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Everything posted by crookedspire

  1. Iv read with interest on the BBC website that with the new court ruling that states that MPs must vote on Britex before the Prime Minster can start on negotiations on leaving the EU. The government want to appeal this but this will causes delays and make things even harder it has been said it would be easier to call an General Election and start from fresh . Is this because the government is finding it too complex an issues or to give them more of an mandate to get Britex though Parliament?
  2. If only it was that simple. Many ex servicemen or servicewoman often struggle to cope with life been an civilian if you joined at 16 spent most of your adult life in the forces then you come out it is a huge shock. To give a example an food bank was payed an visit by a young Iraq veteran he arrived wearing dirty clothes no footwear he had walked over ten miles to the food bank. He had no money hadn't played any bills has he had never had to do it before as he had enlisted at 16 straight from home. So please remember that homeless guy who you just walked past might have actually served his country or is he still an lowlife in your eyes?
  3. Its bad enough coping with an disability without the added pressure of worrying what is going to happen next . The Secretary of State is been questioned by Holyrood ( Scottish Parliament) about the green paper on WCA changes from what IV read its fair to say SNP are giving him an hard time as the SNP don't agree on changes . I wish we had an much stronger Labour to oppose the Tories who have become even more rightwing than before.
  4. The government are now basically trying to say everyone is capable of work regardless of the disability the person has. It's has crazy as this someone who needs 24 hour care with a serious mental health problem is capable of work. Now how many employers are willing to help someone with toilet needs or need to be fed by another person , would the employer set on the carer? The DWP are setting on 89 people who's job will be to go though 1st tire tribunals cases that the claimant has won in hope they can take it too the 2rd tire tribunal level which is the High Court I suspect they will be no legal aid so the claiment will have to pay for their lawyer how many can do that and that's the whole idea of this new appeal system . It should be pointed out the DWP need an point of law to challenge an 1st tire tribunal unless they change the law but that would be like undermining the legal system itself. I do think the government are breaking your basic right to appeal and fair hearing.
  5. Very ture. Iv posted in the disability section of this forum about the changes the government want to do I'm very concerned about changes to the appeals for both ESA and PIP its bad enough going though the process of claiming without the extra pressure of having to know the legal system. I think it has gone too far now I really do think the country is heading to an dark place.
  6. That's what became of the Alexander Hotel was closed for a time then turned into flats . I agree if the Tap and Barrel did reopen it would struggle for trade as the area is fast becoming an nothing place . I read from other posters who think that the few remaining pubs in the area will get an boost in trade not always the case in fact many are really struggling now.
  7. A while back when photoing the derelict section of flats complex I came across an homeless guy sleeping on the balcony part of the flat covered in cardboard. I thought it was iconic that around him was shelter that he could not use.
  8. Their was or still is two books about planes that crashed in the High Peak in pre war, wartime and post war eras . It is said that ghosts of planes and pilots roam the moors at night. I will let you make up your own minds up on that one.
  9. If this did happen I hope the guy gets the help he clearly needs and its far from an joke. If this story is made up then its in poor taste.
  10. Makes me wounder if the national anthem should be changed to ' Fatherland' excuse me while I sew on a symbol on my coat sleeve.
  11. The government are planning to change the Work Capability Assessment for Employment and Support Allowance from what I can gather its likely that Work Related Group is to be done away with and even if you are in the Support Group you will be affected by these changes. The government want to make people who are in the SG to undertake some form of work and the DWP are wanting claimant's to seek medical assistants to find work that is suitable for their needs while on the surface looks good but in reality this means an DWP employees can threatenen disabled people with sanctions if they do not do as told. Also PIP and ESA appeals are to be challenged by the DWP . At present an claimant can get an face to face hearing to put forward why they feel they need ESA and PIP . The government want to do away with face to face appeals and only do paper appeals which gives the claimant less of an chance of getting ESA and PIP . When an claimant now appeals it only goes to the first level of tribunal which more often than not the claimant wins their case for an award now the DWP want to challenge the first tribunal by lodging in an second level tribunal that will be heared in an High Court but such tribunals needs to be based on an point of law . I feel that these changes will take away the right of having fair hearing and are in breach of the United Nations human rights for disabled people . I also think this extreme policy of going to the High Courts will cost more than it would save and is totally unnecessarily and has legal stumbling blocks . It is clear that the policies of the government are to push disabled people into poverty.
  12. I grow some veg and fruit in the summer months I can tell you this bees are on the decline for one plants didn't grow as well now. Not a good sign.
  13. I never knew Bert but Iv met people in his position over the years its no joke to live on the streets. RIP .
  14. Iv read that on Enterprise Inns website made me smile. The area were the Tap and Barrel is like an warzone if the area was so profitable why has no one brought the Market Tavern off the council or reopened the Hare and Hounds? The reason is it would be pointless.
  15. Iv said this many a time if the government had not closed Remploy down disabled people like myself more than likely would have got a job their. No mainstream employer is willing to set on disabled people it cost more money also why employ someone with an health conditions when you can an young healthy person for that job? Yes in an ideal world everyone should be given an chance but we don't live in that world. Iv never known an government who is so anti disabled it never stops also disabled people like myself have to put up with abuse or like what happened recently I was threatened by an person who Iv never spoken or met before no wounder some disabled people end up killing themselves.
  16. Hence why so many are derelict no one can make an go of it everything is against you from day one. Once spoke to an Enterprise Inns tenant he simply said Enterprise make it impossible.
  17. Waingate on the corner junction of Ladys bridge. The pub has had a lot names over the years.
  18. Another Sheffield boozer has bitten the dust not many left in that areas now went past today an metal security door has fitted to one of the entrances. Only been in once was run by Jamaican chap was OK . The to let sign says Enterprise Inns are the owners.
  19. One of hotels last uses was a dog training for the Police .
  20. My experience of tumble dryers is they use a lot of electric and clothes still feel damp it just has easy to put them outside. Iv got what I call an ' car port' basically a covered shelter over the car drive Iv attached an rope to the poles so no matter the weather still can put my clothes out.
  21. Theirs an little gem of a sweet shop on Broad Street old fashioned scales and glass jars of delights. Feel about six when I go in their.
  22. Not been down Charter Square for a while I'm just wondering how far the demolition has gone if any on the derelict Grosvenor Hotel. I remember the hotel been open, closed around 2009. I think it was built in 1966 the same year as the Hallam Tower Hotel opened what do you recall of the Grosvenor Hotel did you work their , stayed for a break and what was your impression of the hotel or attended an function ?
  23. It passes on the time . ---------- Post added 30-10-2016 at 16:58 ---------- Good on them.
  24. While I agree with you to an point the old market area is very run down its an crying shame their is some cracking buildings down their like the old Town Hall and others that given a chance would boost the area.
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