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Everything posted by anabella

  1. The consultant I was under when I had mine does private work as well.
  2. You can have a colon capsule as well as a small bowel capsule. It's done in Gastroenterology in the Clinical Investigations Unit, RHH. Some people opt for that instead of a colonoscopy.
  3. It's a serious issue. Both my kids at Dobcroft and Silverdale and I received text messages from the schools. So horrible- it's frightening.
  4. Nobody who works in the RHH uses the Royal in the name. It's normally referred to,in true Yorkshire style, as 'Thallamshire'
  5. There are Matrons- unfortunately not the Hattie Jaques kind but another tier of managers. You seldom see them on the wards.
  6. Gordon Hawley at Debit and Credit Ltd. Really nice guy, 07713622143/ 01142555209
  7. Our trust is brilliant, especially compared to other areas in the uk. There are a number of acute services in the RHH- head and neck, neuro, infectious diseases,Gastroenterology,haematology,gynae, acute stroke,surgery,opthalmology....There are no rehab wards ( some stroke rehab beds) A lot of the wards have been updated and are not old fashioned at all. Agreed, it has a very different feel to it, but I think that is more to do with it's location. Sheffield is already on the trauma centre radar and neuro works well at the RHH,patients are flown or driven directly there. There is no room at the NGH to move all of these services. The theatre space alone would be impossible.
  8. :)Good to hear a positive outcome. Good on you for putting yourself forward and pushing the matter til the end, takes some guts. Let's hope there will not be a repeat offence.
  9. Well done to you for making a point Princess. Maybe the school can show you some pictures of the kids who may be responsible so you don't have to meet them face to face? Someone has to control these kids who are ruining the lives of so many people- passengers, other kids at the school, teachers,bus drivers etc. I bet it isnt even ALL the kids who are "bussed in" from Broomhall who are responsible for the trouble;there will be some who want to have friends and work hard. Where do we put the "difficult kids"? They are always going to be someone's problem. I don't think the parents will care.
  10. I'm sure he will, but I don't think it will make any difference. The behaviour of these kids can only be controlled by their parents and the police. The school is powerless to punish these kids, particularly as it is out of school time and away from the premises. It is a real shame as it is a small minority bringing down the reputation of a fantastic school. You must be so angry, I know I would be.
  11. It is embarrassing for the schools reputation, however, the sole responsibility lies at the feet of the parents of these kids. Silverdale is an excellent school but I assume that, like all schools, they are powerless when controlling such unruly kids these days. When I was at school we were afraid of the head teacher and the punishments administered- not so anymore. It is not the fault of the school, 95 per cent of the kids are lovely.
  12. I'll second that-beautiful places to visit. Nearby to them look up Oasis lodges Ledbury. These are 4 lodges in a lovely setting with a natural swimming pool and a hot tub for each lodge. Lovely place to stay, close to all the great places mentioned, if you're looking for somewhere to stay.
  13. Sent you a PM with details of small firm, friendly very reasonable accountant.
  14. Have lived in the same road in S7 for 13 years and no-one has been burgled. I guess you can be a victim of this heinous crime anywhere. Horrible.
  15. Ecclesall Medical Centre, Millhouses Lane. Brilliant practice, lovely staff.
  16. Dobcroft Infant and Junior schools finish at 3.30
  17. I am grateful but maybe in a position to be. There's more to elderly beds than you describe. Nothing is simple. I work on both sites, not just RHH.
  18. There are no long term plans for elderly beds at the RHH. The move is now towards care for the Elderly to be provided in the community in specific and new care homes. This has begun already. The plan for the RHH is as an elective site. A large number of patients admitted via the acute route are over the age of 65 and that is why elderly beds are and will stay at the NGH. Speculation is rife-a product of major change afoot. We need to be grateful that our trust has chosen not to make compulsory redundancies like other trusts around the UK.
  19. Yes. That was a temporary winter bed ward, opened only for a few months then moved back to NGH.
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