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Running Ubuntu On Windows 10.


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As the title says, I am trying to run Ubuntu on my desk top without installing it. I have put the disc, I bought from the Linux shop, into the D.V.D. player, restarted my desktop and nothing shows, only my normal desktop. I look into my computer folder and it just shows all the things that are on the D.V.D.  What am I doing wrong. I followed these guide lines from the Linux web page.

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Just a quick thought.


You say you bought a disk from the Linux shop? I must admit I'm not sure why you did that when you can download it for free, but....


Personally I would go to the Ubuntu site and download it from there, then make a bootable USB stick and run it from that. Ubuntu have instructions on their site about how to do that, also doing it that way will allow it to run smoother and quicker than from a CD.



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As above, why did you buy it? it's free to download, and you can make your own DVD or put it on a USB stick..

With that out of the way, any ways... When trying to load from a CD/DVD or USB stick, you MAY need to instruct your computer to do so..

You can either....
- Look in the BIOS, change the boot order so your DVD drive is first (before your Hard Drive)
- Press the 'Boot menu' key on startup (before even the windows logo shows) - often F8 or F12

- If you are using Windows 10, you could try.... click Start and type "Reset" (no quotes)
--- it will come up with a "Rest this PC" - click that, and then in there you will see "Advanced start-up" click that, your PC will restart, then there should be an option to tell it to boot from USB or DVD drive...

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8 hours ago, Thirsty Relic said:

"the Linux shop"?  Never heard of a Linux shop.  Where is that?

online.. www.thelinuxshop.co.uk 


As for the Op, you dont run linux within w10 (  yes I know you actually can but im pretty confident in this case that isnt whats needed) You need to boot to the live CD at startup of  the machine. Usually keep spamming f8 until a boot list appears.

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I have done all of what has been suggested with no success. I downloaded Rufus. then downloaded Ubuntu from the Ubuntu site. I then made a U.S.B. copy . I then went into B.I.O.S. and altered the boot sequence by putting the U.S.B. to open first. None of this has worked on my P.C. Head spinning and had enough for today.

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