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Do you think 15mph speedlimits would help reduce accidents?


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Probably in areas such as Walkley or even Ecclesall road as you often see young people wandering into the road while they are on their mobile phones.


I know it may inconvenience some but surely it has to be better than seeing a sad faced pedestrian bouncing on your bonnet after you've accidently drove into that person.


To me it would make the roads safer for everyone

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Probably in areas such as Walkley or even Ecclesall road as you often see young people wandering into the road while they are on their mobile phones.


I know it may inconvenience some but surely it has to be better than seeing a sad faced pedestrian bouncing on your bonnet after you've accidently drove into that person.


To me it would make the roads safer for everyone


I don't think you go far enough!


I think we should be looking at a 5mph speed limit; and we should also force cars to be covered in safety features, such as super-soft rubber bumpers. That way, we make the world a much safer place for inebriated pedestrians and other carefree types who like to wander aimlessly in to the road (for example, in places such as West Street on a weekend evening).

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Most of the side roads in S5 have been made 20mph and IMO its made no difference, I see people doubling that speed all the time and personally think many of the roads 20mph is too slow. As someone who also uses ecclesall road regularly I just don't see at is something that would ever happen.

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I don't think you go far enough!


I think we should be looking at a 5mph speed limit; and we should also force cars to be covered in safety features, such as super-soft rubber bumpers. That way, we make the world a much safer place for inebriated pedestrians and other carefree types who like to wander aimlessly in to the road (for example, in places such as West Street on a weekend evening).


Just think about the employment opportunities for the man with the red flag preceding each car; brilliant, unemployment cured at a stroke. Modern apprenticeships in flagmaking too. I think you've come up with a perfect plan Waldo. :D

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