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Why Have We Received 2 Sets Of Local Election Voting Papers?

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So… gert and I now have 2 sets of papers for local and mayors election. Is this another incompetent council officers(s) sending them out twice and what would happen if we filled each set in for a different candidate (s) and returned them ? I suspect many others in our area have the same problem…… what’s to do? No wonder folk complain about vote rigging!

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9 minutes ago, Man in Crete said:


I suggest you ring them and explain the situation. I am guessing here, but I suspect those codes are scanned, and if duplicated, at least one would be cancelled.

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10 minutes ago, Man in Crete said:


   If you tried to vote twice then you could be prosecuted for a criminal offence.

   As this is an error a good citizen  would inform the Returning Officer at the address supplied ASAP.


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19 minutes ago, hackey lad said:

If you’ve got an hour to spare. 

Last time I called Electoral Services the phone was picked up within seconds, they aren't all like the council tax department.


He could have had his answer by now. 

Edited by HeHasRisen
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My god the level of sarcasm on here would make Oscar Wilde turn in his grave! As per the usual know it alls miss the point! Of course it’s a criminal offence to complete 2 sets of papers… of course the papers hopefully are scanned….but you miss the point (again) that someone presumably at scc has sent out duplicates not just to me but according to our postie to dozens in the Manor castle ward thereby wasting everyone’s time and ratepayers money

As for telling Scc then first I have a jig saw to finish and second I am sure the council apologists on here will have done that already?

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