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Everything posted by qwerky

  1. Got any films you can show us on youtube?? See what kinda work you're into??
  2. The INCREDIBLES!!! And the Animatrix...... and Oldboy....... and The Incredibles.
  3. A Life Less Ordinary?? 1997, aye that's kinda recent is it??
  4. Toooooo many unnecessary plot holes!!!!! No way near as good as season 1. I don't even know who's met who, or who died and how many triplets there are and OH MY GODDDDD way tooooo confusing for a series.
  5. I go impulse shopping - it's the same thing right?? The last strange thing i got was a magazine about women who kill, called; Murder Most Foul. Although once, i don't actually remember buying 6 extra large sponges that just turned up on my kitchen table.
  6. Wilkinsons. ALWAYS. Fat lady, spotty, about 3 chins, sad look on her face and looks up at the ceiling from time to time. I think she wants to commit suicide but can't be bothered. Lazy bag just takes her time with every single item she's putting through.. then the ceiling look.... and then a sigh. GOD she is gormless. It gets people irritated just looking at her.
  7. HHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA What a post!! It has happened to me twice. And unfortunately in a work place and my fellas house, it never happens in the comfort of your own home where you don't have to explain yourself.
  8. I hate Sheffield and couldn't wait to move out. Only visit once every six months, dirty friggin place
  9. Spirited Away, watched it last night, gave it a 100 out of 10
  10. How do i make myself appear like a mannequin texture, in photoshop?? I'm not for using different cameras, just digital manipulation only. But is there anyway to get a self portrait and make it look plastic fake??
  11. I hope you lot who didn't like it, enjoy films like Dukes of Hazzard, House of Wax or Freaky Friday, because it would make sense that you have no taste in good movie these days. You know how difficult it is to make an original & successful film!?!?
  12. Oh GOD!! 24, pleeeeease let it be 244444 JACK BAUER!! I swear u've never seen addiction quite like mine. No one tell me what happens... i'm not exactly finished up to season 7...... But still.... Jack..... Damn, i was disappointed with Heroes, but i think they got affected the most, having a sudden & crap stop to season 2, meh, might pick up at season 3. Hmmm what else can we look forward tooooooo?? Not re-makes that's for damn sure
  13. Just searching for general photography and/or arts commissions to take up and get my work out there, or earn some cash. Anyone know any in the general area or county? Thanks
  14. Post above me.... good filems. I enjoy reading what dvds you have, they pleasure me. I accidently ordered 2 special collectors edition of Predator 1 & 2. I watched them both.
  15. It's AMMMMMAAAAAZZZZIIIINGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!! I'm off to watch it for the 2nd time
  16. Just searching for general photography and/or arts commissions to take up and get my work out there, or earn some cash. Anyone know any in the general area or county? Thanks
  17. It's not against the law, well if it was, it would be very a specific law. So for now keep calling your cat a black git. Infact i'd like to change my cats name that causes controversey
  18. I call it "Walkers" because that's what i'm doing
  19. I've uploaded a ton of them. I guess 26more can't hurt.... Or were you only supposed to put one up??
  20. Hahaha an unnamed person, i like that, it's better than Mr X, unless he is actually called Mr X
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