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Yorkshire pudding in sheffield where are they?


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you only need 4oz flour, 3 eggs, pinch of salt and 1/2pt milk. all you have to do is put your oven on high, put a bit of oil in a pudding tin and put it in oven till it gets red hot. while this is heating up, just place the eggs, flour salt and milk in a bowl and beat it all together, when the oil is boiling pour the batter in the tin and place in the oven till its cooked, it only takes a few minutes, its as simple as that. hope this helps you out, or you could always put a search in google, you can get the recipe there too.



I love the savoury ones, with chopped onion and Sage.

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My Gran used to make the worlds best sage & onion or seasoned Yorkshire Pud. My Dad used to eat the plain yorkshire pud after Sunday Lunch with either Jam or Marmalade on it - The dirty evil little B****ard !

When I was l ittle we used to go to my grans for Sunday dinner (not lunch you will note)we had plain Yorkshire with gravy on for starters, seasoned Yorkshire with the meat, roasters and 2 veg and then a plain Yorkshire with custard or jam for afters. Fantastic:thumbsup:

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