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Where did you go on holiday as a child?

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Our only family holiday, other then being deposited at my grandmothers, was to Butlins in Minehead. At the time we lived in Wolverhampton. This was a significant break from the West Midlands tradition of going to Rhyl. It was on this journey, in the back of an old Ford Pop, that I and my 5 brothers and sisters, discovered that I was travel sick. Unlike the Ford, I was not popular when we arrived.

My recollections of the holiday itself are no better. I fell in the swimming pool, and got stranded on top of the big wheel. To this day I have phobias about water and heights - and I am slightly nervous about holidays!

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I went to Brixham in Torquay every year.


I haven't been back there since I was twelve but I'm starting to itch to see what it's like these days.


We went to a few different places but the one that sticks in my mind is Port Isaac in Cornwall, for several years on the trot we rented the same cottage there. I went back there a couple of years ago and not much had changed, "our" old cottage still looked very much the same. Very nostalgic.

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we went to skeggy for a day in the summer every year & we would go to blackpool at night in september but our main holiday every year was to scotland at the end of october. we all absolutley loved it, mum & dad would rent a masive house out for a week or two if they could afford it. we would normally stay somewhere in the west cost highlands & go walking in the mountains & visiting different places. we always had an absolute blast when we were kids & me & my younger bro still went swimming in the sea even when it was freezing.


one year, i must have been about 9, mum & dad saved up & took us on our first holiday abroard to frajus south of france. i was absolutley amazed that we were in a different country. people actually spoke a different language there & i've never felt the sun soo hot.

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