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Charles Peace- Sheffield born murderer


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I nearly killed myself outside those cottages. I had a bike made from bits from the scrapyard but it had no brakes, i could slow down by putting my foot on the front wheel. One day I set off from Fox House and was going like the clappers until I got to Psalter Lane where I shot across the road and up that hill just missing a tram and an old lady.

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  • 2 weeks later...
just got some photographs in a bunch i got from mi dads of my great grandad percy archibald bolsover who was charlies grandson, ill scan em in eventually



That would be interesting Mel :cool:


I've just read this thread through and the Wiki entry and found it all rivetting :thumbsup:




Cheers, Biggsy :)

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You asked why Charles Peace was called 'Rubber Face'.


It was because he had the ability to disjoint his limbs and his jaw.


By doing this he looked totally different.


By dislocating his jaw he was unrecognisable, also he dislocated his leg joints to become a cripple.


The police have a set of photographs of hoi in his various altered states.


He also lived in many different houses, I believe at the last count he had at least 9 addresses in Sheffield where he lived.


My family lived in a house on Leopold St which was formerly on Orchard Lane where he lived.


Happy Days! PopT

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My mate at work said there was a program on Radio Sheffield about Charles Peace on monday, I missed it :(


I had a look on Iplayer on the local Radio part but couldn't find any thing about it :mad:



Biggsy :)

It was just a five minute piece on Rooney Robinson's show about the walks, the lady who is organising it told me she was going to be on.:)

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