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  1. still got two large pumpkins if anyone wants them for a Halloween display
  2. good evening I've got on my allotment two very large pumpkins which I would like to donate to any charity or function that is having a Halloween party. if anyone is interested pm me on here and leave a contact no i'll be in touch many thanks chris ---------- Post added 28-09-2017 at 07:52 ---------- Still got them any takers
  3. why is it racist when its true ? ---------- Post added 19-09-2017 at 19:29 ---------- who were the people ive seen putting up to ten lines out pegging them to the bank and talking with eastern European accents. and yes they were reported to the authorities and taken to court. I'm not rascist in any way shape or form just telling the facts if you don't like it tough.
  4. blame the eastern Europeans for emptying it for the plate
  5. how big is it.ive got one growing and I can't lift it anymore
  6. The butchers shop on heeley green . they also do ace parkin
  7. and not getting any change from meters ---------- Post added 05-08-2016 at 21:04 ---------- but the private machines in multi-storey carparks give change .so why not fit them ?
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