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Bole Hill Park Crookes Rugby club?


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well............ I live in the flats overlooking the spot where the pitch is proposed!!


Instead of waking up to a beautiful view of green grass, I will be looking at a fence surrounding a rugby pitch.... I would've at least expected a letter through the door about it, as I am sure the levelling that will need addressing (unless they're planning on playing on a wonky pitch) will cause a lot of noise/disruption initially.

I've asked around and not one person from my flats have received any notice of this?? we overlook the area proposed! why would nobody consult us!!


I have a dog that I walk every day, and nobody's approached me about it.


I also notice that nobody here seems to understand the size of a rugby pitch, it may not take over the whole field.... but pitches are large!! I imagine it would be a considerable amount!


I am finding this whole situation rather distressing. I think Sheffield should be proud of the number of sports facilities available to us, and utilise these, rather than building new ones. I also understand that it would be good to make use of the old taxi office, but when people say its 'finally been put to use' well ever since the closure of Mercury it hasn't been advertised to let / sale once, and I imagine if it had somebody could have made use of it a long time ago, as it is the prime location for a cafe/park shop, and as a developer myself I'm sure there'd be interest in that!!


Im not complaining about the rugby, by all means put up some posts!! but please dont level and fence off the field, green spaces are so so important for the community.


I feel that the planners of this whole thing have let us all down a bit, they say the community have all bee supportive and approving, but they haven't seemed to ask the local residents of the park, the people who will have to dealwith the added noise, traffic, etc. Which is a shame because a nicer approach would probably have got a nicer response.



LETS CREATE A COMMUNITY CAFE INSTEAD! With beautiful views and dogs and children running free around the field!!!!!!



You are all for sport, but as long as it's not in your backyard? You do realise they are suggesting a pitch and a small fence. They are hardly building Twickenham on your doorstep.


As for your suggestion about dogs running free, they still can, but not on the proposed rugby pitch. As far as I can see, there will be more than enough room for both the rugby pitch and space to exercise dogs.

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The Bolehills have been neglected for some time, they have the potential to be a really good community facility for all of Crookes.


A sports club have taken over an empty building that was in danger of being derelict,as I understand it no fence is planned in the immediate future, this allows all concerned to work together for the future of this community asset.


Get the three local councillors and perhaps the Crookes Forum to work out a solution ,rather than pressing the panic button .

Edited by Doog
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I'll be honest I don't really see the demand for a rugby club here. Rugby is not massively popular in Sheffield compared to other sports and so I don't understand why the council would allow a rugby club to fence off a pitch so that nobody else could get full use of the site. I see youngsters play football matches on the site and also adults train. There is also the schools cross country running and the now very popular mini festivals that take place. There are a lot of questions to be answered and to be honest the public consultation has been non existent. I have no problems with a pitch and posts being setup but cannot and will not agree to any fencing. It has happened in other areas of Sheffield where clubs have gone back on their word and ended up locking supposed open to public fencing claiming damage etc. Yes the clubs may pay a fee to use it but we pay our council taxes too, I'd sooner see a couple of quid rise to pay for any maintenance work as if its anything like football the clubs pay the council peanuts.

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Bloody awful idea, as a dog walker I really dont want this to happen!

Your not telling me you will fence it ofd but keep the gate open for dog walks? Of course you wont!!!!! Its a great space now and is used sooooo much. Leave it as it is!


Many dog walkers in the area are in uproar!!

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as a dog walker in the area i dont find it an issue, as long as its a waist high fence unfortunaltley not every dog owner clears up their mess or controls their dog


someone mentioned rugby not being a big sport well untill there are places like this adapted to play rugby on then it never will be ( even though i cant stand the sport).


theres an awful ot of Nimbyism in this thread

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As a local resident, I am dead against the proposed Fence. The Bolehills top field is the only useable community space in the park.

The fence will in effect privatise almost half of the fImelda that is supposed to be a public space.

There has been very very little consultation with the local residents around the park. - Has this been deliberate by the local councellers-?

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As a local resident I am against these proposals


It is getting more and more difficult to park near my own house The rugby club will make this worse

I like living here because it is peaceful and quiet The rugby club will spoil this:suspect:

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As a local resident I am against these proposals


It is getting more and more difficult to park near my own house The rugby club will make this worse

I like living here because it is peaceful and quiet The rugby club will spoil this:suspect:




I do understand your concerns, what I can say is that for the 3-4 hours each week that we will be using the pitch we will do everything possible to cause as little impact onto your life. We are currently relaying a message to ALL players (most of which car pool anyway) That they are to be considerate when parking and to park away from the club/field. A memo will also go out to any visiting teams. In all we calculate that the impact will be an extra 10-14 cars. We want to be part of the community and any concerns WILL be listened to and if possible acted on.


Kindest regards,

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