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The Consequences of Brexit (part 3)

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Yes I'm aware of that, and I'm also aware that a load of teenage, thirty and forty year old England fans were recorded on TV shouting obscenities and hitting people with plastic chairs.


The Russians were a bloody disgrace and even more disgraceful were the comments of one of their politicians who expressed pride at the behavior of those morons.


My personal feeling was that it made a nice change to have a bigger bunch of cretins turn up and take some of the embarrassment away from us.


Fans of the other nations involved managed to turn up, drink together and have a laugh.


Best exemplified by the Irish- Swedish game when the Irish came out with


classic chant " Go home to your sexy wives, go home to your sexy wives ".


It's supposed to be about fun, and yet our lot have gained a reputation for ruining it, which is why the Russians targeted them.


And yes I know it's a minority, but it's too big a minority.


what the hell has this to do with brexit or am I missing something?

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what the hell has this to do with brexit or am I missing something?


Well if you took the trouble to look back at a few posts you would see that it was a natural progression from a reply I gave to another poster asking why they ( the EU ) wanted us to remain.


I pointed out that 'they' don't all want us to remain and some will be glad to see the back of us.


This then developed into comment about how we ( the British ) tend to think a little too highly of ourselves ( whilst many Europeans think of us as drunken thugs ) and if we take that superior arrogant attitude into the Brexit negotiations it will do us harm.


You see that is how conversations/debates tend to work.


If someone doesn't like it all they have to do is think of a totally on topic comment, which will attract a response because of its incisive viewpoint and intelligent appraisal of the OP.


Alternatively, they can act all confused and ask for clarification of something they could have worked out for themselves.


Takes all sorts. :)

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