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Everything posted by salsafan

  1. The thing is, why are these jobs outsourced to a French firm and not a British firm ? If this is a political move for political sake, then this truly undermines the British workers overall. Surely, the government should outsource only if necessary and only if the skills do not exist in Britain ?
  2. I did read the comments after that too. Apparently Shanghai, with its beautiful high rises is the bottom of the rung on the ladder ! I find that hard to believe. Well, not too hard to believe because it is more of a concrete jungle, so how do children learn ? I hazard a guess that their parents are equally as overworked also.
  3. It does say that it is a "self employed" role. Which means that your young relative have to open his own company to do this job. You do realise this, right ? Which also means that he has to deal with the book keeping, and act as a supplier to this company that he gets the contract from. Basically he has to be comfortable in knowing how to run a company, and how this will impact him. If he has not done this nature of work before, then may I suggest if he does take this position up, he should check to see if he can work for this under an umbrella company of some sort. If he is young, then I do not think that he should take this job, especially if he has not got any experience in handling job contracts. It is not just about whether he can do the physical and actual work, but does he know whether he will get any monetary forfeits if he misses these targets ? It is a lot of responsibility. You have to know the tax schedule and the payments that you have to make. As well as working with your accountants and letting them know what you need from them on a regular basis. Apart from this, he also need to be ready, fit and able to make these deliveries. It actually is more than one single person's job. The running of a business is down to him to manage. Most of my friends who have their own businesses do so in a husband and wife team. There can be a lot of paperwork. The rates work out in a 7 hour day. = 14 pound per hour = 12 drops per hour 12 drop can be a lot if the geographical area is large. The rate sounds kind of reasonable for a single person being employed by someone else, but if this is a business set up. I am not sure if the rate is all that high to be honest. You forget that you will have overhead costs of running a company, plus the hiring cost of the vehicles too. So what you are left with is quite small amount. On top of that, if he has not got an existing business set up, and just relying on this alone, then it is not that worthy for him to open a company just to get this contract alone. It is a nice small contract for an existing company to have, who already have the infrastructure and vehicle set into place.
  4. Hey congratulation ! We don't get many happy threads around here. Well done !
  5. If he cared about others, then he would know what incite violence and what does not. He is not a child any more. A grown man bullying women and how she dresses her children, and it brings others to also mock her. Well done.
  6. This is actually quite controversial. The article states that the standard of the poorest in China is overtaking that of the highest in Britain. I do find it hard to believe. There are some interesting points coming out of the comment section of this article. Someone mentioned that the language restrict the learning on some level. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/education/10645090/Chinas-poorest-beat-our-best-pupils.html From the comments section.
  7. TEN house points ! http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/flat#flat-2 http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/apartment Well, the Oxford dictionary clarifies that then. "Apartment" came from Italian apparently.
  8. We are also the same too in the industrial world. Yet we can get sacked tomorrow. In fact, this is almost the "norm" nowadays in most jobs, and you cannot complain, moan or whatever, but pick up your stuff and walk out the door with dignity. I also agree that to a large extent, especially in some of the areas of the government that there is indeed a lack of knowledge, and skills too. Even if you cannot become the specialist that some industry offer, then you have to hire some people who can intrain the staff to reach this level. If I remember, I was put on a course for "IT" within the council, and I could not believe how basic it really is. I thought I was going mad when I realised how much I had to learn in the actual industry itself years later. Yet people complain that they are underpaid ? When really their pension alone will secure their future already. You have to continually learn, and adapt to the changing momentum of the chosen industry that you are in. All those outsourcing companies just shows how undynamic the government is. IF the standard of the staff was equally as high or the calibre is pretty high, then there would not even BE this kind of outsourcing to happen. What I find is that, by outsourcing, the government themselves can "blame" it on those companies for bad workmanship. How and WHY would ANY government uses an external security force for their own work ? Why would this happen at all ? You tell me. Shouldn't the government have its own security team and force to deal with any potential ills that may occur ? Also A4E is a bad company, cos it cannot get people back into work to begin with, and it does not have a good reputation in having connections with the industry itself such that it allows real transition from training into jobs to happen immediately. What is the government doing in pouring money into black-holes ? Why doesn't A4E instead train people to have actual professional certification which enable candidates to at least have a decent chance? Doing so would indeed transition them into real jobs. Not this mickey mouse business. The candidates may even get offer of jobs abroad too. Why don't they offer partial certifications or qualification, and work with local companies to transition these candidates into jobs as to let the market remain competitive ? No cert. No job. Whether this is professional certification for HR, Finance, Banking, or whatever. ---------- Post added 06-03-2014 at 17:27 ---------- I genuinely hope that you will find a job soon. I know what it can be like.
  9. A "flat" can be these modern structures of mid-level height with split level storeys. Or it can be an old mansion split into different areas and resold as individual flats. An Apartment is always in a building block, I would think.
  10. Hey. Don't judge. I shared. Acknowledge and accept, thanks. I am not one of these colour co-ordinated people and replace every few years. Don't assume. For me, I have been upwardly mobile, such that, I will buy cheap than to pay driving van prices to move goods which cost more. For your information, my mother was a mega big spender. I won't say any more. But for me, I did not think that I could buy as extravagant, but in doing so, I bought cheap, which also led me into that trap of "replacing every few years". I lived within my means, but the quality was not there. What am I supposed to do ? Not have my own utensils but nick somebody else's to use, wash and then put back ? Or shall I go ahead and beg ? I do not think that freecycle was in vogue then to be honest. Nor did I ask that many people to help me when I know that they are just as struggling. When I need to use an expensive item, I normally ask my siblings to borrow theirs. Like their black and Decker drills or whatever. I wouldn't own my own set. But nowadays, you can. Plus nowadays, you can go online and ask someone for this for free. This is how humanity has degraded itself. Sheffield is actually very bad for this, do you know that ? I still took joy to lend something to a friend and we have a chit chat over coffee. But those days are also gone too. When I think back, my mother's generation saw an increase that was phenomenal. She lived through an age where the decimalisation happened too. You can have anything, and you could get that item also. She could learn to drive for less, and she can indeed buy pots and pans which were well made. She could eat REAL meat ! (Fake horse pretending as beef is not real.) Someone posted this elsewhere and I think this is very true. I don't think that others who lived through those generation and times should indeed judge the younger youth of today, cos they are struggling and cannot even see the world in front of them any more, and how to carve a place for themselves in the future and the world. The old does not step down, and they don't die either, and the young cannot even replace those jobs or position. That is how crazy it has become too. Hollywood is full of this craziness. If you have earned enough, then why don't you invest and mentor the next generation or to open companies that allow them to have an opportunity ? http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/bills/article-1633409/Historic-inflation-calculator-value-money-changed-1900.html When I see students eat Tesco value goods, I just want to hug them and serve them a decent meal to be honest. It really is very sad. But I also know that is how they will survive. For a supposed Westernised country, we sure treat our young really badly, and we don't look after them too. This is modern slavery. It is not really for human to live in. Just to show you some craziness. Did you know that a packet of crisp is now almost 90p at the bus interchange ? Or at the train station ? At the rate that we are advancing, we should be like a Japan, but we are not. Nor did we use our technology wisely and nor did we bring up the poor end of the population upwards to be more educated and also have a higher standard of living. People still say that they are "happy" when they live in such poor conditions. This is crazy.
  11. Yes, well, like most of us, he has to be disciplined then. Nothing more to it than this. In comparison, he makes Blair, Thatcher, and the older MPs look absolutely professional ! Cannot believe that he believes in the hype and use "political correctness" (right) to cover his own bottie. "....But this was circulating around a few years" (AND ???? ) Waste of tax payor's money. No wonder most MPs are of Oxbridge standard. There is something to the calibre of standard coming from such backgrounds, but then you would hope that someone somewhere would indeed care that bit about the people ? It is obvious that he cares about the idea of being an MP than the people who he represents.
  12. Like a child, he is being whipped to shape now by his party. Rightly so. http://www.lgr.co.uk/news/cllr-chris-joannides-blames-political-correctivenessfor-losing-tory-group-whip-told-lgr/ It has now gone viral to the US side. http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2014/03/04/burka-bin-bag_n_4895968.html He is a fool. Not the first time. http://www.theguardian.com/politics/2013/feb/01/conservative-councillor-chris-joannides-facebook
  13. But the thing is, most comedians actually do it as a job, and they have to find the best way to cleverly deliver the line. It has a lot to do with psychology and also if you truly look, the jokes are more often than not, curting a very thin line. The question then one has to ask, is this MP wanting to be in politics, or does he want to be a comedian ? If you do not even believe in the people, then quit the job, and don't mock your profession. Go and be a comedian. I am sure someone else will sit in that role more comfortably. I am judging him by his role and not judging him as a person. He is hardly doing himself any favours or his job at all, considering the area which he represent are actually quite highly multicultural. If you do not believe in or accept your constituents, then QUIT ! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/London_Borough_of_Enfield There are so much of this kind of BS around, it is so unbelievable. What about doing something for your own constituents and provide something which adds value ? Well, if anything, he has drawn a lot of attention to his area of Enfield. Stay out of the public limelight and do your job. If you want to be a celebrity, then quit being an MP. Simple.
  14. Revolution de cuba. Every Thursday, try and go there around 7pm to get an early seat, and you will hear some more mellow music. After that, it seems like they have started dancing classes again. Then into the early evening, you will hear more salsa music. Then later on a DJ. But between around 7-9pm, you will hear the actual band, and they are worth listening to. https://www.facebook.com/events/273065839511580/ I'm not aware of any local jazz players who have managed to stay in this city. I just know that this salsa band have various musicians that came together and they do play a good range. They are the only band that have managed to woo the crowd, and there is a demand for this type of music, as far as I know. Whereas I think there is less of a demand, and people do not pay for good musicians and their music either. I've been trying to find this kind of place for an awful long time. Maybe only in London. To be honest, I currently is not that up to date on this area, but do check out the links I posted? Or you can also try this place too, which tries to secure some varied music acts sometimes. http://www.cubanatapasbar.co.uk/thursday.php Oh also, during the summer months, I think they have music on a Sunday in the square here. It really is lovely and it brings out the crowd too. https://www.facebook.com/pages/Life-at-Leopold-Square/200795670618 ---------- Post added 06-03-2014 at 13:38 ---------- If you are looking to provide your services, you can indeed try and offer to be a part of the Tramlines for this coming year. Or that you can also try and provide those ad hoc music slots which occur in the Winter Garden ? The Leopold Square music during the summer months is also another possibility, but I am not sure who the organiser is for that area. There are also social events too within the Botanical Garden during the summer months. I am not sure if there had been bands or music available on offer as part of those venues, but I do know that they do put on plays together. As the Yorkshire Tour De France is coming, you can try and actually target some of the hotels to see if they are willing to hire you for something. You can try the Mecure hotel near the Winter Garden.
  15. Either that or it is the beginning stage of people realising that there is a bigger world out there than their own, and the internet allows them to reach that big audience, and they are fighting tool and nail for things which they never thought about. When I was growing up, and I was told about the different wars at school, I see it as a way to learn more, and acknowledge it, but then go on and carry on with my life. Whereas a lot of people now uses this kind of knowledge against their own gains or gets absolutely paranoid. It seems so far fetched for me to see that. Anyway, I just wanted to say that this is life. Even if I go to a new job, I have to try and slowly integrate into how the company works and try to get on with most people, and accept or acknowledge things where I need to. You do not have to change yourself however, and staying mentally strong and still be yourself is possibly key to being accepted.
  16. Well, to be fair on politicians, they assume that you are living in a city of your own choice because you like it and love it, and not because of circumstances. Maybe this mobility generation is really changing the political landscape and that politicians have yet to catch on. It is always about context really. I wouldn't go as far and say that politicians deliberately lie. One assumes that there are many other cities in this country and that they are just doing a job, to try and associate and make sense of their politics to different people across this country. It actually is a challenge in itself, but that is what a politician have to do surely? The thing that I do not get is why others and many other constituents talk as if their MP should know them on a very personal basis. As if they are an extention of their own family. There is an odd disconnect there somewhere.
  17. Primark and New Look. I am doing a wardrobe rehauled, and I realised that the 10 pound jeans that I thought was cheap and I bought because it fitted, is actually not set to a specific size, even though they are stated as size 14. There is a lack of workmanship on these kind of items. Primark is also the same as well, with their thin fabric. But to be honest, if I use the same amount of money, which my 4 jeans now could have become one pair of decent 40 pound jeans like the old levi that could have lasted me for say 5 years ? Or more. I also found that the cards now in M&S are actually of a cheaper quality but the price remained the same. The same is also of pots and pans. I recently found out that, a Meyer pot that my auntie bought for 40 pounds around 10 years ago is still sturdy, usable, and not scratched in any way. Whereas I have bought cheap products ever since university or these 10 pound pots, or of these 20 pounds for 4 pots, I calculated that I actually have spent more than 150 on pots alone because they don't last ! This is at least over the course of 10+ years, but this definitely shows the workmanship there, and the pricing of things. Basically in my generation, compared to my mom's, I definitely figured out that quality of goods were better in her generation than mine alone. Maybe it is my own fault for not waiting before buying. So I have to buy cheaper in order to survive. But when I look at the generation below me buying even more cheaper goods from the likes of Tesco Value, you can really see why ?
  18. And you will realise that some people already do so too, but then they also still make a choice in their live when things happen right in front of them. Anyway, why are people again moaning about politicians??? I don't get it. Too much moaning and meanness. Chill out. Go love others. Hug a tree. Meditate. Stay calm.
  19. Are you for real ? If I was an MP and I did the same thing, then the employment law would be on my action when within that role. It does not matter if he has a humour or not. Plus it is not for me to judge his personality. Anyway, it is not his personality under fire here, but his actions within the realms of his job. Just like the PIE incidence before, those female MPs also got pulled into line too. So, if you made the action, then be prepared to take the responsibility or any issues that comes with the position. Even when I was in certain roles, I had to adhere by the rules of that job too. This is nothing new you know. Most people will know this. Some companies do not even like others surfing on the internet during office hours. It is part of company policies. Do not know why people do not seem to see the obvious.
  20. I'm playing by my role. You do realise this, right ? I do not care too much who pulled him in line to be honest, or why they are attacking him. Surely, he is wise enough now to realise that in any job, anyone can bully you and politically push you out of your job ? Yet he goes and pull this silly stunt? What is it left for voters to do ? They have no choice too. But I do not wish to think too much about his life, when I need to figure out my own. Don't you think ?? He seems to be immature about his role to be honest. Similar to the other Director of Code person too. But this is okay, as this is the new generation of MP who is supposedly be propping up the country.
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