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New 20mph speed limits


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Do people not find that they are concentrating more on there speedo then watching the road. I know of a few accidents where this has been the case as the driver was in fear of being over the limit and so was paying to much attention to that then concentrating. I personally travel at what I believe is safe and can observe the road. If I was watch my speed all the time I can think of a few accidents I would have had

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Do people not find that they are concentrating more on there speedo then watching the road. I know of a few accidents where this has been the case as the driver was in fear of being over the limit and so was paying to much attention to that then concentrating. I personally travel at what I believe is safe and can observe the road. If I was watch my speed all the time I can think of a few accidents I would have had

Exactly, and I,m all for roads being safe but it seems as if all the attention/concern is for the people who shouldn't be on the road in the first place!. People, kid,s cyclists, horse riders all who dont pay road tax.

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Do people not find that they are concentrating more on there speedo then watching the road. I know of a few accidents where this has been the case as the driver was in fear of being over the limit and so was paying to much attention to that then concentrating. I personally travel at what I believe is safe and can observe the road. If I was watch my speed all the time I can think of a few accidents I would have had


Its easy. I aim to travel at the speed I think is safe for the conditions or at the speed limit - whichever is lower.


I certainly don't feel a need to keep checking my speed. I (usually) drop to 20 as I enter the limit, then carry on driving.

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Do people not find that they are concentrating more on there speedo then watching the road.


No, you get the hang of it - like all small changes to the way you drive, it's awkward at first but if you concentrate and persist with it then it'll become quite natural.


If your natural driving style keeps pushing the speed up, then a good way to resist that is to change down a gear.

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Obviously - so why not make it 10mph then as that would be even less likely and even less damage ?
Because making it 20mph is clearly an issue for some, so presumably they'd object even more to 10mph?




Or even ban the car altogether ? Zero car
Fine by me, actually, but, again, unlikely to meet with public approval.



Or maybe we teach the kids the green cross code (or whatever it's modern day equivalent is) ? Just a thought :)

We do. But, wherever you've got kids running around, you're going to get accidents/fatalities as, however much you train therm, kids are just way more spontaneous and less in control than adults.


1,713 children killed in 2013, and 21,657 children seriously injured in 2013


The figure of 1,713 killed, is actually the lowest yearly death toll of children since records began- while it's good to know the figures been going down, it's somewhat alarming that, on a good year, we've lost 1,713 children to cars.


It might be a good idea, for those drivers who have emotional difficulty with driving at sub 20mph, to bear in mind that, if a child does run in front of them, by driving sub 20mph, they could well be saving a life.

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Police guidelines say 2mph+10% of limit tolerance.

That gives you 0-24mph bracket that you can drive at in 20 mph zone.

That is maximum 120% of speed limit. If you can't judge that your speed is roughly within that limit maybe you should not be driving. It's not commie scotland where they put you behind bars for going 1mph over limit. I do agree that some 20 zones are rubbish, but strictly residential areas with narrow roads and parked cars should be.

Even without any signage that should be plain obvious.

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I came home from work today to find someone presumably Amey had painted large 20mph signs on our road.


I noticed a fresh 20 zone symbol painted on the road of my block today for the first time.


There needs to be proper signs as well. Painted on speed limits on there own are not enforceable.

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