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Sheffield star electoral bias

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Quick scan of yesterday's Star showed mp results but where were the results for local candidates on a ward by ward basis , couldn't find anything.

Very poor reporting !


Also could someone from the Star please justify a half page spread on election day by "columnist" Paul Bloomfield, which would cost anyone else at least £3k, but given to Paul for free

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Also could someone from the Star please justify a half page spread on election day by "columnist" Paul Bloomfield, which would cost anyone else at least £3k, but given to Paul for free


If the Star support Labour they are perfectly in their rights to do so, there's no requirement for balance in print media.

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If the Star support Labour they are perfectly in their rights to do so, there's no requirement for balance in print media.


Yep, absolutely.


As it happens though, they won't have a chance of major influence, because the new and latest left-stance is that Murdoch caused Tory to win. :roll:

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So Sheffield Star have a definite Labour bias and because they are printed media this is acceptable?

I for one will be boycotting the Star, don't think I will be missing much?


Johnston Press really ought to try and introduce more neutral reporting, because at the moment I have absolutely no respect or trust in local media reporting.

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So Sheffield Star have a definite Labour bias and because they are printed media this is acceptable?

I for one will be boycotting the Star, don't think I will be missing much?


Johnston Press really ought to try and introduce more neutral reporting, because at the moment I have absolutely no respect or trust in local media reporting.


You should read a copy of the Sun which is obviously a printed national paper. Bias is fairly prevalent there so to find it in a local rag that not many people read seems trivial in my opinion.

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Quick scan of yesterday's Star showed mp results but where were the results for local candidates on a ward by ward basis , couldn't find anything.

Very poor reporting !


Also could someone from the Star please justify a half page spread on election day by "columnist" Paul Bloomfield, which would cost anyone else at least £3k, but given to Paul for free


Oh Paul Bloomfield I do feel for him. He often gets mixed up with Paul Blomfield MP for Central.

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Quick scan of yesterday's Star showed mp results but where were the results for local candidates on a ward by ward basis , couldn't find anything.

Very poor reporting !

Also could someone from the Star please justify a half page spread on election day by "columnist" Paul Bloomfield, which would cost anyone else at least £3k, but given to Paul for free


Don't the votes for the local elections get counted the next day?

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