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Cold calling 'Tree Surgeons'

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We've recently had a cold calling 'roofer' doing the rounds. Pointed out problems with a couple of ridge tiles which we know are fine as a roofer friend checked them not so long back.


Politely said we weren't interested but wouldn't take no for an answer, kept insisting we had a quote and then got a strop on when I insisted we weren't interested for the 5th time.


He wouldn't have looked out of place on the door of a club, quite an intimidating bloke and no doubt on the look out for the vulnerable or gullible. :mad:

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I have MIXED response to what I've just read.


Telling some one, any one, to **** *** is not adviseable at all. It would provoke most of us and certainly puts you at fault in responding that way. Also, an afternoon at NGH getting your nose straightened isn't worth it.


Recently, I had a white van pull up when gardening and I was offered various tools. The guy was focussed, persistent but polite .... he just wanted me to take a look, though I said I wasn't interested. As I liked the Irish accent I did have a gander.


I repeated I wasn't interested but more importantly I said I already had such tools. That is the best response.


Whoever calls simply tell them you are on it. 'Being done tomorrow' or ' do it all myself' or ' My son does that work.' Anything that simply shows you don't need to pay someone. No quotes when it gets done free!


Also, cut the conversation dead. If you listen to the radio they constantly cut people off mid sentence. Saying 'No Thanks' or 'Got to go' or ' You're the second bloke this week' and closing the door doesn't seem too difficult at all. And it works. I've never met anyone yet who will hold a conversation with a panel of UPVC. Sow the seed of doubt as well ...... someone else has been in this area.


Keep your calm and shut the door.


it works with the Jehovah's witnesses and few match their determination!

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We didn't actually answer the door. We were in front of our house & saw him heading up our neighbours drive. (he'd already asked us if we needed any trees cutting...quite obviously we don't have any trees & we said no, so that apparently gave him the 'hump' to begin with.)We asked him not to bother our neighbour but being ignorant he continued on his own agenda.

We have CCTV & have yet to look at but from the position that he was threatening my partner it will be on there.

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