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Sheffield Law Firms tasteless Alton Towers Tweet

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I've never heard of the firm. Really Sheffield and other solicitors should join Alton Towers in complaining about it!


Doubt that will happen much. There are plenty of other solicitors who will have done their own blogs/news feeds/press releases and marketing campaigns following the incident.


Poor taste it might be. Bad timing yes. But the way this one single firm has been targeted is very unfortunate.


As others have said, plenty of other businesses use "tragic events" to sell there wares all the time.


As for the media who are stirring this "outrage" I think plenty of them ought to take a look in the mirror. Screaming outrage about a firm seeking financial gain out of a tragedy. What the hell do these bile peddlers splash all over their front pages for profit each day.

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Guest sibon
Doubt that will happen much. There are plenty of other solicitors who will have done their own blogs/news feeds/press releases and marketing campaigns following the incident.


Poor taste it might be. Bad timing yes. But the way this one single firm has been targeted is very unfortunate.


As others have said, plenty of other businesses use "tragic events" to sell there wares all the time.


As for the media who are stirring this "outrage" I think plenty of them ought to take a look in the mirror. Screaming outrage about a firm seeking financial gain out of a tragedy. What the hell do these bile peddlers splash all over their front pages for profit each day.



Sorry Ecco. It was a vile bit of work. Whoever did it should be sacked. The firm should also make some reparations.


You seem keen to defend them. Care to share your reason:suspect:

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Sorry Ecco. It was a vile bit of work. Whoever did it should be sacked. The firm should also make some reparations.


You seem keen to defend them. Care to share your reason:suspect:


I am not "defending them". I have said that this firm being SINGLED OUT is very unfortunate. Many other firms in the industry have also used this accident as a way of marketing their services. There has been hundreds of blog postings / press snippets / tweets and other indirect marketing things done today from various companies and firms. All doing exactly the same. However, none of them have received the barrage of criticism that this ONE particular firm got.


That to me seems very unfair.


It is also, in my opinion, very hypocritical to see media outlets and other industries (including instance companies) throwing knives when they too are in the business of making a profit out of other people's misfortune.


What I am saying is that if ONE is being branded "scum" "vile" "disgrace" with people screaming for their heads. ALL the culprits who did exactly the same thing should face the same criticism, some would say abuse.


I work in law myself (although not Personal Injury) and I take great offence to see morons on social networks/newspaper comment pages branding my entire industry and people in it as money grabbing heartless "scum".

Edited by ECCOnoob
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There are many firms that have targeted advertising on the back of this and is not right for one firm to be targeted. If you look at there site a full apology has been given. Has none of you lot done a mistake? It is also possible that the accident was caused by human error. Unfortunately mistakes happen ever day, fortunately most of these don't cause damage

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