrillas their hopes were dashed. "They tied our hands and feet," Betancourt said. "It wasn't until the hostages were aboard the helicopter and that the pilots subdued the rebel commanders that they realised they had indeed found freedom. "We are with the army, you are free," the pilots told the hostages, Betancourt recalled. The elaborate sting would "go into history for its audacity and effectiveness", said Juan Manuel Santos, the defence minister. Relatives expressed surprise and joy...#65279; that the gaunt woman glimpsed in harrowing videos was on her way back to them. "If true, (it is) the most beautiful news of my life," said her teenage son, Lorenzo Delloye-Betancourt. Betancourt was being taken last night to the Tolemaida military base where government officials were due to greet them, along with three US military contractors and 11 Colombian former captives. Analysts said the breakthrough could signal the demise of Farc. "For the Farc this is a mortal blow. They will never be able to recover from this," said Alfredo Rangel, director of the Security and Democracy Foundation in Bogotá. George Bush phoned Colombia's president Álvaro Uribe, an ally whose security forces are funded by Washington, to congratulate him. Nicolas Sarkozy, who had made Betancourt's liberty a priority, also spoke to Uribe. The day's emotion was heightened by the dramatic circumstances of the operation. At a press conference in Bogotá Santos drew gasps and then applause when he announced that Betancourt was among 15 hostages freed in Guaviare province, in the south-west. Santos said intelligence agents infiltrated the guerrillas' seven-man ruling secretariat and led the commander in charge of the hostages, Cesar, to think they were to be taken by helicopter to Alfonso Cano, Farc's supreme leader. The hostages, who had been divided in three groups, were taken to a rallying point where two helicopters piloted by Colombian agents were waiting. The helicopters took off with the hostages, Cesar and one other rebel, and those two "were neutralised" during the flight, Santos said. Betancourt, 46, an outspoken politician, was abducted in February 2002 as she was running for president. As her captivity lengthened she became an international symbol for the plight of all the hostages. Images of her face adorned vigils and marches around the world. As punishment for repeated escape attempts she was tied and chained up and became sick. The last images of her in captivity showed a frail, despondent woman with lank hair and a blank gaze. "In all these years, I thought that as long as I was alive, as long as I continued to breathe, I must continue to hope," she wrote in a letter released at the end of 2007. "I don't have the strength I used to have." Last night Clara Rojas, a political ally who was kidnapped along with Betancourt and freed in January, called the rescue "a blessing from God. I think that meeting again with her children is going to be fundamental for her." The three American captives, Marc Gonsalves, Keith Stansell and Thomas Howes, were US defence department contract workers who fell into rebel hands in 2003 after their light aircraft crashed in the jungle during a counternarcotics operation.
  6. Footage of an off-duty IDF soldier bringing the rampage to a halt - http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=145_1215010761
  7. Fantastic news. http://www.alertnet.org/thenews/newsdesk/N02404787.htm Colombia says rescues Betancourt, Americans 02 Jul 2008 19:18:25 GMT Source: Reuters BOGOTA, July 2 (Reuters) - Colombia said on Wednesday it rescued three Americans and French-Colombian politician Ingrid Betancourt from leftist guerrillas who had held them for years in secret jungle camps. Defense Minister Juan Manuel Santos said all the former hostages were in reasonably good health. (Reporting by Hugh Bronstein, Editing by Sandra Maler)
  8. The fact that they always start handing out sweets and celebrating young ahmeds "martrydom" from their Hamas or IJ themed mourning tent is generally a give away. There have been a handful of pal terrorists families who have opposed their actions, but it's a handful. For the vast majority when their kids go on a killing spree it's time to break open their finest falfal and party likes it 672.
  9. Given the nature of the attack it wouldn't have really worked if he'd hijacked a pushbike instead would it?
  10. Sorry to hear this Ghozer. Sounds like there was a bit of a power imbalance in the relationship which ultimately won't work. You'll be better off with someone who treats you as an equal mate.
  11. On one level it's good we can do this stuff safely(I hope), on another importing toxic crap from France to dispose of seems a bit wierd. http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/europe/article4249526.ece Hartlepool to break up France's toxic flagship Clemenceau The asbestos-contaminated French aircraft carrier Clemenceau (Eric Estrade/AFP/Getty) The asbestos-contaminated aircraft carrier Clemenceau was once the pride of the French navy An asbestos-laden French aircraft carrier that was too toxic for Indian breakers' yards is to be towed to the UK for dismantling, it was announced today. The agreement to send the Clemenceau, once the flagship of the French navy, to Able UK, near Hartlepool, ends an embarrassing five-year saga that saw the toxic vessel wander the high seas in a vain search for a final resting place. The stripped-down hulk, which once displaced 32,700 tons, has been moored off Brest since an odyssey that ended in 2006 when President Chirac called it back from India in the midst of an outcry. The Socialist opposition at the time denounced Mr Chirac for "lecturing the world on the environment while having other countries deal with our toxic ships." The French Defence Ministry awarded to contract to Able UK after the British Environment Agency issued a waste management licence that allows the Tyneside firm to dismantle ships and oil rigs at its TERRC facility at Graythorp. Related Links * Toxic ship limps home after long humiliation * Anger greets toxic liner ruling The biggest ship to be recycled in a European yard will be dismantled alongside vessels already at the dock, - including four “ghost ships” from the American National Defence Reserve Fleet and three UK ships. Hull Q790, as the former pride of the French navy is now named, is to arrive late in the summer. The Health & Safety Executive exempted Able from sections of the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2006 in order to let the Clemenceau come but it imposed strict conditions. Able said in a statement that it was "leading the way in recycling ships to the highest possible environmental standards." Environmental campaigners were initially opposed the break-up of the Clemenceau in Britain, but Able has convinced them that its methods for decontaminating 700 tonnes of asbestos are reliable. Ingvild Jenssen of the Brussels-based Platform on Shipbuilding, a coalition of 14 environmental organisations including Greenpeace, said that Able appeared to have the necessary controls to protect workers. "Overall we are happy to see the ship going to the UK rather than India," he said. "As far as we know now, Able does have all its environmental permits and planning permits." The decision will be a relief to the Breton port which has had the hulk on its skyline for the past two years. The 266 metre (878 feet) vessel, which saw action off Lebanon in the 1980s and in the Gulf in 1991, was decommissioned in 1997 and initially docked in the Mediterranean port of Toulon.
  12. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/ These guys are far and away the best resource for getting rip-off charges refunded. Loads of advice and a huge forum if you need to ask anyspecifics, plus they have tons of template letters etc for what to say to the bank and how to say it. Plus it's all free.
  13. Seems pretty damn silly to return via Jordan, rather than just fly back into Ben gurion where you're in a secure pre-checked envirnoment and thus security is a lot more assured and thus comparatively relaxed. From the article he'd won some cash prize but only had a percentage of the cash on him, which might prompt concern as to who in Jordan he'd given the rest of the money etc. As various people have pointed out at any time crossing the Allenby Bridge requires proper cooperation with Israeli Border Police at the best of times, under the current time with tensions with Iran and with al qaeda nutters moving from Iraq to Jordan you'de have to have a death wish as a young man of any nationality to refuse to be searched at the border.
  14. And given that the Africans sold the slaves, and the descendants of the slave salesmen are now todays african leaders...no great surpise that this utterly corrupt bunch of self-serving backwards savage dictators did nothing.
  15. I saw an elderly lady emptying stuff into the back of a Nissan Micra from some kind of metal cage on wheels before leaving the carpark! Some kind of heist?!!??!??
  16. Nu Labour's latest brainchild the "Equality" bill has various aspects and the race/gender aspects are being discussed on various other threads in depth so I'll not touch on them here. The least discussed and most concerning to me aspect is outlawing confidentiallity clauses asking that employees keep their salary confidential. The idea that their are two "equal" employees is ludicrous. Whatever the job there will be differences in attendance, ability, commitment, loyalty and longservice etc etc. Of course two people leaving school with the same qualifications and with equal enthusiasm and starting the same job should be on an equal wage. After that, it's down to them to get ahead by being better at the same job than the next guy or girl. If employers can't reward those employees who go the extra mile, demostrate exceptional skill in their job or are just plain good team players who are a pleasure to work with without having to trumpet their raise to colleagues who are less willing or able then this will just cause resentment and encourage mediocrity. This overlooked part of the bill is deeply regressive and borders on a communist outlook where all workers are "equal" regardless of how hard they work. Discuss!
  17. This is a joy to read. The average Q and A reads Q. "I'm currently under heavy taliban fire in Helmand, my best mates just have his leg shot off and I'm bleeding heavilly from 3 bullet wounds, I have licences for my home and my base accomodation however the sarge just set up a black and white set in our FOB 60 miles outside Camp Bastion so we could catch Eastenders in between being killed. Do i need yet another licence?" A. Dear chisseling ****, yes you do and if you don't get it with 20 minutes we'll not only fine you and send you to jail, we'll also send your exact coordinates to mullah Omar's top mortarmen so pay up now you deadbeat! http://www.tvlicensing.co.uk/information/armedforces.jsp
  18. Perhaps an 18 month tour in Helmand would sort Duffy out. Or get her killed. Either way, got to be an improvement.
  19. The TV licencing bods send out lists of addresses with no licence to third party companies who employee agents on commission for each licence they "sell". We've had an ongoing argument with the jerks having managed to get someone out from the actual TV licencing people to inspect the premises as confirm there are no TV's here but still get hasseled by spotty 20 year olds in cheap suits trying to act like Jack Bauer about their amazing "powers".
  20. If you just watch odds and sods of BBC stuff just bin the TV and watch it on iPlayer. It's free and legal - http://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/bbcinternet/2008/01/iplayer_does_not_require_a_tv_1.html
  21. Kind eyes everytime. They really are the windows on the soul.
  22. It all sounds like a very traumatic experience. What on earth promted your neighbour to go off in this disgusting manner? EDIT, your edit just answered this. Pathetic criminal undemocratic lunacy on behalf of your neighbour in this case seems to be the issue.
  23. As has been pointed out, plenty of jihad fans have been in the same situation and got far longer. Personally I'd like to have seen the key thrown away on this guy and anyone who plans terrorist attacks, I'm not a fan of time off for failing to actually carry out your planned attacks.
  24. Wow, sounds like your neighbour is one inexcusabley disturbed individual. Did you report them to the police?
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