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Chris Wilder

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I'm asking myself this question more and more as each week goes by...


How have we improved under Wilder?


I just can't see it.


We are shipping goals like a colander lets out water. We have started games with Laroucis and Osulas rather than Robinsons and Trustys and Archers and Hamers.


Whats changed, other than a bit more desire & fight...and an ever worsening goal difference?


I never wanted the Second Coming.


I certainly didn't want sandwiches either.



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And I know its not all Wilders fault. Nor was it Heckingbottams either. They were both given an impossible task due to the embarrassing lack of financial support from our owner.   


How you can start a season in the Premier League with a squad worse than the one you had in The Championship is only going to end one way. And thats a fact.


Sold down the river.



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You've seen me state it before, I'd have paid Heckingbottom et al at the end of last season & tried for the out of work at the time Brendo Rogers but that would have meant the Prince putting his hand a whole lot more deeper into his pockets.  Things might have been bit different if we'd not sold at least one quality player in Ndiye & also Berge & if Heckingbottom had gone earlier & Wilder had more games to play & not suffered the number of unfortunate injuries we have but we'll never know? 


So we are where we are.  People are now slagging off Wilder without really giving him a chance after only a few games.  Ok, we sack him this Friday afternoon, who's going to come into a side looking at relegation?   What quality of manager are you going to get?  Come on, name a replacement for the rest of the season & the start of a new season in the Championship? 


Wilder previously built a side to take the Blades out of the Championship to the Premiership.  For me, let's get rid of some of the deadwood on high wages, give him the money to spend as well as the parachute payments & rebuild again & go for a promotion push.  


Wilder at least deserves another chance to give it a go next season. 

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20 minutes ago, Baron99 said:

You've seen me state it before, I'd have paid Heckingbottom et al at the end of last season & tried for the out of work at the time Brendo Rogers but that would have meant the Prince putting his hand a whole lot more deeper into his pockets.  Things might have been bit different if we'd not sold at least one quality player in Ndiye & also Berge & if Heckingbottom had gone earlier & Wilder had more games to play & not suffered the number of unfortunate injuries we have but we'll never know? 


So we are where we are.  People are now slagging off Wilder without really giving him a chance after only a few games.  Ok, we sack him this Friday afternoon, who's going to come into a side looking at relegation?   What quality of manager are you going to get?  Come on, name a replacement for the rest of the season & the start of a new season in the Championship? 


Wilder previously built a side to take the Blades out of the Championship to the Premiership.  For me, let's get rid of some of the deadwood on high wages, give him the money to spend as well as the parachute payments & rebuild again & go for a promotion push.  


Wilder at least deserves another chance to give it a go next season. 

Don't disagree with any of that.


Like I said, its not really Wilders fault. We know where the fault lies. Not much point in sacking Wilder now. But was there any point in sacking Heckingbottom?


I guess I was just expecting more from Wilders return. But I was probably kidding myself. You can't fix a car with half a toolbox or poundland tools.


It all felt a bit Deane & Fjortoft in close season.


The Prince did nothing but guaranteed us relegation - regardless of whether it was PH or CW at the helm.

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I wasn't keen on him returning but I don't think you can judge him on this season. The damage was already done and he's had one transfer window so far. The real test will be in the summer when we've got loads of players out of contract and the squad will need rebuilding. I'll be judging him a couple of months into next season.

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1 hour ago, Vrsaljko said:

I wasn't keen on him returning but I don't think you can judge him on this season. The damage was already done and he's had one transfer window so far. The real test will be in the summer when we've got loads of players out of contract and the squad will need rebuilding. I'll be judging him a couple of months into next season.

Hmmm... :huh:

Nope, I don't agree with that.

He's been re-employed with the sole purpose of keeping them up...
... otherwise we might as well have kept Paul Heckingbottom.

When they finally get relegated he'll have failed to do what he was brought in to do! :(

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22 minutes ago, Mr Bloke said:

Hmmm... :huh:

Nope, I don't agree with that.

He's been re-employed with the sole purpose of keeping them up...
... otherwise we might as well have kept Paul Heckingbottom.

When they finally get relegated he'll have failed to do what he was brought in to do! :(

You could bring the best managers in the world in and it would have made no difference. The squad just isn't good enough to avoid relegation.  It's all about planning for next season now. If not, then what are you saying? Sack Wilder now and get someone else in until the end of the season?

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9 minutes ago, Vrsaljko said:

You could bring the best managers in the world in and it would have made no difference. The squad just isn't good enough to avoid relegation.  It's all about planning for next season now. If not, then what are you saying? Sack Wilder now and get someone else in until the end of the season?

Hmmm... :huh:

So you think he was brought in with planning ahead for next season because he's a better option than Heckinbottom?

That would imply that the club had already thrown in the towel for this season and jumped at the chance to re-sign Wilder while he was available... :suspect:

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