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The markets in Sheffield

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Well it is. It's a well known fact that the markets in sheffield are full of scrubbers. People seem to get upset because of the words I use e.g scrubbers, but they are scrubbers. That is a fact.


Ooer, I shop in the markets, take it I'm a scrubber then, End of.. :hihi: :hihi:

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sorry peeps, whilst i think jaythedons words may not be very tactful....he does acually have a slight point. I have to catch the bus across from there after work and it is not the nicest place to be standing with all the lovely people drinking cans of special brew at half 3 (a regular occurance may i add!) in the afternoon and spitting all over the place.As well as the conversations about been in court for gbh and fraud that you hear whilst waiting for the bus. He may sound harsh but there is an element of truth in what he is saying........i think they were the people he was refering to, not the actual people who shop there as i do happen to call in from time to time....

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