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Everything posted by biggsy

  1. hey up all i always fancied an mgb gt but was swayed towards a midget when i saw two early ones with their tops down on bocking lane:love: anyhow, i found this on fleabay and it was only a few miles from me, i put my bid on before setting out for work and had to wait for about six hours before i found out whether i'd won it:D i couldn't believe it when the wifey told me that no one else had bid:o, i got it very cheaply... any how, here are some pics of her in my garage;) >>>our midge<<< >>>our midge 2<<< >>>our midge 3<<< >>>our midge with her top down- ooor missus!<<< i didn'r read the handbook on how to stow the hood but nothing was damaged due to my ineptitude:thumbsup: the windows could do with replacing in the hood as they were kna***red already and is apparently an easy and fairly cheap job to have done:) she needs a couple of rear half wings fitting which i'll do as soon as i get them and have the weather to undertake the job.. by the way, did i say that i'd christened her midge?? (i know it's a blokes name but what the heck!!!) john:)
  2. hmmmm- it's a small world as lol biggs (senior) was my uncle (my dads elder brother!) i used to live in the house (as a child) that was owned by amos stewart on campbell road, my parents were the caretakers of the coalyard there, it backed onto the recreational ground:) john:)
  3. we used to pay our ground rent to the friendly druid society but they sold the lease to some development company.... it was only about a fiver a year, eventually they sold our lease to a development company, we bought the lease from them later on..... john:)
  4. crikey i went to carbrook county school too, can also remember the banners coinage, some was scalloped edges, others were square:o, i can also remember the canisters that they put money into and then placed it in to the pipes that sucked it up to the accounts dept:hihi: john...
  5. can anyone remember the old outdoor market that was (i think) at the bottom of dixon lane, i vaguely recall a big brass weighing scale that you could sit on and a bloke put weights on the other side?? i'm 50 years old now and and it closed down when i was quiet young so anyone a bit older than me might remember it better.... john:)
  6. when i was about 14/15, i courted a girl from crookes that led me into those trees/bushes, i thought my luck was in!! but she showed a a circular wall which had a pallet leaning against it, she told me to climb the palate which i did, i peered over the wall and there was a massive drop, it was a circular brick wall all the way down with a door at the very bottom, to me at the time, it appeared to be about a hundred feet deep, there was no concrete on it and someone could have been killed climbing it. i went back a few years ago looking for the trees and the hole but couldn't remember where it was (it was around 35 years ago that i was shown it:o)) i even asked on the urban exploration site 28 days later and no one on there knew of it so i'm really glad you posted this argente as i thought i'd imagined it all:D:D:D john:)
  7. as long as it runs and doesn't drop to bits from under you:D:D which sadly is what i reckon would happen were it ridden in sheffield:hihi: don't think i would be happy to trust the woodscrews and thin brackets that's holding it together:gag: john:)
  8. fantastic stuff- you even caught the tongue on the snake, well done:thumbsup: john:)
  9. hey up andy had a look at your old pics of the 'cliffe, left a couple of comments and couldn't get over how much you look like your dad!! some nice old pics there mate... regards, john..
  10. hello whatever you do- don't feed it while it's not doing too well, you may do it more harm than good. if it's been in the spot for six years and you haven't changed anything in your routine, it could be that it needs re-potting badly, it could be potbound and some trees really go downhill when they're in need of a re-pot. really it's a job for springtime but being as it's not a native species and used to hotter weather, i think you can do it any time of year. it will need a nice free draining open compost (plenty of grit) to thrive... it could also be that it's already died, if you scrape a little bit of bark off with your thumbnail, it should be a nice pale greeny-white, if it's a brownish colour then it's too late... if it is still alive, there is a product that is supposed to help poorly trees, it's called superthrive, it's a kind of tonic, i've only heard good things about it:thumbsup: here's a link- >>>superthrive<<< hope it gets better.... john:)
  11. this one actually my leige..... <<<toyota crown custom estate<<< john:)
  12. does this market happen regularly or just occasionally? john:)
  13. yes, harry thomlinson does have some lovely trees, his wife petra also makes dishes and other bonsai related stuff too. derbyshire bonsai usually have some nice trees, i bought this acer palmatum 'deshojo' from them earlier this year, it cost £50 and stands around 20" tall, it's a little weak on branching on the right hand side but you don't get much for that money:( >>>acer palmatum 'deshojo'<<< you would probably be better off buying a chinese elm from B&Q or one of the other large DIY stores, they can be had quiet cheaply and are very hard to kill:D here's one that i bought from morrisons for a fiver:o >>> £5 chinese elm<<< regards, john:)
  14. hope you get the old lass back on the road andy:thumbsup: btw, i've sent you a pm;) regards, john:)
  15. well last year i was fancying an mgbgt but then saw two bright red midgets with wire wheels and chrome bumpers travelling down bocking lane with the tops down- i have to get one now:love::love: hope you get the old girl up and running soon:thumbsup: john:)
  16. smashing, it's a classic shot of a classice plane:thumbsup::thumbsup: john:)
  17. unfortunately i couldn't make it:( mebbe the next 'un:) john:)
  18. hey up Hemlock just wanting to join you there (i went once as a kid but don't have a clue how to get there:blush:) john:)
  19. awww, why the long face luv??:D:D:D a beautiful animal there Mrs Carter:love: john:)
  20. sorry for that ruby:D jabberwocky, that scene is so beautiful (just glad i aint there:gag:) cripes- i hate winter:( john:)
  21. before we're all waking to find this scene in a morning??? BRRRRR!!! john:)
  22. early on in the year, i saw this lovely little goldcrest just sitting in the unkempt long grass in our back garden, it really looked alive but it never moved as i approached it, the poor little mite had died in this position:( goldcrest now buried at the bottom of our jungle- ermm, garden.... john:)
  23. thanks mate- excellent website's there:thumbsup: john:)
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