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The absolutely huge 'moan about cyclists' megathread

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Cyclists in Sheffield  

29 members have voted

  1. 1. Cyclists in Sheffield

    • Give em a break, give em some room
    • You don't pay road tax, get off the road

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As a cycling commuter i would like to answer a few points raised,

1. we pay our council tax the same as everyone else to give us the right to use the public highways.

2.you do not pay "road tax" it is a vehicle excise licence to allow you to bring a motorised vehicle on to the public highways, this goes to central government and not to the local council who have to maintain the highways.

3. wouldn't you jump on the pavement with a bloody great tram up your a**e to get out of it's way, or would you just hold it up until it can pass you, therefore holding up every vehicle behind it ?.

4. yes i do agree about bikes on the pavements but while going to & coming home down ecclesall road they do seem to students in the majority and without any lights or visible clothing.

5. yes i would stop and issue a fixed penalty for cyclists without lights, they give everyone a bad name.

6. i do not ride on pavements or jump red lights cos i believe what goes around comes around, and always try to get on with all other forms of transport.

7. if you saw me coming home you would think i was a mobile blackpool illumination with the lights i have on my bike, i like to be seen!!!!!!!!!

8. i suppose the state of the roads is also down to all the cyclists on the road wearing it away, but most cyclists i know do not ride on pavements either.........because of all the cars parked on them.

9. in the highway code it states cyclists should be given the same space while being overtaken that you give to other vehicles......do you do that ?

10. there is a fixed penalty for cycling on the pavements this was brought in to counteract all the couriers in london who used the pavements to get around, but the police seem to find it more profitable, ( and probably more fun to pull drivers instead).

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I used to cycle to work from Beauchief To meadowhall and dispite being an experienced cyclist I would say it is quite dangerous.On 2 occasions in less than 3 months drivers did not see me and I was nearly knocked off (the Wicker is one area I found particularly bad)


I came to the conclusion that cycling that route especially in the rush hour either via town or the outer ring road was too dangerous and I really believe the odds are to high that at some point I would get hit.


If a tax went dirrectly into providing good quality cycle lanes I might consider it.


Sheffield really does need some decent cycle lanes

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Originally posted by fatjohn

I give up! Yet another posting defending the right of cyclists to ignore red lights. Don’t you realise that you are committing a traffic offence and that you are breaking the law?


Hey I agree with you. Cyclists shouldn't be able to get away with running red lights - I've seen many do it at the pedestrian crossings at the Hunters Bar roundabout on Ecclesall Road before. Imagine if an old lady or mother with a small child were just starting to cross as the cyclist goes speeding through - potential disaster. Also, a cyclist running a red light could get in trouble with car traffic coming from other angles and get hit by the car.


If cyclists are to use the roads (for FREE), the least they can do is use them properly by not breaking laws and by being properly visible and wearing the correct safety equipment.

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What is this using the roads for FREE s**t. I pay my council tax to be able to use the roads for what you call free! how much council tax do you pay personally ? for the upkeep of the free roads. How many cars go through red lights then, go the wrong way up one way streets, park on pavements, etc...... or is it just that because cyclists are in a minority that we are more noticable. when was the last time you saw a cyclist pulled over for speeding ?. If all us cyclists drove instead the roads would be totally gridlocked all the time.

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Originally posted by t020

Imagine if an old lady or mother with a small child were just starting to cross as the cyclist goes speeding through - potential disaster. Also, a cyclist running a red light could get in trouble with car traffic coming from other angles and get hit by the car.

You will find that as a rule cyclists are FAR more aware of what is going on around them than car drivers. It’s necessary to avoid the idiot car drivers that have almost no idea of their environment. I don’t recall seeing many cyclists crashing into cars, but I have seen plenty of cars crashing into cyclists, and have had that myself.


Have a little respect for the cyclist, give them room, remember that they have NO protection and that their crumple zone is their naked legs.


The intolerance shown in this thread towards cyclists is utterly shameful.

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Nice one Tony, people moaning about how inconsiderate cyclists are.. at least once a week on the wicker cycling home a car will just stop and park in the cycle and first traffic lane so the driver does not have to walk more than 3 feet to go to the chemist or the shop. As a cyclist I can either crash into it, attempt to pass it whilst busses are thundering past with a 2 inch gap as they were in the same lane as the car, or I can nip onto the pavement, which is wider than the lane it's self and also covered in parked cars.... Then the same person who blocked the road can look at me and mutter as I am on the pavement... If these people bothered to actually think about what they were doing instead of treating their car like there own private impenetrable universe then perhaps they might have more consideration.. but I doubt it.


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