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Will things ever change??

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Bus company is a private company, they are not legally oblidged to take your business. After they refused this mans business, he should have left the bus, instead, he was just holding up the other passengers.

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understand the young man was trying to make a point and feels hard done to. thats one point.


As waldo said tho, it is a private company with their own policies. By not leaving the bus and remonstrating he was causing a breach of the peace (or possibly some other offense).

right or wrong, when the police get involved there is only one winner.


much better to get off the bus and take it up with the company.

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Bus company is a private company, they are not legally oblidged to take your business. After they refused this mans business, he should have left the bus, instead, he was just holding up the other passengers.


Yes I agree.


But, shouldn't Public Service Vehicle be just that and their State granted license should say that.


It is ridiculous to expect a Public Service to make a profit.


They are there to grease the wheels of the state and industry so that the profit makers can operate in an advantageous environment.

The N.H.S. keep the workers fit

The School system provide literate and numerate workers.

The Police keep order and allow peaceable citizens to go about their work unhindered.


I remember when Sheffield had the most efficient bus service in the country. Then it was deregulated and we were on the rocky road to no service on a Sunday and no service out of profitable hours.


Except in London? Why was that?

A=Because everyone new it would cause chaos. The provinces had to like it or lump it in the name of capitalism.

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