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Everything posted by salsafan

  1. Actually, this is not that true. Because public money is only finite. It is not a business. But it should. Technology have its value, and NHS can bid with the global set of technology outsourcing companies. Out of SO many out there, it means that the cost can be reduced. There is something wrong within the system, if they do not take at least SOME Of the best people from its respective industries to actually sit at that top tier to manage this kind of transition. Technology can increase, but it is also supply and demand. NHS do not have to buy the latest of equipments, and nor to tie themselves down either. At the same time, if they hold the best equipment, there can be room to outsource those usage of those equipments elsewhere or for oversea patients. Like an outsourced healthcare to other countries. Of course, it is public accounting, and healthcare law which governs this aspect and feasibility. Before in the past, healthcare has declined to such a state that it is more reactive. But now, it is aiming to be proactive, and not a case of "you have abc, you take this pill". It is more strategic. It should always be more strategic than it should be to achieve government goals. If the government fail their own goals, what actually happens? Nothing. But if the government achieves their goals at the offset of the healthcare level and aim of the entity, then this is travesty. It is not because of people living longer, and therefore need more care. It is people being hedonistic, self destructive, stressed, such that they are ill often, and the NHS is keep on patching them until they can move on and work and function for a little longer. NHS is almost like a safety net for everyone whenever there are economic changes which affect people's careers.
  2. I have seen some job adverts recently on hiring facilities personnel within the NHS. Maybe this is much needed in reduction of the maintenance cost of this contract. It is staggering to believe the condition of these contracts to be so.
  3. This is just an opinion of mine. But, how come some people in this world, when they have earned enough, they use that money to give back to society and to others? Some turn their money into sponsorship and do goods for the next generation. Why are there people who play silly politics and use their money to gain more fame or to benefit themselves ? What actually is the catch here ? Imagine just a handful of sponsorships or apprenticeships set up, or to even open a start up or be angel investors, the economy can be saved. If he reinvest the money back into the local economy, then I am sure that he can get an OBE from the Queen. He should be knighted too.
  4. Here it is. Basically metal parts which is of a certain strength, and properties, for engines within the aerospace industry (which we know cost millions), or for jet engines.
  5. But this is not the fault of the immigrants. Cos this is the fault of the government, and the voters for getting the situation of the country into the state that it is. IF we must put blame, then blame the ones who has the responsibility and the power to make those decisions. A migrant is just following the rules, and they do not deserve any kind of antagonism even when and if they reach inside the UK. That is the thing. As voters, shouldn't we have predicted this kind of thing a long time ago ? Oh no, but cities like Sheffield play tag with the government, and people would not even move where there are jobs. Just how can this be so ? The government was mean in dishing out money when they know that it is not going to be used in a way which would ensure the economic longevity of the city itself. There is no such thing as no change whatsoever. If changes are to happen, it is good to know when it will happen and one can reduce the risk and impact of it. People just vote blindly and how they like, rather than collectively.
  6. This is more like it. http://www.yorkshirepost.co.uk/business/business-news/43m-project-to-build-the-most-advanced-factory-in-the-world-1-6400868
  7. Oh my goodness.... Do you queue, and do you eat peas ? Classic.
  8. And then there was the "sound of God". "Water of Life." Humans are made up of 80% of water.
  9. I think this is the maddest part. Haha...! Oh yum yum yum. Poor squid.
  10. Oh my goodness. Let's put it this way. If you have nothing nice to say, then don't say it.
  11. Skinz: Do you understand what "love thy neighbours" mean ? If you believe in receiving and giving, then what are you trying to do in this thread alone ? What rubbish talk.
  12. Just curiosity on my part, cos I am wondering why you do not respect others. You wrote and I quote "Actually the housing is pretty good. Try try London and see how great it isnt. Sheffield offers plenty to people including quality of life, but you need a job. Unfortunately the brain drain has always happened because it is not economically successful any more." I challenged that notion that Sheffield can offer a quality of life to people, "but you need a job" ? No job, means no life. Isn't that a simple equation to accept ? Maybe you are displacing your own situation onto the report or stats, but the OP is writing about the standard and the social situation of the city. The quality of life for many is low, and this is why they are moving. Quality of life means a job too, you know. Did you read my comment to Anna about the city being a "party town" ? You know, the OP is talking about the social stats of this city, and you are talking about your own experience in this city in comparison to the stats and stating that this is not true. How idiotic. English is not my first language. It is my second language. I was educated in Sheffield, then onto Manchester, came back home, found that there are no jobs here, and then I left. The fact that you are rude to me, and assumed that this is a language problem on my part to understand your meaning, rather than you reading what others are writing about and accepting and acknowledging their perspective makes me think that you are either being deliberately obtuse, or being deliberately challenging. Young people are leaving, why ? Don't you question that ? He is questioning the future prospects of this city, rather than stating the facts and studies for the sake of it. Yet you went on about that there is still a quality of life here when the stats show that to be not the case. Unless you think that living in a party town, is your values, and not holding down a family, or is able to afford a family, a home, and all the rest is a "good quality of life". Hence I questioned your values too. People can afford cheap housing here ? If they stay here, then they cannot leave, cos they cannot afford to leave any time in the far future cos they cannot afford properties elsewhere and then they will be stuck. It is not rocket science.
  13. The world is a very big place. The sea is very deep, and animals can actually change and adapt to the condition of their environments, which is quite natural. But these photos show that this is true. Suddenly why are there THREE giant squids surfacing into the waters of Japan ? If you are more spiritual, you question what mother nature is up to. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/weird-news/giant-squid-seen-as-an-omen-by-japanese-fisherman-9140819.html http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/asia/fisherman-catches-giant-squid-in-japan-9055922.html http://www.telegraph.co.uk/earth/wildlife/10591495/Giant-squid-caught-in-fishing-net-in-Japan.html The Japanese still worship their land and still have a strong spirituality to themselves, and to their land. Hence the sudden surface of this shows the concerns of the locals and the environmental changes that is occurring around their environments. I like how the Independence uses the term "omen" because it is quite fitting with their local culture. Deep sea creatures which are mindboggling. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mE0iqcVslXM&list=PLu03VTrb5fmZxPmJjElrPrszU8MdoTo__&feature=share&index=17 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JNVdRAolUr0&list=PLu03VTrb5fmZxPmJjElrPrszU8MdoTo__&feature=share&index=6
  14. Sigh. ---------- Post added 28-02-2014 at 20:48 ---------- Do you mind me asking just how old you are ? According to the UN, the definition of Quality of Life is: http://stats.oecd.org/glossary/detail.asp?ID=2218 What does Sheffield offer for others, if there are no jobs ? Shouldn't a job be a part of that quality of life's equation ? (e.g. JOB + Family + Friends = quality of life) If you do not have a job, then how do you get other things like healthcare, or money to go out to see friends and socialise ? If your friend lost their job and you can no longer see them, won't that upset you somewhat ? I just took that you do not value these things: Cos you questioned it. I thought that everybody knows what they want. Or maybe I overlooked this aspect, especially if you are fairly young and is still kind of finding your feet in life. Hence you never truly thought about what it means to do without and whether having friends and families are indeed important to your emotional well-being too.
  15. Oh for goodness sake ! When did I say that? Sorry, but I think you misunderstood my intent. I was responding to this thread solely and directly for the sake of Bedrock only. I did not do this in a generalised manner to denote that is what I think everyone should do. I don't even know you, so why should I indeed go and advice you? To me, I have or thought I had the best interest at heart for Bedrock cos I have seen how he is being pushed around here on this forum. So I asked him to think about who he is exposing himself to. To me, it is so obvious that he is misplacing his own loyalties here. To me, I have different layers, and "friends" mean something in my eyes. At most, I have a lot of "acquaintances" that I meet in life. And I thought that this is understood. Whether this is socially or whether this is professionally as a network. People know their boundaries, and they know why you are connecting with them and why. This country is rather big, and not everything is about socialism. The give 10 and take 10 is more a concept when doing business. It is about trust. So that you do not let each other down. To me, it is very obvious that Bedrock had been let down many times too. So these people whom he exposed himself to should not even call themselves friends, as this is the most fickle thing a friend can be. If you cannot look after people, and be there for someone, then don't claim yourself to be a "friend". Maybe this is what and why this city shows such... I don't know weirdness and without that true friend concept. You meet someone, have a good time, go home and you still feel alone, and the confidence you gave someone, won't be returned. It is very weird that so many people refer him to go and see a counsellor. Gordon Bennett, have some common sense ! Emotions are the same too. I give you my heart, then don't let my heart down. Same with business, same with knowledge. Same with kindhearted acts. Narcissism is taking someone's heart, someone's idea, or someone's soul and then think that you can give it to somebody else, and think that it shall be the same, cos it boosted your own ego, cos you just got inspired.
  16. I still use this word. I use the word mum. It really should be Mam as others said.
  17. The pdf which Frank posted above was done by Sheffield First, which is more of a government initiative. It really is more of a political move. I posted a link here showing a sociology report of Sheffield, its history and commerce in clarity. http://www.sheffieldforum.co.uk/showthread.php?t=1266687 http://eprints.lse.ac.uk/5133/1/CASEreport45.pdf Considering this is another local political thread. I leave it at that point. The LSE report see Sheffield from an impartial angle on the city itself in comparison to the rest of the country. Not the internal promotion of the city, like the Sheffield First report itself. Motivation of the people and of the youngster is indeed true and necessary, but injection and incubation of jobs need to occur too. When I read that report, it shows what the youngsters feel for the city and not what opportunities they have been given, and why they like it here. It is all about their "opinions" and "how safe" the city is. But in reality, to ensure children and youngsters survive, we need to teach them survival skills, and that really is down to the parents, not the government's responsibility. Nor should they really introduce and spend money in this regard, even as Labour-orientated as it sounds to make the city a safe and friendly one with lack of prospects. What I do not understand is why there are no incubation of start-ups in this city, which should and will ensure its future. No business, no jobs, no people here. It is that simple. A town like Cambridge has incubated itself correctly, and that was done 10 years ago. It lost the IT wave, got caught on the pharma wave, and it is now resynchronising and pushing forward on the biotech wave. The people stayed. The skills stayed. The backing and the university synchronised. Start-ups happened, off the back off intellectual and their reputation to push forward the companies. Investments came about because it had the backing of the university's reputation and its intellectual probably. Along with tying down the skills, knowledge and workers by issuing of company shares, so that each individual had a part in growing the company. In doing so, it grew the company with its directors, and its shareholders inside the company, which ensured the longevity of its growth and employment opportunities. People complain about the fault of the government, but do they know how things happened and watched all angles in alignment of itself for other cities ? Even Ryanair then saw an opportunity to then build up its network to fly European skills and possible business opportunities from the European areas too. The infrastructures, and the daily necessity aligned itself after there is commerce, and work for people. The reverse happened for Sheffield. It had companies like British Steel to exist here. It had companies like British Sugar to exist here. When they left, it left the infrastructures but without the businesses, or companies any more. It left with a legacy of negative employees who won't move away and go where those companies exist globally. The infrastructures stayed, but where are the enticing companies wanting the skills of the employees ? We should have retrained a little bit and capitalised and reused our minds in a different wave. When the Silicon Valley crashed, it then had a second wave sweeping through, to utilise Tech with Marketing, and this is booming. For us in Sheffield, we had strength in manufacturing, of knowledge of metallurgy, and so forth, but why didn't anybody utilise this part and extend it forward? Why are we not selling spoons, knifes and forks back to the Chinese and market it as "British Made", online ???
  18. To me it is so simple. He is hurt currently and he is telling you that he is hurt, without actually telling you that he is hurt directly. Instead of helping him, others continue to abuse him. So, what is he to do ? I said to him to reframe his own mind or to cut back and take his options and remove himself from those exposures, which seems to be toxic to him and it is taking him down with it. Life is about give and take. It is not about giving only, without taking. It is certain that he needs family and friends to ground his life. Maybe he is not seeing them as friends, and maybe he is seeing those others who are NOT his friend as friends and is confused ? When one of my old female friend took the liberty, I walked. But in doing so, this hurts me the most, and it is a bad judgment on my part. This anger cannot disappear from one's life. It stays. Humans are not immortal, and we do hurt. That is the thing which some people do not take or realise. There is such mick-taking that it is pretty untrue. Over time people learn for themselves and move onto someone else taking that lesson that you taught them. That is how it goes normally. Cos not many will admit their mistakes right in front of you and eat humble pie. It takes a lot actually to get to that point even. That recognition of when someone has given something to you is maturity. For one, you do not verbally abuse them and their emotions but validate their emotions and give them an option to get out of it. If you had been there when someone is down, then they will remember you and your kindness. Not when someone is down, show you that they are down, only then for you to kick them when they are down. This is surely empathy 101 ? You don't have it ? Only priests can take the high road and they are trained to do that. Maybe you do not see your every day relationships and analyse that. I do. I try not to forsake my friends now, and I know which ones are more selfish and which ones are not. It goes both ways. I do not know whether it is the fact that Sheffield is a "socialist" city that one "expects" others to be there for them willingnilly, but it really is indeed about if you have done something for others, and whether they will then do something for you too. Karmas goes round. Always be sure to address those who have helped you in this lifetime.
  19. Ok, I take that back, and I shall rephrase, it is hard to find research that is done purely without it then being commercialised in such a way that has a knock on effect on humanity in general. And not in the best way either. The only greatest research I had seen which was very Godly was when I was exposed to was the usage of recycling of materials to add into concrete mix. A lot of R&D I am sure is done in this aspect. It is more "Godly" and "clever" because it is people thinking about their own mortality, limitation of their immediate environments, and to make best use of how to enhance their own lives, and environments too. What I learnt from that was the science behind mining which I picked up in school, coupled with the chemistry which is behind limestone as a raw material within concrete, the wonderful but very niche percentage of a material which relies on water content and can be set to a varying degree and strength is also amazing too. The "strength" is reliant on water a lot. Listening to my colleagues going on about their bonding with lead, to make concretes of 1 newton. To listen to the idea of something so strong as lead, mixed with a natural element like limestone, and then added with water, into a brick. That then holds the impact of nuclear explosion so that it does not harm the surrounding areas and give off radiation is just mind blowing. Don't you find that amazing? I find it amazing. To then listen to my colleague who said he was the person who controlled the amount of concrete to patch the damn from bursting in Sheffield during those days of the Flooding. Don't you think that this was Godly in some ways, and the chance for me to meet such a person whom had such an effect on my life too ? Out of 69 million people in this big country. I happened to have met this single person by chance, who was partially affecting my life too. My heart swelled so much you have no idea. Is this synchronicity, or is it chance ? Who's he then ? Hippy or heritage ? The CEO is not God you know. I hope you know that. Salsafan
  20. A quality of life means that a person can have a job, does not have financial worries, can live healthily, can have friends, and can afford to have a family as well. The fact that you said that I am contradicting makes me think what kind of values do you hold that conflicts with what I hold too ?
  21. Maybe you are doing too much and need to scale back down ? If you find too many things of interests and keep chasing them, without realising what your own goals and desires are, then you will forever be lost in that chase. So start writing down a list of priorities and focus and guard your boundaries well and focus on those only. I started doing that, and it add so much move to my own life and the depth of emotions and connection are much stronger too! Meeting someone is indeed the icing on the cake, but you forget to stop and focus on ONE person and make HER your world. You tried and made EVERYONE your world, and you gave them a piece of your heart. Which is why it feels so bad. It should always be "you give me 5, I give you 5. You give me 10, I give you 10." When I think back to my 20s, and the loyalties that I gave to certain people and still did not get chosen. It was like building them up, and giving them the confidence, then only to be used and thrown back. This is not nice. People should be people. So do not give more than you receive. Users and abusers are just that. Users. Even with some of the guys who I used to like, said in not so blunt and direct words that "one needs to put together priorities". I knew that it was the end for us, or any potential and any ideas. I also filtered them out of my social list altogether already. It is just right to do such things. It is clearing out that boundary and drawing it to a close, without misleading others. You are in the Sheffield of Republica. Think twice about how you want your life to be, and how you can achieve that. If you continually give yourself to those whom cannot give back in return and continue to take, then it also makes a mockery of both of your relationship too. To me, I do not think that you should do counselling, even though I do probably think you will be good at it. But, consider focusing on your life and on those elements which enhances it a lot more and scale way back. Focus on those, and you will come to learn to have a deeper and more meaningful life overall. You ever heard of Maslow's Hierarchy ? Go for that. A very young boy mentioned this once on an internet forum and said how toxic that forum was. He said that and I quote "call me a cabbage and I shall turn into a cabbage". He switched off his account, killed it entirely, went ahead and lived his own life in real, and found friends, did things which made him feel so much better. Focused more on himself, his friends, his immediate life, and away from other people's politics, their ideas, their lives. He came bouncing back 100% ! The other thing is, read how you responded here, and what you wrote. Straight away, you justified yourself to these people, whom does not even know you, but judged you against their expectation that they have on themselves. It should be you judging yourself against your own expectation of yourself so that you carry on in a happy way in life.
  22. There is no alignment. I just know that what they said is believable. In doing so, there should not be a "them or me". It just "is". I know what I know cos of my own experience and when I was trained as a student. I also know that I like where the OP and Janie is now, and I would give anything to undo what I was taught, cos this heavy amount of knowledge is not good for me. I also know this. I also know that sometimes you cannot see something in its simplicity if you focused too heavily on the knowledge aspect of things. Non-believers? That is generalising isn't it ? I am also certain that there is a lot of actual scientists out there in this big wide world who cannot even prove anything any more, and is residing to believe in the existence of God. Some of the research and knowledge coming out of the scientific communities are more commercially driven any way. It is quite rare to find research within fields which actually enhances, helps and enrich the live of people, humanity. So ah... you are one of these "defend my area" type person. Hm. Empathy, morality, and humanity has everything to do with belief. It means that the existence of life, which includes you and it includes me, was made, done by somebody, from either an inspiration and so forth. Even in science, some thinks that "life is chance". Chance, and randomness is God. It really links together you know. OR the fact that when something happens, it links and ties in with another, and in a "cause and effect" way spirals and draws inspiration or as I call it in IT, "abstraction" to occur. Abstraction is finding patterns in things and write a basic set of constructs to make it fit.
  23. So you wrote that, a person can either believe in, or lack belief in God. I said, a person can hold a belief in God until such a time that they experience life in front of them and change their validity of the existence of God. This kind of experience and testing of Godliness happens in a daily basis for many individuals. If you are one of these people who hold God and think and see God in one single way, then that is how you interpret God. BUT, I know that I myself, and a few others, test God or the existence of God in what we do daily. The difference is: 1 - Strongly held belief in God, find everything related and that matches to this in life. 2 - Strongly held belief in God, let life randomly show when God exists and when it does not. Most people will lose their faith at some point in time, and that is why I said that it is a "wave" and scenario 2 is what most people end up experiencing and believing. They may set out as scenario 1, but life happens by chance, and there is a randomness to it, so it ends up as 2. Oh, there is a scenario 3. 3 - Non-believer in God. Experience something odd, and believe in the existence of God. Cos they cannot explain it with knowledge. Just like the example I showed, because currently, there is less and lack of believe in molecular energy. The Dr Emoto research demonstrated this in its simplistic form. Which is actually brilliant by the way. The Atomic level research has not even shown in real life how this can be done. His demonstration of saying words, and (not proving but eluding to) that it was sound waves which caused the crystals of the water to change, and the electromagnetic energy that he exerted from the sound caused the water then to change the course of its life. It was almost like random chance. What happened was that he went and blessed a lake, came back to it, and showed how life then came back to this pool of still water. Organic growth occurred then, and when he showed the water in its crystal form. It showed perfect alignment of a shape which can also inhibit life to grow too.
  24. See it as a wave. And that sometimes people are affected by what they see, hear, and experience in actual life even if they are a believer. These are the living facts or spiritualness as some people like to call it. Some people quote from books and hold dearly what had been going on before, but others hold dearly what they experience now as facts and question things directly in front of them and not just from a book. It would be great and wonderful if both can exist in daily life. Of that absolute certainty and application. ---------- Post added 28-02-2014 at 16:33 ---------- Ok, maybe this is knowledge bullying. Was my answer not accepted Mr Lockjaw ? Am I going to get a F for my answer ?
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