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Anyone come from Grimesthorpe?


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At least you cook skippy - the extent of my dads culinary skills is baked beans on toast (and even then he needs help programming the microwave).

You truly are an aussie now - zuchini?? What happened to good old courgette?!!


I'm a real little Jamie Oliver these days astro, Dors & I changed rolls after I got medically retired, I couldn't make a cup of coffee before that, honestly.

Dors reckons that my new hobby is dust collecting, I don't like housework,

I clean the TV unit which she passes when she comes in, if she runs her fingers over it and there is no dust, she doesn't check anything else until the weekend, then my excuse is that we had strong winds yesterday.

She once had a big go at me because we had a big spider web in a corner, I said it wasn't there when I cleaned, she reckoned no spider could make that kind of web in a couple of hours.

A couple of weeks later, we went to a funeral, I parked the car with the windows down cos it was a hot day, we were at the grave for approx 15 mins, when Dors opened the car door to get in, there was a big web across it, my question to her was, how long does it take a spider to make a web, I've never been in trouble since.

What the heck is courgette ? sounds like the name of a foriegn car.

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Hi Skippy a courgette is the name of a small marrow, they are picked at about six inches long (no sniggers please, keep it clean) if they are aloud to grow then obvisous ly they become marrows. Daughter arrived back safe and sound, they are coming to tea in about an hours timeso we shall here all about it. Sorry forgot to wish you Happy New Year.

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What the heck is courgette ? sounds like the name of a foriegn car.
You'll be calling green peppers capsicum next... I managed to knock all those aussie terms out of mr astro a long time ago, although he sometimes reverts back to calling me a flamin mongrel/gala on the odd occasion.

How's the weather over there at the mo? Its awful here, very windy and rainy. Heard from my friend in Melbourne this morning, she said it's boiling over there... not fair!

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Hi all, Happy New Year to everyone.just been catching up,did Sybil used to go in Grimesthorpe club, and have dark hair?

Hi gemini2 I think Gary Clarke who was mentioned is our cousin Tommy's son.

Did anyone go to Francis Butlers youth club on Grimesthorpe Rd, he was a great bloke.

Some one said about the Grahams that used to live next to the church on Grimey' rd, I had a pint with Bernard the other week.

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Hi Skippy a courgette is the name of a small marrow, they are picked at about six inches long (no sniggers please, keep it clean) if they are aloud to grow then obvisous ly they become marrows.


Thanks for that info Gem, my fingers are itching to write something, but I had better behave.

Hope the youngun had a good time.

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You'll be calling green peppers capsicum next... I managed to knock all those aussie terms out of mr astro a long time ago, although he sometimes reverts back to calling me a flamin mongrel/galah on the odd occasion.


THEY ARE CAPSICUMS, they are not at all pepperie, peppers are small carrott shaped things that are very hot, they are here anyway.

you're as mad as a cut snake sprout gob, how come you Shiela's are never content to leave a bloke the way he is? jeez you always try and change them,

I think the Aussie slang is as unique as the Sheffield one.

It's been & still is 30 deg C here, BEAUTIFUL, I don't like the humidity, but rather this than cold weather, you had the chance to bask in the sun forever, the poor possum must love you very much to give up this wonderful life for you,& spend his time on the banks of the Don, instead of the beautiful Pacific Ocean.


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Hi Lola don't worry we'll send India Bravo, the rescue helicopter from Seaside Rescue to your aid. If you watch that programme, Lee-on -Solent is just down the road from us, like Owler Lane to Grimesthorpe, in fact my youngest lives there, across the road from the Deadelus, (where it is stationed).

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Hi Skippy, you are right (FOR ONCE A MAN IS RIGHT) I agree with you. The daughter and son-in-law really enjoyed themselves, a little disappointed with the weather, it rained, but they still come back looking sunburnt. He managed to do some fishing, which was the main attraction for him, he loves his fishing. She loves the sun. They went to the Zoo (the one owned by him that was killed by a sting ray) and couldn't get over the size of it. I've a feeling they could be visiting again.

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