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Top Gear's Cenotaph Doughnuts

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For me, its not the proximity to the cenotaph, rather its just more of the same old tired formula.


Didn't they also do a road trip to Blackpool (already done by Clarkson) in Reliant Robins (also done by Clarkson).


Allegedly, next year they are planning to mark the 45th anniversary of Bloody Sunday by doing a road trip through Derry in ex-army Land Rovers picked up for less than £500 at auction. They will each attach a statue of the Virgin Mary to the front of their vehicle and the winner will be the one that completes the various on-route challenges with the least amount of damage to Mary... it is going to be just so funny watching Mary get accidentally smashed to bits. And if one of the vehicles has the number plate H972 GB1 then it will just be a coincidence.


Yes, I think their brand of attention seeking, shock comedy is getting a little dull.

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Maybe it's just me, but I'm fairly sure the 'new' show with the 'new' hosts (whoever they are) will be a flop...


If this incident is anything like the standard they intend to use...I don't see it holding an audience...


Not keen on Chris Evans anyway...He's just full of himself and his rich mates, even on his breakfast show on R2, and Matt LeBlanc 'seems like' he's got about as much personality as a wet lettuce.

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I find it hard to believe this was not another sad attempt to generate publicity through controversy. I used to love the show but now it just seems to be about a bunch of rich brats playing with their toys and seeing who they can wind while up doing it.


And whilst I'm in a bah humbug mood... the bonnet scoop on that car was definitely illegal too!!

I think you are correct, it's hard to believe those who planned the stunt wouldn't foresee the publicity. Bad taste and disrespectful in my opinion.


A few weeks ago there was a London bus blown up on a bridge for a film which was also insensitive, as well as being scary for those unaware it was for a film.

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..........but what's the point of idiots burning rubber around a monument only to encourage even the more mentally challenged to emulate similar events in their own territories?


Finding to hard to be the one standing up for TG but they certainly weren't burning rubber going round the monuments, the press photographs have been massively foreshortened using a telephoto lens, and the whole wedding scene was staged with actors.


Still if it gets them publicity.

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I find it hard to believe this was not another sad attempt to generate publicity through controversy. I used to love the show but now it just seems to be about a bunch of rich brats playing with their toys and seeing who they can wind while up doing it.


And whilst I'm in a bah humbug mood... the bonnet scoop on that car was definitely illegal too!!


The bonnet scoop is not illegal but that car is not road legal either.It is rally driver Ken Blocks 845 bhp V8 Mustang which is used for motorsport only.I believe all the roads were closed to allow it to drive on the roads around parliament.They appear to have upset people already before the show has even started,and the old team were seen as controversial.Being a mad man for fast cars myself i am looking forward to the new show.I think people have to remember that they are trying to make a show to entertain us rather than all the usual miserable drivel that the bbc normally bombards us with.As long as it was not done next to the cenotaph,which it wasn,t then i do not see a problem with it.I hope they do not cut the entire stunt.Before anyone asks i always respect our war dead and always wear my poppy with pride and my great grandad also lost his life in the first world war.I think the country needs to lighten up a bit, britain is becoming such a miserable place to live and we need something to excite us and and also make us laugh occasionally,a lot of people seem to have forgotten how to do it nowadays.

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I would hope that, as a public road, the stupid idiot driving should be held to account and done for reckless driving. What a chuff. What an example to set.


I assume that the road was closed off; but that does not excuse anything. This is just about the BBC making money, I assume they paid the cost of closing the road, but what about the inconvenience to everyone.

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I would hope that, as a public road, the stupid idiot driving should be held to account and done for reckless driving. What a chuff. What an example to set.


Are you for real?:huh:It was a staged stunt in a controlled environment.I do wonder about this forum sometimes.

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=Bottletop;11330442]After reading about the Top Gear stunt in London over the weekend and complaints from 'Col Richard Kemp' about it, it seems Chris Evans has voiced the BBC decision that it won't be shown during the Top Gear show.


What a sad country this is coming to when we cave in to silly complaints so easily, the people complaining just need to man up and see it how it is - a bit of fun and enjoyment for a lot of people who enjoy the show. I'm pretty sure the fair majority of all the soldiers the Cenotaph stands for would also enjoy seeing the event happening than sitting round bemoaning the lack of respect they might be getting... but who are we to put words in their mouths either way?


We do them proud on many occasions already by having moments of silence, special days and remembrances - (of which my daughter attended and sang at with her school recently).

This doesn't mean it all has to be sadness and despair.


I'm missing Jezza already![/b]


I find the whole of your post disgusting and disrespectful. :shakes:

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