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Which film or book which is hailed as a classic do you not like?

Mister M

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Book - I don't think Midnight's Children has aged well at all. Rushdie has written better books since.


Film - I genuinely don't get the love for Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. I thought it was awful.

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The Grapes of Wrath both book and film is a classic in both spheres .

Edit just re read the O.P. and realised we are looking for the opposite .


That's okay! If you feel that the critics get it right by labelling the book and film a classic, then your comments are welcome.

Not read G.O.W., but seen the film and I agree it is a classic

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The film version of the Grapes of Wrath follows the plot of the novel fairly closely until the ending. In the novel, if I remember rightly, the Joad family are destitute & sheltering from the rain in someone's barn, whereas the ending of the film is much more upbeat. The film makers thought that the real ending would render the film unattractive to cinema-goers. For me, the novel is a classic, but the film is let down by the dishonest ending.

Edited by fatrajah
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No one should have to read Jude the Obscure, ...


oh no! i love jude the obscure!

but i agree with mister m about tess though.


---------- Post added 24-04-2017 at 21:23 ----------


... On the other hand, that syllabus was enlivened by...<snip>... and The Wasteland, so it wasn't all gloom and tedium.


i see what you did there. :)

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Film - Hated Citizen Kane...it gave a hook at the start but then bored you through hours of overacting crap before you finally found out his dying words were for his stupid sledge.


Book - The Dice Man. Just didn't get the "throwing of the dice then raping women" thing. Nasty book.

I believe that children are our future. Unless we stop them now.


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The film version of the Grapes of Wrath follows the plot of the novel fairly closely until the ending. In the novel, if I remember rightly, the Joad family are destitute & sheltering from the rain in someone's barn, whereas the ending of the film is much more upbeat. The film makers thought that the real ending would render the film unattractive to cinema-goers. For me, the novel is a classic, but the film is let down by the dishonest ending.


The Woodie Guthrie song Tom Joad sums it up in about four minutes.

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