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Made in Sheffield RIP

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Ironically a lot of the famous toolmaker names live on throughout the World, e.g. Stanley, Moore and Wright, Rabone Chesterman, Eclipse,, Footprint etc etc. Trouble is, that is not much consolation for Sheffielders


Yes Mr.T. although Stanley Tools and Rabone Chesterman were basically American companies, as you say 'not much consolation for Sheffielders', when they moved out. Stanley's did at least move to Hellaby near Rotherham unless they are being wrapped up while I'm typing this.


---------- Post added 02-04-2016 at 23:21 ----------


As someone who photos derelict places around North Derbyshire and Sheffield you can not help wounder what became of the people who worked their after the factory gate closed for the last time? All the skills blood sweat and tears to produce products to sell on the world market all gone , now days we need NVQs to stack shelf's in a supermarket our younger generation will never know the job security that their grandparents knew never have the spending power to enjoy life to the full. Instead we have derelict factories as reminders of our past hey day.


Yes Crookedspire, a lot of my contracting employment as a Shefffielder involved (thankfully) working at such north Derbyshire places as Trebor and Robinson's -both Chesterfield, Staveley Chemical and Coalite (Bolsover) none of them there anymore and neither is the company I worked for which was in Eckington.

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We have sat on our hands too long and let successive governments oversee the de-industrialisation of the west. Without the necessary knowledge and skills, how can we ever hope to produce a range of product that we could sell?


I keep hearing that we can still produce that 'special' product, eg special steels, that the world needs, as though other countries were incapable of doing so.


India produces 500,000 engineers per year, China produces 1 million.


The UK has 100,000 engineering vacancies per year. The UK produces 50,000.


Go figure.



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Sheffields main Industry is now producing University students as well as building the flats to house them.

When they return to their home Countries and put the engineering skills learned in our City to use will that skill be stamped made in Sheffield.

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We have sat on our hands too long and let successive governments oversee the de-industrialisation of the west. Without the necessary knowledge and skills, how can we ever hope to produce a range of product that we could sell?


I keep hearing that we can still produce that 'special' product, eg special steels, that the world needs, as though other countries were incapable of doing so.


India produces 500,000 engineers per year, China produces 1 million.


The UK has 100,000 engineering vacancies per year. The UK produces 50,000.


Go figure.



all well and good when those same companies don't want to train local people and then times that by the numerous other companies doing the same and you wonder why we don't have enough skilled people:roll:

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all well and good when those same companies don't want to train local people and then times that by the numerous other companies doing the same and you wonder why we don't have enough skilled people:roll:


Precisely my point.

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East Coast rail the only one of the rail companies making a profit and nationally owned. Sold to private investors we wait with baited breath. I suggest the usual will happen. If a nationalised company makes a profit the money is ploughed back in. If it loses money, or not in this case, it's sold to private investors usually at less than market value and immediately subsidised. If it makes a profit that is given to the shareholders as a dividend, if it makes a loss it's given a hand out by the government so as not to upset the shareholders.

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The bankers got bailed out no messing, where's the bailout for our steel workers it makes me bitter after the steel industry killed my dad the government has shafted the steel workers again, if you get dirty at work the politicians don't give a toss

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The bankers got bailed out no messing, where's the bailout for our steel workers it makes me bitter after the steel industry killed my dad the government has shafted the steel workers again, if you get dirty at work the politicians don't give a toss


Those attitudes go back a long time, Churchill called miners " the great unwashed". Then Thatcher decided to CLEAN them out, some years later.

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The rot started with the propaganda campaign in 1973 for a Common Market , which was promised to bolster our manufacturing economy. This EU was proposed by America as a way of controlling the countries in Europe and was forced through with our vote by Ted Heath, who incidentally was awarded Morning Cloud by the Americans for his 'Treason' to the state.

This of course over the years has grown into the EU , who have not produced accounts for its entire existence and who control where major Government contracts go, ie the Thameslink Train contract of 2012 which was given to Seimens ,Germany.

I cant see Germany or France giving away major contracts that are funded by their taxpayers.

So we need to exit the EU and try to regain some of our manufacturing industry.

However the way the country is porgressing I doubt whether we have the skills anymore from the younger generation.

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