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Everything posted by endos

  1. Theres one at margetson community centre opposite the shops on a wednesday morning i think, ive just been looking too
  2. Thank you will try that. We've looked on a few sites and not managed to get any to download so will try that one
  3. Hi, my mum is wanting to make some mittens. can anyone tell me where to get reasonably priced patterns please?
  4. We went there Saturday night and the food was lovely! Still italian.
  5. Does hillsborough arena provide the bouncy castle?? I'm also looking for a venue for a kids party! Thanks..
  6. We have the angelcare one & would highly recommend it. We used it for 2 years with our first little girl & are using it again now with our second. Its in the Moses basket, underneath the liner and mattress. We've only had a couple of false alarms in 2 years & that was when our daughter was older and wriggly, we found her laying down the side of the cot so hardly near the sensor mat! Its very reassuring, especially with a newborn & personally could relax more & not keep jumping up to check on her all the time.
  7. My first baby was born on the worst day of snow 2 years ago so I've got a bit of a reputation for it(!)cant be any worse than that surely! The army were taking people into Jessops that night but thankfully my husband saw it as a challenge and got us there eventually!
  8. Because some of us are 9 months pregnant and are slightly concerned about getting to the delivery suite.. Looking at the state of play online is much safer, easier and reassuring than digging myself out to see the state of the roads on route to jessops. But thats just me.
  9. I live round there, will keep a look out. Really hope you find him!
  10. Having been a nurse for 10 years and having comforted many patients in their last hours before death, I know first hand that you dont have to be religious or "known" to a priest to find yourself wanting the comfort or prayers when you know you are not long for this world. And this is not always about death, receiving bad news also makes the strongest none believers search for some comfort in the form of a priest. So until you are in this position, or witness someone in their time of greatest need, you would have no idea of the value of this service. Of course every ward is crying out for more nurses but to be able to give someone a little bit of comfort when there is nothing anyone or any drug can do to help... That is invaluable. Cut the spending somewhere else.
  11. I just wanted to say how nice it is to read something positive about the NGH. As a hard working nurse it gets depressing hearing constant complaints day in day out, so thank you for restoring some faith that our work and care is appreciated! All the best for a speedy recovery
  12. Yes the one above the market is the best place to go
  13. This is what we wanted. We got married in April.. After a lot of time and effort the men all ended up in navy!
  14. Just wondering if anyone out there has any views on which type of metal is most durable for a building site worker? We dont want to spend a fortune if its just going to get ruined. But we dont want one that looks too cheap either?? Any advice? Thanks!
  15. Has anyone got any suggestions of where to get adult and childrens bridesmaid dresses in sheffield please? I'm trying to find a childs dress to match the older ones (but made to suit a little girl). Can see them on the internet but would prefer to look in person. Any ideas anyone?! I could do with some help! Thanks!
  16. Its up to each ward managers discretion. You need to ask the ward that you are visiting as it will vary.
  17. Working for the NHS is a thankless job. No matter how hard we work and try to show compassion to all we care for, there will always be complaints. I work 12 hour shifts with a 30 minute break and hardly ever hear a word of gratitude. Its not us front line workers to blame its those holding the purse strings
  18. I get married in April next year and I went from excited to distraught in the space of a few weeks with the way I was treated at most if the sheffield shops, all WITH appointments. I wasnt allowed to try on any of the dresses I liked the look of, I was given ones that the assistants chose for me, over budget etc.. Eventually went to Wedding Wishes in worksop who were fantastic and no appointment needed! Highly recommended!! Wish id just gone there instead of wasting my time on all the others.
  19. I did the ones at jessops in one weekend & thought they were great! Got to look round the labour ward too so felt much more comfortable about the big day!! If its your first baby definitely do it!
  20. I had my baby in December and went to aqua natal every week up to 40 weeks and highly recommend it! The bigger your bump gets the more benefit you feel but its still great whatever stage you are at. I also believe keeping active helped me have a straight forward birth!
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