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del boys

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Everything posted by del boys

  1. good idea if it saves just one life ,all side roads should be 20 zones
  2. was a good boxer but thing its a mistake comeing back in the ring
  3. already pay tax for the police to do the same thing,why pay an extra £3.50 p/w for someone else to do there job
  4. what time did you loose it saw a lady with a child picking something up and looked happy/shock and was fast at picking it up, just down nr the ball inn
  5. was going to say the same,can rember going as a child with my mum used to take 3-4 hrs to walk around, went few mths ago and was shock to see how small it was, very poor will never go back what a shame
  6. i hope you are feeling better, you health comes first and i hope there find the scumbags:rant:
  7. not sure if you can or not but good luck anyway
  8. last time i went it was full of weed and shopping trolley ,car tyres ect but been told its been cleaned up
  9. peace gardens if weather is fine or your best best like you said winter gardens
  10. scum bags there be the first people to start crying if it had been there tyres slashed
  11. there should not have put them in your blue bin ,if your not in there should leave you a while you were out card , then arange for them to be redelived
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