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Everything posted by SkaAsWit

  1. Do not under any circumstances heed any advice given on here. Go and see a doctor. I have a feeling social services are going to be on to you about this, asking for advice on your child's health on an open website.
  2. There's a Tesco in Bristol that's open. Just walk in where there used to be a window. Burnt goods are 50% off.
  3. If you're looking for Hirst or Mel Sterland look no further than the nearest pub. Alternatively just wait a few weeks when I'm sure both clubs will be having mass clear-outs and Sheffield will be inundated with ex-pros.
  4. Without wishing to defend the council could you suggest what they might do in such circumstances. They don't control the weather, nor the fact that the city is built on hills and therefore water is going to run down them and flood the bottoms. This comment is just one of those knee-jerk responses. Wet weather? Blame the council. I once heard someone blame the EU for roadworks in Essex. Honest. I was in Derbyshire and apart from one very light shower and one very heavy shower in Dronfield either side of 3pm there was no rain so it looks like parts of Sheffield got a concentrated soaking. I blame the UN.
  5. Isn't it ironic how the most patriotic are the ones least likely to have a decent command of English. Geoges, foregner, conker, defeeted and best of all, cuntry (thinking of himself there, I suspect) will no doubt feature on here frequently since ChavOnDole obviously thinks getting drunk is more important than improving his language skills. I wonder why he can't get a job.
  6. Rude Boys outside the Rude Shipyard? You have to report this. They're almost certainly local (Sharrow) and may well be known to the police already. You'll also be helping others who'll be future victims. In fact if the police have read this, which they will have done, they should have contacted you to get a statement. You can't let knobheads like this get away with it.
  7. Somewhere in S10/S11? That narrows it down a bit. Are you thinking of Forge Dam out near Ranmoor, Fulwood, Crimicar Lane? Start walking in Endcliffe Park at Hunters Bar and just keep going. It takes up to an hour depending on age, fitness, etc. It might not be the one you're looking for but it's a lovely walk anyway. I do it most Sundays and then back via Broomhill.
  8. I went past there about an hour ago and the ad says they're looking for people who are young, enthusuastic and hard working. How anyone could be enthusiastic about working there is strange. The best way to test this would be for someone to apply and then sue if they're turned down on grounds of age. The following gives examples of what might and might not be legally acceptable; http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/Employment/ResolvingWorkplaceDisputes/DiscriminationAtWork/DG_10026429
  9. "before the pc brigade start". My idea of the pc brigade is of people getting involved in serious political issues. I have never before heard the pc brigade being bothered about who parks outside the Brown Bear unless that issue has now gained equal footing with social inequality, war, environmental threat, etc.
  10. Not necessarily. If more students come to Sheffield to study than leave Sheffield to study elsewhere then there will be a net loss. Or more overseas students will have to be accepted to fill the gap. However, there will be less scope for people on here to moan about students and so people will have to moan about not being able to moan about students instead. And the war memorials might be left untouched.
  11. How does that work? If you're a smackhead and you go in your chemist for some methadone, does the chemist ask you if you're working or not? If you are, you pay? If not, you don't? That's what you're implying.
  12. No difference really. The council's finances are in a mess so any party will be making massive cuts in the next few years. The only plus will be to see Scriven get kicked off his perch.
  13. Stockers "No point in hanging about titty, they would have all been rushing back to Liverpool St for the first train back down to Sussex" Sussex trains don't go from Liverpool Street. You can go to Suffolk from there but for Sussex you're better off trying Victoria.
  14. The expression I remember is thirty bob millionnaire, meaning that someone's a snob pretending to be rich but is really just as skint as everyone else. It's the same as all fur coat and no knickers - all middle class pretension but no wealth to back it up.
  15. You've certainly met a lot more people with autism than just the one. Autism covers a very wide range of disorders. The severely autistic can require constant 24 hour care and be completely unaware of reality, never developing intellectually from when they were born. Others can lead completely normal lives and be extrememly gifted in some respects as a result of being autistic. The spectrum varies massively in the affect it has on individuals and some people don't even know they are autistic as it isn't diagnosed in them. I don't think the Star should have printed this story. It's worse than the usual moan-to-the-press-at-officaldom-because-I-have-a-problem story. If autism is the root cause of his debt then they should have got him some support. Instead it's like they're treating him as a freak show. They should have known that this matter was more sensitive than usual but then the Star is a tabloid rag.
  16. Just these days? Have you not heard of the Moors Murderers? Are you really saying kids shouldn't be let out to enjoy their childhood. The number of incidents like this one is tiny, especially compared to the number of children killed by their own relatives. Of course kids should be let out. Just warn them about strangers and keep an eye on them. Keeping them cooped up all day every day will drive them wild.
  17. I hope someone organises some anti-royalty bash in Sheffield. In 1977 I opened the windows wide and played the Pistols' God Save The Queen at full blast. In 1981 I slept through it. At Andrew and Porkie's bash I went to France for the day. The royals are all brainless parasites. They're a bunch of dysfunctional idiots. The most revered couldn't even fasten her seatbelt. People only support them out of sheeplike loyalty because they have no imagination and go with the flow. We're not just paying for the wedding. We're paying for everything they do - the drink, the flirtations with dictators, the lot.
  18. Perhaps it's because there are literacy tests in these areas which they pass and you would fail. You wrote where instead of Why, alot instead of a lot, was instead of were, crookes instead of Crookes, surely instead of Surely, manor instead of Manor and party's instead of parties. If you spent a bit more time improving your English then you could become a student and move into one of these areas. Problem solved.
  19. And how many drivers have ten grand lying about? Only people with a spare £10,000 would be able to drive. Bye bye car industry. If you read the papers it's usually young idiots who cause most accidents. Hence the cost of premiums they have to pay. I think that's fair. Fines may be a lot less than the premiums but repeat offending can lead to prison and/or bans, test retakes, etc, so the cost is not the only influence.
  20. That's wishful thinking masquerading as fact, methinks. The NHS won't be abolished for 3 reasons: 1) It's massively popular with the public who would turn on any government that would try to abolish the it, 2) It's the UK's biggest employer and therefore industrial action in every constituency would have a massive effect, and 3) A private system would be based on profit motives for private firms, profits that could only come by reducing care or increasing costs (or both) to the public. I do love the argument about freeloaders from abroad, though. What percentage of NHS users do these people represent? A tiny figure. So some people think everyone in this country should have the NHS taken away just because of a few foreigners.
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