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Should cannabis be legal

Should Cannabis be made legal?  

362 members have voted

  1. 1. Should Cannabis be made legal?

    • Yes, but I have never tried it and would still not try it if legal
    • Yes, I have tried it anyway, so what difference does it make!
    • Yes, I have never tried it, but would if it were legal
    • Yes, but only for controlled medical use
    • No, I do not agree with it being legalised for any reason
    • Not sure either way

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Originally posted by Phanerothyme

It's a mess. The whole thing needs re-thinking and not just on a national scale either. [/b]


and thats the thing, politicions of all persuasion hide it instead of facing up to it because theyd rather pretend it doesnt exist rather than risk theyre 100.000+ a year jobs.

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"I know alot of people who smoke on a regular basis, but it does not interest me in the slightest... I am quite happy with my glass of wine, thanks..."


it's strange cos I say the opposite! I don't drink because I hate being drunk, sick and hungover, and I value my liver. Alcholics worry me, and I'd hate to be one. Plus, I hate the binge drinking social student culture "I'm sooo drunk" - no, you're just acting like you're 16.


So for me, I'd rather have a joint than a glass of wine. Ok, it's just as damaging to my lungs as drink is to my liver, but to me its a more pleasant activity with people whose company I find more enjoyable. I guess it is a matter of taste, as both substances are pretty dangerous!


I think it should be personal choice, if kids in school are well educated about ALL drugs including tobacco and alcohol then they can make an educated choice knowing all the risks and all the benefits - but I think it's a matter of personal freedom as to what you put in your body - you don't see the government making McDonalds illegal because its bad for you.

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Everything in moderation.


Nicotine and Alcohol are drugs, more people die of smoking fags and drinking than they ever will do of smoking weed. It is a form of escapism, but only in the same way going out for a few beers can be, people who say that they don’t need it to have a good time fail to mention the number of times they go out on an evening a don’t have a pint or two. My argument is there is not much difference; the only real difference is that one is illegal and the other is not. I also think that if it were the other way around and drinking was made illegal and smoking weed was not, many of the anti drugs brigade would become the anti drinking brigade.


IMO people always underestimate the amount of "druggies" there are out there. When was the last time you walked into a newsagent and didn’t see some king size Rizlas for sale, and not just one type, several variations on the theme, the only possible use for these is for Jiffs, unless you are playing the rizla name game, then they give more space to write on.


Nowadays weather you like it or not taking drugs is part of our society. Although the "all drugs are bad brigade" still have a right to their opinions I think that as time and generations go by their numbers will dwindle as it become more and more socially acceptable.


Any scientific evidence is dubious as it is often carried out to the extremes. If however the science is right then everyone should be worried as half the population will be wondering round as paranoid delusional spasticated mentalists.

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Originally posted by Lily04

as in it gets rid of the pain, then one should consult their doctor and get a prescription for Vicadin!!


Vicadin totally knocks you out though, i know what i would prefer!!!

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Originally posted by Lily04

as in it gets rid of the pain, then one should consult their doctor and get a prescription for Vicadin!!



Mmmmmm, Viadin... me like! Can't see how that is any better for your body or mind than weed though? As long as you don't SMOKE weed, of course.

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anyone see the trisha show on c5 this morning? a woman that used cannabis to help her and her friends overcome pain of ME or something i think it was , anyway , it said that she got put in jail for 6months and fined £750 . how bad is that! she was an old lady in pain , its disgraceful!

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Originally posted by Lily04

as in it gets rid of the pain, then one should consult their doctor and get a prescription for Vicadin!!


Is this the same as Vicodin, the pain killer that lots of Hollywood stars were said to be seriously addicted to a few years ago?


I believe Matthew Perry of "Friends" was one the the more widely-publicized victims of Vicodin



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