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Made in Sheffield RIP

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its for the betterment of the country apparently we close down the mines/steel/gas/electricity etc and sell them off to other countries. then our employers take away our rights and give us jobs with no security/zhc etc. then we have to buy these products back from these companies at over inflated prices because competition has gone. companies who have built these products on subsidised money from their gov . companies who if their country suffers a cold spell can cut the gas supply off to this country to heat their own. yes makes you wonder where we went wrong :suspect:

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Like to hear your thoughts and experiences on the demise of manufacturing in this great city of ours whose products went round the world.


Ironically a lot of the famous toolmaker names live on throughout the World, e.g. Stanley, Moore and Wright, Rabone Chesterman, Eclipse,, Footprint etc etc. Trouble is, that is not much consolation for Sheffielders

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This thread is made for me.

The Government should invest in re Nationalisation of our Steel factories in readiness for a renewal of manufacturing in this country and subsidise this industry in the initial stages , instead of bailing out the fraudulent banking system .

Tata will be intent on Indian manufacture of steel for its cars of which Land Rover and Jaguar are prestige products. They already have a huge manufacturing plant in India for component production and am sure next step will be transferring production and assembly of these products to India.

We own hardly anything in this country , all Japanese car plants import all the components parts and we only assemble. They can switch production also to other low cost labour countries.

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German, Korean Indian, Japanese Cars, Chinese steel manufacturing and Power Stations, French Electricity, Belgian Carpets and Textiles, Bulgarian Dentists, No fish in our Seas, Pubs closing every day I don't have your intellect gmarshman but I am with you all the way.

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After WW2 , this country needed to export to survive, and as I and many other readers and contributors to this forum , were in an Education system designed to train our youth for careers in manufacturing , to enable this country to survive.All this was swept away by the Thatcher Government , with the bonanza of North Sea oil as her catalyst to rely on the financial markets to sustain us, and do away with our manufacturing and self produced energy ie coal.

Look where the financial sector got and now the end is nigh for North Sea oil and we have no manufacturing to speak of to sustain our requirements, the country living on borrowed money and debt. Shameful, for all of us who trained and were swept aside after the plug was pulled.

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As someone who photos derelict places around North Derbyshire and Sheffield you can not help wounder what became of the people who worked their after the factory gate closed for the last time? All the skills blood sweat and tears to produce products to sell on the world market all gone , now days we need NVQs to stack shelf's in a supermarket our younger generation will never know the job security that their grandparents knew never have the spending power to enjoy life to the full. Instead we have derelict factories as reminders of our past hey day.

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