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    having a laugh, walking the dog
  • Occupation
    Manager of Day Care Unit

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  1. Aww, i know all the people mentioned in this thread. Happy memory's. I grew up there and loved it. miss the place, it was just so cool to be there and always felt safe.
  2. Hi, If you join Twitter you can follow them, they usually tell you what they have been up to.
  3. I love reading these threads, reminds me of my dad (Jack Bishop) he was a welder and worked at British Steel and Cravens at Darnall. He met my mum there (Elsie Lawton) I think my dad worked at the place that is now Meadow Hall. hope someone remembers.
  4. This is a great thread, I am looking for a train the trainer course for some of my staff to go on, so all our training can be done in house. Any info would be great.
  5. Sorry but i am not Jane, i wasn't born when Linda married. The clue is in my Avitar, my name is Helen. Jane is my elder sister, mum had dad had four kids, i'm the youngest.
  6. Once again Rachels1980 i agree, i can relate to what you are saying. The worse thing is when your in bed, because you have to be up early for work and they are all shouting at each other at all hours.
  7. Aw, it's so nice when someone rememebers my lovely dad, What a small world we live in and how fast the years fly by x
  8. Hello, My dad was Jack Bishop, his sister is Linda. My dad has passed away now but i can remember all the story's he would tell me about growing up in Beighton.
  9. When you say people, are you refering to me? I am not Woodhouse born and BRED. I also think you have led a very sheltered life if you think the hostel doesn't cause problems. You may or may not know some of the hostel service users are now living in the surrounding propertys.
  10. So true, then there's the hostel as well. What used to be a nice village with a good community spirit is now increasingly becoming a dumping site for all the jobless drunks. Take em to the vet and put em to sleep that's what i say.
  11. I'm sure this is the place my dad worked at he was a welder, but if my memory is correct i'm certain it was called Osborne Hadfields. My dad's name was Jack Bishop it would be great if anyone remembers him, orhas any photo's.
  12. Yep its petrol, It's a joke. If you like walking or catching the bus lol buy a focus.
  13. ours is the Ghia model, useless and only done 23k miles.
  14. the newer model, its had new power steering pump, new coil pack, new alternator a week ago, got in it this morning and its at it again grrr its runing on limp mode and the engine management is on again.
  15. Do not buy a focus. We havingso many issues with ours, today i went on a forum about engine management system oh i say there were loads and loads all having the same problems. Shame on you Ford.
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