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Car parking not a problem ,for some that is.

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The two issues mentioned in the opening post are completely separate but samssong has linked the two simply to justify yet another of his xenophobic rants. Check the other threads he starts, they're all anti-Arab or anti-Muslim.


I own several cars and have difficulty parking close to home (thank you Sr Andrew Cash)? Owning a car park would make it easier.

I believe the Saudi Royals are the Worlds biggest rogue state .

They treat there own citizens with disdain ,this inc covering women from head to toe , marrying of young lasses at very a young age , not allowing women to drive, and treating foreign workers and domestic servants like slaves ,some domestic women are sexually assaulted as reported on a regular basis on our news outlets.


Most of their victims are Muslim or Arab themselves and if you go back to some of my early posts you will find that i have campaigned for justice for those people.

xenophobic I am not although my dislike of the ruling class in Saudi Arabia knows no bounds .


Please refrain from personal attacks and it would also help if you could reply to posts in black lettering just the same as all the others on these threads that way you will blend in without having an unfair advantage.

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I believe the Saudi Royals are the Worlds biggest rogue state .

They treat there own citizens with disdain ,this inc covering women from head to toe , marrying of young lasses at very a young age , not allowing women to drive, and treating foreign workers and domestic servants like slaves ,some domestic women are sexually assaulted as reported on a regular basis on our news outlets.


Most of their victims are Muslim or Arab themselves and if you go back to some of my early posts you will find that i have campaigned for justice for those people.

xenophobic I am not although my dislike of the ruling class in Saudi Arabia knows no bounds .


Please refrain from personal attacks and it would also help if you could reply to posts in black lettering just the same as all the others on these threads that way you will blend in without having an unfair advantage.


You appear to be going off topic. The thread is about car parking. At least the thread title claims that's what it is about.

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You appear to be going off topic. The thread is about car parking. At least the thread title claims that's what it is about.


No no, it's about samssong having another rant about the Arabs. Again.


How much have you donated to the Oxfam campaign, samssong ?

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I (snip)

Please refrain from personal attacks and it would also help if you could reply to posts in black lettering just the same as all the others on these threads that way you will blend in without having an unfair advantage.

Does posting in purple ink denote the same as green ink? ?

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Going slightly off topic. Nothing against the individual, but if your wealth is linked mainly to an asset that will one day run out (oil), would it not be wiser to spend your money in a way that would benifit your nation in the future?


Fine, splash the cash a bit... but sometimes I just think Why? Surely that's just squandering the wealth of your nation.


I think within most of our life times, oil is either going to run out, or an alternative fuel source will take over, and this missed opertunity to help secure a strong future for there respective nation will be lost.... make hay while the sun is shining.

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