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Everything posted by crookedspire

  1. Welcome to little England if you don't get the result you want no problem run to an lawyer
  2. Park Hill flats is just sitting empty and going to waste.
  3. The former minster of Works and Pensions Ian Duncan Smith could soon be facing charges of manslaughter over WCA deaths. The SNP want an full police inquiry to establishe if their is an link between WCA and claimant deaths during Smith's time. The inquiry will look into PIP assessments as well this could get interesting.
  4. Sorry it appeares Iv logged into the wrong site I was looking for Sheffield Forum but logged into Sheffield Tory Forum.
  5. How long have you got? Back on topic now .I'm hoping this goes ahead this development might kick start work on the Queens Hotel on Scotland Street I noticed that work has started around that area further down on Scotland Street .A lot of Chinese students live in this area and have a shop their Iv been in it.
  6. Another building that has been ruined is the former Red House pub on Solly Street.
  7. Well at least the church been saved that's what matters at the end of the day. As for my argument which in reality is just opinion I'm sure you have posted some flawed and baseless views over the years
  8. The thing that blaffed me about the referendum was why did neither side mention the Euro after all the main point of the EU was trade strengthed by an political union? The remainers could have argued about the benefits of the Euro and trade but as far as I can remember no one said anything. The Leavers could have in turn pointed out the flaws of the Euro and on trade. Yes I know the referendum was about should we stay or go but if remain had won the day the question of the Euro surely would have needed to be addressed either though another referendum or an MP vote ? In 2010 the government passed the Fixed Term Act now in theory that means the next general election will be May 2020 what if negotiations became complex and May realises that she can not deliver and resigned . Would this mean the Tories would have an leadership contest again or would this mean over turning Fixed Term Act as the government have failed to deliver on Brexit and only way out is though an general election ?
  9. I know it's not be demolished nor do I wish it so! ---------- Post added 05-11-2016 at 18:14 ---------- Its the way you across with this subject you said this before on an another thread basically on the lines of new build is good . Their is people out their who do think certain buildings should be saved yes I agree some are not worth saving but each should be assessed on their merits.
  10. Hello Cyclone. I know of quite a few churches that have been reused as community spaces like art galleries or even turned into homes its surprising how many people would like to live in a church. For example Loxley Chapel can still be reused and turned into an home if the will is their St. Vicents can be used for many things St.Mary's church near the Moor has shown it is possible to do like rooms to rent I once attended an meeting in one. Because an building is old doesn't mean it should be flattened that's no way to go image if York decided to do away with all its old buildings and replace them with nice new shiny buildings would people travel to see that ? Sheffield has some great buildings from all eras listed or not it makes Sheffield what it is . ---------- Post added 05-11-2016 at 13:25 ---------- WOW, someone doesn't like Victorian buildings so everything that's old should be cleared away and replaced by unmemorable architecture?
  11. From what Iv seen in press photos the tents are in the derelict section of Park Hill away from the refurbished block. For all their faults if the council had kept Park Hill going it would have helped to house many in need.
  12. Theirs going to be even more student apartments to be built , the target area is Garden Street an old tool works is going to have a date with a JCB if the plans get the go ahead.
  13. I voted leave here's my reasons for doing so: Did immigration play an part in my voting - no. The promised magical 350 million pounds for the NHS - sorry didn't buy that one. The remainers the didn't answer the main questions I felt needed to be asked like following: If we vote to remain in the EU would the EU make us take the Euro in time would their be an referendum on this ? Are their more fail safes on the Euro in the event of another 2008 crash in place? Turkish membership question was brushed aside by Cameron when he should have made it more clear on the issues surrounding Turkey's membership application? Was their an chance for major reform on the EU to address peoples concerns? The final nail for me was when Osborne tried to blackmail people into voting remain with threats of an cuts budget in the event of an out vote. Remain campaign was too lax as they thought they would win hands down. Has been pointed out Cameron brought in the Fixed Term legislation I believe that was too ensure he remained Prime Minister no matter what as he feared he would lose an ' snap election' as the coalition was full of tension with the Liberals.
  14. I do understand the need for accommodation for students given the fact Sheffield has two large universities but given the amount that's already built or been planned surly by now theirs more than enough to go round? Im all for reusing old buildings for new uses as long it is done right.This church needs to be saved I agree on that but I think it would be better used as an community space. Sheffield has many fine derelict buildings that could be reused for new uses than instead of this building mania?
  15. Don't waste an penny on these bracelets I suffer from bad arthritis only pain relief is from tablets or what I have which is morphine patchers.
  16. The politics of real ale drinkers, before you know it they will be wanting an referendum on if we should drink craft or keg beers!
  17. You might dismiss that as ' rubbish' but I knew quite a few voters who said the only reason they voted for the Tories was for an referendum. Yes I agree it has split the country Scotland wants to stay in but England wants to leave I do think the Union will be broken in time. Cameron was a victim of tactical voting and his own naive belief that the electorate would vote to stay in because he had won the general election.
  18. I think people voted for the Tories as it was the only party to offer an referendum on EU membership and was duly elected in. Labour didn't offer this Miliband rejected the idea. Labour during Gordon Browns time did think about an referendum the idea was put forward but was given the back door treatment perhaps Brown realized even then most people would vote out and the ensuing political turmoil was too much of an risk. Cameron's real aim was to smash UKIP and hopefully get its former supporters back to on his side and he would be able to say I gave the people the vote on EU membership and business as usual. Cameron took an risk but he thought that people would vote remain. He failed to understand or too arrogant to hear peoples concerns about immigration plus other issues on a more domestic level. The grand plan failed he jumped ship as he realized he could not deliver an post EU plan nor face the critics . May has the job of cleaning up this mess but its not going to plan theirs tension with the SNP that could see the Union of both countries come to an end perhaps an general election is required so all parties can reset their policies on Brexit or another referendum policy.
  19. Or the referendum was an government sanctioned April fools joke because the whole thing is slowly turning into an farce. Perhaps we could have an referendum on which MP has the best haircut? ---------- Post added 03-11-2016 at 20:43 ---------- Its one way to get our Nigel back into the political boxing ring .
  20. Here's another twist on Article 50 , the BBC today have spoken to the chap who wrote the rules on how a country leaves the EU. It was interesting on what he said which was even if Article 50 was triggered and everything set up to leave but have an change of heart it was possible to retracted it and join back.
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