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RAC declares Manor Estate a "NO GO" area

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If the local community worked with the authorities then this would be a huge step towards sorting out the problems. There are many on the Manor, as in most areas, that won't talk to the police for whatever reason. How can you help those people? There are others that will knowingly help or hide people suspected of crimes, they are just as bad as the criminals themselves.


There are plenty of people willing to help of report problems but you are right, they are scared to do so. There are anonymous lines such as Crimestoppers though were you can make reports without giving yourself away to these idiots that intimidate people.


The way I see it is that we need harsher punishments for offenders. The courts need more powers to hammer people hard for these crimes and make it so that people think twice before they harm the lives of others. Until we make it so that criminals are scared of the outcome of their actions then we don't stand a chance at tackling them and they'll always have the upperhand.


I've seen people leaving court before laughing at the sentence passed down to them. You know full well that before the year's out they'll be back there for something else and once again they'll leave with a sentence that won't scare them. Unforunately it's the way our country is, we don't have tough enough penalties for those that choose to harm others.


very true.

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Graffiti MC's like 4ny1ne don't worry about such things. Anyone steps to him wrong he'll pop a cap in their ass.


davebott, I have relatives living on the Manor. Not one person has bad-mouthed the Manor on this thread, so unless you consider the scum bag minority to be representative of the entire Manor, please go and grind that axe of yours somewhere else.

I'm sure there must be an English translation of post somewhere!! What absolute gibberish!! ... muppett!!

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Yes I heard it, not a good advert for Sheffield was it ? Even a Fireman called up and said they had been attacked regularly, and there were 5 of them.....


Why shouldn't he take part in the debate if that's what's happened to him and his crew? I for one wouldn't want to do a job which involved running a gauntlet of missile-throwing idiots who think it's funny, or knowing I was going to a fire that had probably been started deliberately to get me there just so they could throw missiles :loopy:


As always, re: the RAC, it's the minority that spoils it for the majority.

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Richard Caborn needs to think long and hard about addressing the problems in his constituancy, never mind criticising the RAC for trying to protect their workers.


After watching his disgraceful performance on CH4 news when the cricket/Zimbabwe debacle kicked off, it's clear he needs to look a bit closer to home before slagging off the RAC!

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The surprising aspect of this story is that whilst the Manor (and it's reputation) hit the headlines, along with a picture of Fairleigh Shops, it's ironic that the area is now a private housing estate and has no links with the "Old Manor". I wonder what this will do to the house prices in that area now.


nothing probably, i'd expect house prices on the manor to be rising faster than anywhere else. i dont know about car insurance but its sky high anyway

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Like I said a different type of criminal.


So what are you saying, only the unintelligent/violent/stupid criminals live in the Manor, and that the RAC are correct?


Your previous posts seem to indicated that you're annoyed by this sweeping generalisation, but then you make the same sweeping statements about people living in Dore.. Pot/Kettle?

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