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Anyone come from Grimesthorpe?


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Another thing Gemini, I think it was PAT Jones. I was bitterly disappionted at never being chosen to be May Queen.

Hi cat, no it was definately Pam, she lived in the bottom yard, next door but one to us, I remember getting bit by thier dog, on my birthday(my 5th I think). They do say that teaching wives to drive is one of the most stressful things (for the wives that is, we know we are right!!!!!)

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And in return I brought you into the 21st century... without me you'd still be struggling with using a calculator let alone the internet. I still have to come over and set your video/update your ipod and i've not lived at home for a year! Love you dad! :D


Hi astronaut, thank goodness for daughters and sons-in-law, our youngest does the same for me, when we get back from swimming Sunday mornings she usually has to spend an hour or so sorting out the computer, if shes not available then its the eldest daughter's husband who sorts it out. Althogh he comes round on a Tuesday to sort out the old fellas football, the old fella is usually the one to lose things! how he does it I don't know. we struggled for hours to find what he had lost, daughter did it in five minutes.

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Hi all,nice to hear from you pigeon and that all's well with the other part of the family,of course they got family discount?

Their is a secret to teaching people to drive its called intravenous valiummmmmmmmm,YES, sorry just another fix.

Phil-T, would you be Philip Turner.

Sharon lives just round the corner from me and fetches Bernard from the Crown every night, have'nt seen John Wright for years we used to hang around together

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Hello Dors and Skippy. Did you expect the thread to get this far when you started it? Well Done!!

Does the Forum Rules allow the thread starter to ban annoying relatives?


cat, Dors didn't expect any replies so it was a thrill for her to get a couple,she was over the moon when you had your first reunion & since then has talked about us coming over there, she had no desire to return before that.

I've learned a lot from you & yours, our daughter asked me what forum it was on, I told her she was born in Pitsmoor so she couldn't participate, Ha Ha,

I bet I know how the Aussie hurt is ankle, is that why you would rather give her a clip rown't eerole ?

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