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Do you feel more or less patriotic since the EU Referendum ?

Since the Referendum do you feel more or less patriotic ?  

105 members have voted

  1. 1. Since the Referendum do you feel more or less patriotic ?

    • More patriotic
    • Less patriotic
    • No difference

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I don`t accept that at all. I accept the fact that on the 23rd June 2016, after the most dishonest election campaign I can ever remember, a slight majority (it would only have taken 2% to vote the other way and it`d all have been totally different) voted to leave the EU. I do not accept the result would necessarily be the same 6 moths later, one year later, 5 years later etc etc. I find it nauseating that the pro Bexiteers are spouting all this anti democratic rubbish. Let`s just assume that the result had been the other way, are you saying the Leavers would have happily accepted the result, called for us all to unite (what does that mean anyway.....) and never bothered with trying to leave the EU ever again because it`d be "undemocratic" ? I think we all know the answer to that question.

The most significant point is that the Leave campaign repeatedly stated during the campaign, and, incredibly, are still doing so now with absolutely no evidence that it`s likely to happen, that the UK will maintain full access to the EU market without paying anything in or accepting free movement of people. If and when this proves to be false why would another referendum (when the facts are known, as opposed to fantasies or even downright lies) to confirm the result "undemocratic" ?


We`ve just come back from Crete, and I felt embarrassed to be British, us having, effectively, told Europe we don`t want to be in your club. A comment from an adjacent table at a restaurant was upsetting for us. The waiter, the owner actually, was talking to some English speakers, when he discovered they were actually Australian (rather than British) he said, "oh yes, you`re the ones who don`t have a problem with us !". And people wonder why I feel less patriotic.......


My reply would have been "Yeah we had that much of a problem with your country we decided to spend our Sumner holidays (And money) here.

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We`ve just come back from Crete, and I felt embarrassed to be British, us having, effectively, told Europe we don`t want to be in your club. A comment from an adjacent table at a restaurant was upsetting for us. The waiter, the owner actually, was talking to some English speakers, when he discovered they were actually Australian (rather than British) he said, "oh yes, you`re the ones who don`t have a problem with us !". And people wonder why I feel less patriotic.......

Did you overhear the waiter say anything about the Elgin marbles ?


I hope your embarrassment didn't spoil your holiday too much.

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We`ve just come back from Crete, and I felt embarrassed to be British, us having, effectively, told Europe we don`t want to be in your club. A comment from an adjacent table at a restaurant was upsetting for us. The waiter, the owner actually, was talking to some English speakers, when he discovered they were actually Australian (rather than British) he said, "oh yes, you`re the ones who don`t have a problem with us !". And people wonder why I feel less patriotic.......


If you don't want to be embarrassed...


... I find it's always best not to listen in on other people's conversations! :rolleyes:

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<...>Let`s just assume that the result had been the other way, are you saying the Leavers would have happily accepted the result, called for us all to unite (what does that mean anyway.....) and never bothered with trying to leave the EU ever again because it`d be "undemocratic" ? I think we all know the answer to that question.
We do: take comfort from the fact that the petition for a second referendum was started by Brexit campaigner William Oliver Healey before the referendum :D
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On the night of the referendum I thought we (leave) had lost and I did accept the result. You can check my posts.

Suggesting that we now remain despite the result is anti-democratic and you can't escape that.


I`m not saying we should do that, unless we have another Referendum or General Election won by a party (or parties) specifically committed to staying in the EU. Obviously under those circumstances a more recent vote would trump an earlier one (and, come to that, a less informed one as well). It appears to me that the Leave campaign are saying they don`t want another Referendum under any circumstances, no matter what we`re offered by the EU, even if it`s proved conclusively that the British Electorate were plainly lied to. That is undemocratic.


---------- Post added 07-10-2016 at 10:07 ----------



If you don't want to be embarrassed...


... I find it's always best not to listen in on other people's conversations! :rolleyes:


I think you`re rather missing the point......

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I`m not saying we should do that, unless we have another Referendum or General Election won by a party (or parties) specifically committed to staying in the EU. Obviously under those circumstances a more recent vote would trump an earlier one (and, come to that, a less informed one as well). It appears to me that the Leave campaign are saying they don`t want another Referendum under any circumstances, no matter what we`re offered by the EU, even if it`s proved conclusively that the British Electorate were plainly lied to. That is undemocratic.


---------- Post added 07-10-2016 at 10:07 ----------



I think you`re rather missing the point......



When does it end?

Do we keep having referenda until we vote as we're told to?

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When does it end?

Do we keep having referenda until we vote as we're told to?


well, if a movement or party decides they would prefer the westminster govt to be in the eu then I guess a referendum of sorts to rejoin could logically happen.

Just as one was created to leave the eu and the maastricht agreement by Tory rebels and rightwing racist businessmen in the form of ukip etc...

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I don`t accept that at all. I accept the fact that on the 23rd June 2016, after the most dishonest election campaign I can ever remember, a slight majority (it would only have taken 2% to vote the other way and it`d all have been totally different) voted to leave the EU. I do not accept the result would necessarily be the same 6 moths later, one year later, 5 years later etc etc. I find it nauseating that the pro Bexiteers are spouting all this anti democratic rubbish. Let`s just assume that the result had been the other way, are you saying the Leavers would have happily accepted the result, called for us all to unite (what does that mean anyway.....) and never bothered with trying to leave the EU ever again because it`d be "undemocratic" ? I think we all know the answer to that question.

The most significant point is that the Leave campaign repeatedly stated during the campaign, and, incredibly, are still doing so now with absolutely no evidence that it`s likely to happen, that the UK will maintain full access to the EU market without paying anything in or accepting free movement of people. If and when this proves to be false why would another referendum (when the facts are known, as opposed to fantasies or even downright lies) to confirm the result "undemocratic" ?


We`ve just come back from Crete, and I felt embarrassed to be British, us having, effectively, told Europe we don`t want to be in your club. A comment from an adjacent table at a restaurant was upsetting for us. The waiter, the owner actually, was talking to some English speakers, when he discovered they were actually Australian (rather than British) he said, "oh yes, you`re the ones who don`t have a problem with us !". And people wonder why I feel less patriotic.......


I have recently come back from a tour of Portugal, Spain and France and I didn't feel embarrassed at all.

I spoke to many people, even a Dutch family who we met up with at a second caravan site in France and guess what? No one even mentioned the referendum.

And let's face, was it not Angela Merkels treatment of Greece that screwed them over?

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When does it end?

Do we keep having referenda until we vote as we're told to?


Assuming we leave (Which I will still believe when I see it) The remoaners will have the chance to vote us back in in just over 3 years from now, I don't doubt the Liberals will make it the central plank of their manifesto at the next general election and try to get as many remainers to vote for them as possible, success would obviously require Labour to be in favour of the same in maybe another coalition.


Be fairly humiliating to go crawling to Brussels in 2020 begging to be allowed back in and accept reentry under what would be far harsher terms than we 'enjoy' now.


Safe to say had we voted remain no such chance to change our minds would have been permitted in any forseeable future.

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