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Benji 1+1

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Everything posted by Benji 1+1

  1. I recommend a company called Simply clean there numbers 0114 2014670 i didn`t think their prices were to bad
  2. hi not sure of time they open my pupils test was 10.24 she let me know it was cancelled at 8 oclock
  3. Hi I had a pupil for a test today which was cancelled you have to phone on morning of the test as it says on the paperwork.
  4. hi i`m a female driving instructor i`ve recently started working under the name of vanessa`s school of motoring before that i worked for paul bennett school of motoring for more information telephone 0114 2348374 or 07905062763 thanks vanessa
  5. you could try Paul Bennett School of Motoring male and female instructors we charge £19.50 p/h or discount 2 hours for £38.00 and £185.00 for 10 hours first lesson free for any more information see website or telephone Paul on 07906018156 or Vanessa on 07905062763
  6. I totally agree both my husband and I trained with pelican, would highly recommend there number is 0800214237 or visit there website at http://www.pelicandriving.com.
  7. try to stay positive look at the boxes on the test sheet with no marks in them. you know can drive you just missed out but practice every thing again before your next test if you dont practice it could be some thing else next time. not many people pass with out us or we would`nt be needed. to drive at test standard you need a instructor. good luck
  8. pass plus can be taken within 2 years of passing your test not 6 months
  9. i do a 35hour semi intensive course for£680 why pay more. feel free to ring me on 07906018156. a £1000 is over 50 hours most people dont need that many.
  10. try paul bennett school of motoring male and female instructors £19.50 p/h discounts for block booking see website for this months special offer for more info telephone 0114 2348374
  11. you could try Paul Bennett School of Motoring male and female instructor for more info see website or phone 0114 2348374
  12. most of my younger pupils do pass plus once passing the driving test doing this some companies give you 20% off in the first year. so within 3 years your no claims bonus will be 50%
  13. as a driving instructor I always advise my pupils to start the theory training as soon as possible as this helps with the practical driving although at the beginning the instructor tells the pupil what to do it does help the pupils confidence during lessons if they have an idea on what they are doing and why. try 2pass.co.uk for help with your theory and lessons
  14. the theory test consists of 2 parts to pass you have to pass both parts together 1/ multiple choice test of 50 questions of which you have to get 43 or more to pass 2/ hazard perception this consists of 14 clips one clip contains 2 hazards you have to click the mouse when you see the hazard the score is between 0 and5. 5 you clicked at the correct time through to 0 when you missed it for this you have to score 44 or more out of the possible 75 marks
  15. alot of people tend to think that the hazard perception clips on the theory test are clearer than on the dvd you are using one thing you could do is ask your instructor to watch you do a hazard perception test and then he can give you advice on where you may be going wrong.
  16. Paul lived at the bottom of Liberty Hill (left) before the road which the bus turned up which passed Helens House. Pauls younger brother is called Simon he`s also got 2 older sisters Jayne and Sally
  17. I didn`t go to Roscoe but my husband did, I knew William Milner as I was a friend of his sister Helen at Myers Grove My husband is Paul Bennett sounds as though you might have been in year below him his mates were Craig Hill and Adrian Hogg
  18. these can also be bought from Halfords and any book shop e.g Wh. Smiths, Waterstones there are also websites that have mock theory test such as 2pass.com the cd rom set I always advise to get is a 3 set (Driving Test Success all tests) this has cd roms which cover theory, hazard perception and the practical test.
  19. the topics you speak about hear are what are now covered in the Pass Plus scheme which I think should be compulsary after taking the practical test.
  20. Instead of having a test every 10 years I think it would be better and perhaps improve peoples lapse driving standards by introducing random testing where you can be called up at anytime with no warning sit a test with an examiner after the test if not up to standards you should then be given so many months to improve, re sit a test and if no improvement then your licence should be revoked. at least this way because nobody would ever be sure on if or when they were called standards may not lapse as much.
  21. she`s beautiful, glad you got your way you`ll not regret it. maybe I need to work on my husband now for another.
  22. Do bear in mind the grooming needs for a Schnauzer and with any longhaired breed, they will get filthy, need regular baths and professional grooming every 6-8weeks. A shorthaired breed will be easier to manage in this department, particularly if you are busy working. I think this can be looked at 2 ways yes schnauzers do need grooming probably more often than short haired but 5-10 minutes each day is not a lot even if you are busy working. as with getting dirty this goes for any dog depending on where you take them for walks and the weather one good thing about schnauzers to short haired dogs is they don`t shed hairs,they do need cutting / stripping though like you say every 6-8 weeks.
  23. Hi we have a mini schnauzer we researched from the internet and also from anyone we met who owned one. unfortunately we do not have any other pets so could not advise how it would react only to say that I`m sure as others have said they will either get along or tend to ignore each other. our dog does chase cats and squirrels I`m sure he would rabbits as well if given the chance so we always have to be vigilant when cats and other animals are about. we found the breeder off the internet through petplan find a puppy. when we went to see the puppy we met it`s mother and some other snauzers first I think this was to see how we responded what I had forgot to tell the breeder though was that both my children were absolutely terrified of dogs and that this was one of the reasons we wanted a dog and also chose a mini schnauzer, as you can imagine my chldren went wild screaming and climbing the walls when these dogs came towards us. we spent about an hour with the pup we wanted and I left the choice to my children on wether they really did want to have one. the breeder did say that if I hadn`t have given them the choice she would not have let me have one. she also said that if it didn`t work out she would take the puppy back and this must be what any reputable breeder should do. It worked a treat helping my daughters to get over their fear and we wouldn`t be without him now. feel free to ask any questions or if you would like to meet him to give you an idea of what they are like he will be 3 in May but he`s still like a puppy (MAD)
  24. try Paul Bennett School of Motoring lots of recommendations on here 1st lessons free £19.00 p/h after, 2hrs £36.00 or block book 10 for £180.00. for more info or to book lessons see website http://www.paulbennett-schoolofmotoring.co.uk or telephone 0114 2348374 / 07906018156
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