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  1. Ayup,Can anyone help, please?I'm looking for pub names and locations (websites if poss) that have acoustic groups/trios/duos in Sheffield or Chesterfield on Monday nights. Definite places please, not "there used to be one on ..." Thanks
  2. Jesus H tap dancing Christ! Your lad cut his leg at school he's over it. You do the same get on with your life and stop whining.
  3. That was definitely the Pavilion(or as we knew it the "Pav"). This was at the top of our street,Leigh Street. I was born at number 46. The "carpet place" was the Attercliffe Palace, where they used to show "cheeky women"...nude. All unmoving and in the best possible taste. There were other acts of course, jugglers,magicians, dancers,comedians, speciality acts. The Globe was a bit further towards town from the Pav and on the opposite side of the road with Maltby St. school behind it.The cinema on Staniforth Rd was, as has been said, the Regal.The carpet shop on Staniforth road was the Balfour then there was a small cinema at the junction of Greenland Rd and(I think)Darnall Rd called,appropriately, the Darnall Cinema.
  4. I have Wordpress 3.4.1. Theme 2010. I want to remove the sidebar so I have just the one page,preferably not using codes. I've searched Youtube with no results that suit my requirements. Can anyone help please?
  5. ... more than one if I'm lucky. Oh,not for me personally you understand (I'm far too old and my hormones are in short supply). The thing is, we have 3 women, who often train against/with the men,but I reckon it would be good if there was an even number. If any women in the S8 area are interested,please logon to http://www.nortondojo.co.uk and click on the FAQ link for more information. If all questions aren't answered there, then give us a bell. It's fairly safe training, we've not had any deaths for months. Men are welcome too, however, we're doing ok in that section up to now. Still, you're welcome.
  6. Has anyone used the book "Wordpress for Dummies"? If so I'd value your comments on it ,please. I already have a site uploaded, using Dreamweaver. but it's quite a few years old now and badly needs updating. I'm told Wordpress is better than Dreamweaver and is "easy, no problem". Hmmm, I've heard that before. Can you help,please?
  7. I've been told I should get out more, and learning the Salsa would be ideal. I'm told there's Platillos on Sunday nights in Leopold Square (no times, days or prices were given). But I'd like to know of any others in or near S8, with prices,days and times,please. Especially those which cater for men over 50. I'm a beginner and can only attend either Friday,Saturday or Sunday. I've searched previous threads but most are on days I can't get, or people write"there used to be one on so-and so but I'm not sure if it's there now" or "my pal used to go to one but I've not seen them for a while". I mean what use is that. Thanks
  8. I'm trying to create a Website using Wordpress 3.2.1. with Tinymce Advanced for the tables. I can get the Table centralised on the Edit Page, no problem. But, when I Save Draft then Preview it's moved over to the left. I've tried all sorts of permutations but it won't have it. I've looked on Youtube and there's many who tell you how to Install Tables but none show how to Centralise. Any help please!
  9. I've been a member since Pure Gym opened and my observations are:-Pure Gym is cheap.While most of the customers look decent.There are certainly more than a few who look as though they'd slip a knife in you or start a fight at the drop of a hat. But Pure Gym is cheap. There is no "policing" in the Free Weights Section so weights etc are lying all over the place (not just in the Free Weights Section either) resulting in anyone needing to use said equipment having to go searching for them. This is a problem for Management to solve but other than putting up useless notices they've ignored it.Pure Gym is cheap. Equipment(Machine) breakdowns seem fairly common, bits of equipment go missing i.e.the detachable bits. Replacements usually take about a month to arrive.The looped music's at a reasonable volume,BUT, when the "Personal Trainers" have their private classes their own music is bassy and VERY LOUD. It mingles with the looped music so all you hear is noise.Pure Gym is cheap. The staff look as though they couldn't care less,but, as I've had no contact with them that's only my impression. If I could afford it I'd certainly go elsewhere,but I can't, so I go to Pure Gym, which is cheap.
  10. Yes Fred1, we're on Youtube . A few of the vids go back a while though. http://www.youtube.com/my_videos?feature=mhee Some of us... sorry, NONE of us are as fast as Farhad's lads, but it's a completely different discipline. Some, most, of us ain't that young any more. Where does the time go? Still,we carry on.
  11. Yes, he's a good lad.Always gives of his best and,consequently, improves.I'll check your training times,I may come with Wardy one night.Anyway, back to the thread...There's still been no answer from KungfuMidget on whether they've found what they're after. Sithee later price
  12. Oh! farhad, thanks very much you're making me The style is Goju Ryu and, as the signature says(see below) it's what karate's for (we have some good vids on Youtube). I'm actually 65 but can still manage the stairs, except I forget why I climbed them. May see you soon price
  13. Hiya KungfuMidget, You opened the thread on 8th February and have recieved a lot of helpful replies.Have you sorted anything out yet?
  14. and a quote from Matt Just to summerize, anyone wishing to persue martial arts. 10 days of mma training will be more beneficial to you that 10 years with GKR. If you wish to train in a more traditional art such as karate (like many top mma fighters either had done previosly or still do in many cases) then find yourself an instructor that knows what he/she is talking about. There arn't any in gkr! Matt. And from me, price. There is, in Sheffield, the Norton Dojo, a fact which I've often "advertised", ad nauseum, on SF. This is, as the signature says "Karate as it's meant to be." Non competetive, purely traditional, original (as near as we can get) Okinawan Goju-Ryu Karate. It contains all the " multi-applicability" of techniques mentioned by Kitsune, taken from the katas, and we do know what we're talking about. Okinawan karate wasn't influenced by the Japanese after WW 2 because the US took over Okinawa in 1945 and, while nominally a Japanese Prefecture, it was, in reality, completely US dominated until 1972. Okinawa was then returned to Japan. By this time "traditional" karate, as we call it, was/is even more deeply embedded, without the outside influences of some of the more competitively orientated Japanese Karate. When all's said and done Okinawa is where kara-te started. To see the sort of training /techniques used in Goju-Ryu logon to the our website and click Videos. If you're really interested in the History of Karate may I recommend "The History of Goju-Ryu Karate" by Sensei Morio Higaonna, that is, if you can get hold of it. It seems to be quite rare. Apologies for the long-winded post but there are so many charlatans in "business" in karate. It spoils the reputation of what I believe to be a valuable discipline that could be very beneficial to a lot of people for whatever reason they choose to practice it for. I'm going for a lie down now.
  15. Hi cazzie1, If you are happy with GKR then by all means stay with them. However, could you explain how you can have a self defence discipline without contact? I had three GKR people quit them and join us,this would be about 7-8 months ago ,the lady left but the lads stayed on and naturally, told me about GKR.I came to the conclusion from what I've been told and have read, that GKR are,to be polite, pulling the wool over peoples eyes. The GO,I understand, is taken from Goju-Ryu.cazzie1,never in a million years is GKR teaching what they say is Goju. For a start Goju isn't a sport,nor is it competetive,it is totally self defence, that's why it was devised,that is its whole reason for being.Therefore to defend yourself you must have contact of some description. If you go on youtube put Norton Dojo in Search, then that is more like the techniques you should be learning, if GKR say they are teaching Goju. This isn't to recruit members 'cos we're ok, thanks.I appreciate you probably didn't have anything to compare GKR against when you were looking.As I said at the beginning, if you're happy there then stay, but please don't be fooled that you're doing Goju-Ryu. I've no doubt someone else could put you right on the KAN part. Whatever happens, keep trainin'.
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