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People who pretend to be sick for attention

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I have an ex boyfriend who used to do this every time he had a single drink inside him. He really did enjoy a good melodrama, it was like going out with a really camp drama queen guy but who had regressed to the age of 5. Getting rid of him was the best thing I ever did.

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I've only heard of this once before, and the girl in question was an absolute first rate loony and persistent liar - I don't think she ever told the truth and my mate just believed her and got sucked further and further into a relationship that nearly destroyed him, she even turned him agaist those who cared for him.


This muppet doesn't sound as bad, but I'd still confront her and show her up to be the eejit she's being. I feel sorry for your mate (the fella who's seeing the loony girl).

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Munchausen's syndrome!


If i'm correct i think Munchausen's is when the person actually makes themselves ill for attention, rather than just faking it.


And in reply to the original question, i lived with a girl for two years who did this. Also faked suicide attempts and drove off drunk when anyone annoyed her to make people worry. Pathetic really.

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QUOTE (To cut a long story short) Two of them are a couple and the girl could not cope with seeing her fella having a really good, normal time with all of us and decided to 'pass out'.


She then play-acted coming round and then acted all vulnerable and upset and had everybody fawn over her like a new born lamb. Then she demanded to be taken home by said boyfriend wo needless to say was no longer having a good time (mission accomplished). QUOTE


It's good old fashioned attention seeking.


I know a few people who (when bored and lonely) have a different illness everyday or talk as though everyone is picking on them.


They play the victim because they think the attention they get from their "illness" is the same as when someone loves you. It is similar to Munchausens.


It's something you expect from 2 year olds.


The trouble is it is so hard to confront someone.

a) Because everyone attention seeks sometimes

b) Because you don't want to seem heartless

c) Because it might just be a temporary thing


It is a nightmare though!

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Reminds me of my wife.......

everytime we have an argument, or something doesn't go her way, she ends up having an 'episode'.


To be fair, I just end up with the 'moodies'.





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I know someone like this - Things aren't going how they want so they have 'an episode' in an attempt to manipulate the situation to a point where they hold all the aces.


This person had a funny five minutes the other week and in a moment of truly inspired genius for which I'll have an undying admiration of the guy, my mate Dave looked up from his paper and said "For f***s sake, stop acting like a pathetic c***, stop fannying about and sort your life out!"


There was a moment of stunned silence before two things happened. A. The offended party stormed out blubbing like some kind of hormonally imbalanced nut & B. We were all overcome by hysterics.

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