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NOT about Asylum seekers...well...

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Rite for starters im not a him im female. And yes il clarify what i meant about the "rape" statement. I didnt mean these women asked for it what i meant was if a woman gets raped or assulted and it went to court it would be seen as if she was the guilty one for perhaps "wearing lipstic" or "having a nice dress on" inother words as if she seduced (sorry about spellings here) him. I know its sad and a bad bad way to go about it but its true as our RE teacher at school was indian and she spoke about this as it happens all the time in Eastern places. Iv now realised i phrased it wrong and i understand a little why you all flipped.

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As id explained about its acceptable for 14 year olds to have sex and marry older men i just assumed that as it was in the same paragraph it was meant the same asin as they find it acceptable to accuse women of a crime that wasnt there fault. It just puts me about that they may think we live by these nasty ways.

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Originally posted by oxbeast

In the words of Monty Python:

'That's not an argument, thats just contradiction!'


'No it's not.'


And thanks to fuzbuz for clarifying.


Ah, explicit Monty Python meets implicit Monty Python.


Well done fuzbuz, thought you'd gone away.:D:thumbsup:

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Indeed, max.


Like greenback and mattski a couple of pages back, I'm just a bit dissapointed that discussion of asylum seekers just turns into discussion of sexual crime. I think it reveals some kind of deep seated fear of the 'other'. I'm reminded of the stories in the press about Somalians (or someone, I forget) eating donkeys and swans. The stories were later found to be completely fabricated.


Some foreigners do come here and commit crimes. This is undeniable. But plenty of British people commit crimes as well, and are not treated as a member of a homogenous group. I'm not suggesting that crime-related anecdotes above are untrue, just that they are unrepresentative. For example, women being blamed for rape has happened (and probably continues to) in Britain in cases where no asylum seekers were involved. See the record of Judge Pickles.



The Claim


"Losing the war on asylum crime"

Daily Mail, 26 November 2002


The Facts


One of many alarmist headlines implying that all asylum seekers are criminals. A report published by the Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO) recently confirmed that there is no evidence for a higher rate of criminality among refugees and asylum seekers. In fact, according to ACPO, having fled danger in their home country, asylum seekers are more likely to become victims of crime in the UK. There have been countless attacks on asylum seekers around Britain, including the murder of an asylum seeker in Glasgow in 2001 and in Sunderland earlier this year. The murder in Glasgow prompted the UN High Commissioner for Refugees to condemn the British media for provoking racial hatred.



from http://www.refugeecouncil.org.uk/news/myths/myth001.htm


On a lighter note, cheers to the producers of Big Brother including a former asylum seeker. Anything to promote a positive image.

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Originally posted by Phanerothyme



OK class, pay attention: :D


compare and contrast the following sentences -


1.rape is the womans fault in their country [somalia]




2. In some countries women's rights are so backward that rape is nearly always assumed to be the fault of the woman.


Which one is the ill-informed and vacuous generalisation? Which is the more reasonable, considered and well thought out comment that is undoubtably true. (but hopelessly nebulous in this context)?

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