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Rant at sheffield homes

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Please don't shout. :) Seriously - if everything's in capital letters it makes it hard to read!

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it is a nightmare, they did mine last june the scafold still up cos they still haven't done one of the windows, however, sent me a letter yesterday saying they have completed work and have sighed me off. how funny prob they have give me the scafold as a sun terrace and forgot to tell me lol

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kicked off that much yesterday .the foreman as got the work lads 2 come 2day which is a saturday :hihi: :hihi: :hihi: .so come monday my kitchen can go stright in ,iv been with out a kitchen for 3 weeks and i wasnt having it :o .now i think there scared of me its funny:hihi: :hihi: :hihi: :hihi:

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As promised in my thread of 29/01/2007 #80. This is my original email to Sheffield Homes dated 24/01/07.

Dear Sheffield Homes

May I draw your attention to the following




My flat is due to be refurbished, granted not until 2008,but does anyone at

Sheffield Homes realise what's going on with regards to the incompetence

that is taking place, and is resulting in these people (and maybe me in

future) having to put up with this sort of treatment? How can I avoid this

kind of treatment? Please don't tell me I can refuse to have the work done,

that is only shifting the responsibility onto me and quite clearly it's

ultimately Sheffield Homes'. It's not the disruption, that's to be expected,

it's the sheer (what reads to me ) disorganisation and incompetence. There

have been many homes refurbished so one would think that those concerned

would have got their act together. How can I protect myself against the sort

of treatment described in this Forum?

Many thanks for your time

To which I recieved this reply...25/01/07

Thanks you for your enquiry to Sheffield Homes.

In order for me to deal with your query, can you please email me your full

home address.


I did as requested, and recieved an answer informing me that my original mail had been forwarded to Jordanthorpe Housing Office.


This is my reply

Thanks for your reply. Why has it been forwarded to Jordanthorpe and exactly what action are they going to take that Sheffield Homes can't? I was under the impression that Sheffield Homes was in overall charge of the Decent Homes Project. All my enquiries and the websites were for the attention of Sheffield Homes from whom I require the answers, please. The problem is not confined to Jordanthorpe alone so why pass it on to them, it's irrelevant to the problems in question where my address is.

I got another e-mail to say it had now gone to the Investment Team (getting complicated now isn't it?) anyway to get down to it,this is the letter I recieved from West Investment Team, Hillsborough 31/01/07.


Thank you for your e-mails of 24-25th January in which you express concerns regarding comments on the Sheffield Forum website on the Decent Homes programme and how this may impact on you in the future.


I am unable to make comment on individual cases on the website or how the issues have been resolved, however I can assure you that any issues that have been identified to Sheffield Homes or our partner contractors will be resolved in accordance with our standard proccess and procedure.


Before your flat is refurbished in 2008/9 we will consult with you and arrange foe the contractors surveyor to visit you in you home and discuss with you all elements of work that we plan to undertake.


The nature of the Decent Homes work does unfortunately cause disruption

to the tenant, however we do try to minimise disruption and provide the services of a Tenants Liason Officer who will consult with you prior to work starting and will be contactable at all times whilst the work is in progress.


By the end of the programme we will have refurbished 45,000 amount of Council tenancies to the Decent Homes standard improving the long term quality of life for many of the citizens of Sheffield. We acknowledge that such a vast programme of work will have created some issues, however we do undertake any problems efficiently and to keep inconvenience to our tenants to a minimum.


Your e-mails have been forwarded to me in the West Investment Team for response as my team manages the Decent Homes Programme in your areas and has the detailed knowledge to be able to answer you queries.


If you have any further query please do not hesitate to contact us.


Now, is it me, but I feel I'm getting what the Americans call the runaround.:suspect: As far as I can see there's a load of rubbish there. I'm being told what I already know, what I don't want to know and none of my questions have been answered.:huh: I'd be grateful for other forumers viewpoints.

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I'm not sure what you want them to say? They won't discuss individual cases publicly for obvious reasons. Information thats posted on the Forum doesn't give names and addresses in any case. Anyone who has had a new kitchen/bathroom/ windows/central heating will know what mess it can entail whether they have it done privately or by their landlord. If you are having a couple of those done together, it will take time and be very inconvenient. When we had our bathroom refitted last year, we had most of the work done when we were away on holiday as we would have been without a bath/shower for several days.


There is no dispute that some tenants of Sheffield Homes have had real problems with some of the work. Also there will be others who have had missed appointments, and delays, but there will be plenty of people who have been really happy with whats been done in their homes. They tend not to write about that anywhere, although occasionally someone will send a letter to the Star that isn't slating something!


By 2008, I would hope that they have become so experienced that all the work will go like a dream!

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I'm not sure what you want them to say? They won't discuss individual cases publicly for obvious reasons. Information thats posted on the Forum doesn't give names and addresses in any case. Anyone who has had a new kitchen/bathroom/ windows/central heating will know what mess it can entail whether they have it done privately or by their landlord. If you are having a couple of those done together, it will take time and be very inconvenient. When we had our bathroom refitted last year, we had most of the work done when we were away on holiday as we would have been without a bath/shower for several days.


There is no dispute that some tenants of Sheffield Homes have had real problems with some of the work. Also there will be others who have had missed appointments, and delays, but there will be plenty of people who have been really happy with whats been done in their homes. They tend not to write about that anywhere, although occasionally someone will send a letter to the Star that isn't slating something!


By 2008, I would hope that they have become so experienced that all the work will go like a dream!


I know there'll be disruption, I say that in one of my letters, that's to be expected. I don't want them to discuss individual cases, I want them to answer what are they doing about the incompetence and disorganisation that the writers of the previous threads are complaining about, and how can they prevent similar things happening to me and others. Are the companies employed being penalised for their ineptitude? I doubt it,but am willing to be persuaded different if anyone knows. As you say, and I believe I say something similar, it's hoped they'll have got it sorted by 2008 or even sooner. However, if it's council driven you can be sure it'll be as chaotic as when they first started the project.


Has anyone of the complainants contacted any of the authorities concerned or are they satisfied just airing their views on SF? I've asked this before and recieved one positive reply. If no others have contacted anyone then I'd be interested to know why complain on SF, but not to the organisations concerned? Anyway, I think this thread has run its course , until someone in the future gets upset enough to have a good rant (nowt wrong wi' that).

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Has anyone of the complainants contacted any of the authorities concerned or are they satisfied just airing their views on SF? I've asked this before and recieved one positive reply. If no others have contacted anyone then I'd be interested to know why complain on SF, but not to the organisations concerned? Anyway, I think this thread has run its course , until someone in the future gets upset enough to have a good rant (nowt wrong wi' that).


I agree that the thread has probably run its course, but your point about complaining to the right people is valid. SF is great for exchanging views and information, but its not a conduit to Sheffield Homes or the council. Also, if someone has a serious problem that isn't being addressed they have local councillors who can take it up on their behalf.

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since last time we have had the bathroom fitted friday and even got the sparkys to work on saturday.had 1 visit by a new area manager seems a good bloke and they started on my kitchen . wa hay....just goes to show a kick up the a*s* does help.they still have a bit to do we will see how that goes.

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