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Protest against Austerity Sheffield 8th July

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That doesn't matter, this is SF. If you don't claim benefits you are considered to be rich, uncaring, a Daily Mail reader and end up on Mecky's ignore list, and if you work in a bank then you must be held personally responsible for the global economy crash of 2008.


I was right, you don't understand "banking" and "banker" don't, in the context, refer to the OAP cashing her pension with the nice lady behind the counter at the bank the pensioner still calls the Midland

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I was right, you don't understand "banking" and "banker" don't, in the context, refer to the OAP cashing her pension with the nice lady behind the counter at the bank the pensioner still calls the Midland


It's the level we get to on this forum. I fully understand what a 'banker' is compared to the teller staff in banks (I know some), the I.T staff (I know more of those, including family) but it often seems that those who start frothing about bankers just want to tar everyone with the same brush.


As soon as a thread like this pops up, it gets boring very quickly. The lines about bankers, benefits, working class, 'Tory boys' all come out the woodwork and it all turns into a circular argument.

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As I said in another thread austrity is the biggest con foisted on the gullible British public since the so called "green" taxes scam of a few years ago, this country is awash with money its just that the people at the top want to keep more of it for themselves, this thread just proves that not only are people swallowing this rubbish wholesale they are defending it too.


Its a pity these protests dont actually attract more people and the whole lie could be reversed.

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As I said in another thread austrity is the biggest con foisted on the gullible British public since the so called "green" taxes scam of a few years ago, this country is awash with money its just that the people at the top want to keep more of it for themselves, this thread just proves that not only are people swallowing this rubbish wholesale they are defending it too.


Its a pity these protests dont actually attract more people and the whole lie could be reversed.


So running a permanent and ever growing budget deficit is a sensible way to govern?


And encouraging people to stay at home and live off the taxes of others going out to work makes for a healthy society?


And what is "austerity" anyway? I would hardly call 2003 particularly austere, yet that's what kind of levels benefits are being rolled back to. For real austerity, see Greece.


---------- Post added 01-07-2015 at 22:50 ----------


Get over what? The post was their to inform people what will be happening if there interested thats all


Get over the election results and the manifesto that got voted in being put into practice. No amount of shouting and waving placards is going to change anything. People got what they voted for. It's called democracy.


Thanks for the heads up though, I always like to avoid the great unwashed, socialist, protest brigade, however small the crowd.

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Don't be silly.


The war memorials were damaged by anarchist groups in previous demonstrations to either cause trouble or simply get attention for themselves.


Anti-austerity demonstrators come from all sections of British society, though not Tory voters.


---------- Post added 01-07-2015 at 19:17 ----------



If you don't live far then maybe you could walk?


sorry cant walk , ive got no boots

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So your saying there is not one banker born in Sheffield get a grip idiot.


They are all from Middle Class backgrounds.


---------- Post added 01-07-2015 at 23:37 ----------


sorry cant walk , ive got no boots


Aww - that's bad.


You could come in bare foot? We wont say anything.

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Of course they are. Every single one of them. All privately educated from well to do families, all from privileged white backgrounds too. Like Sajid Javid.


Very few working class people 'make it' to the top because they aren't in 'the club' like their middle class counterparts. Middle class kids have parents that know other parents that work in professions like Law and Accounting and so they can arrange placements. They can also afford to provide their children with funds to live on - working class parents do not have these luxuries.

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Very few working class people 'make it' to the top because they aren't in 'the club' like their middle class counterparts. Middle class kids have parents that know other parents that work in professions like Law and Accounting and so they can arrange placements. They can also afford to provide their children with funds to live on - working class parents do not have these luxuries.


Oh gosh, it's all a conspiracy right? I find your views incredibly blinkered, classist and only serve to lower your own self esteem in the face of your own failures. Do you work in local government perchance? It would explain your total lack of exposure to the professionally successful.

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